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  1. The post complaining about the mission improvements was removed so I will deal with the false claims made in it.

    Outcast Timed Auction Mission. The objects are not destructable. They are glowies. Also the prior mission does carry a word of warning so only idiots couldn't realize the hunt mission leads to a timed mission.

    The coop missions in the hollows missions? That was a bug.

    Most bugs with the destructible objects were resolved. And if you fail war wall defender you are a stinky player because you should be able to see the patrols coming for the object.
  2. Tough Hide doesn't suck. Trust me when you get defense debuffs piled on you Tough Hide helps to counteract the defense debuffs.

    Self-rez? The fire armor for tanks and fire epic for blaster self rez knocks and stuns the mobs and makes the person inv for ten seconds. This would allow the fire tank or fire blaster to get back in the fight.

    Just set the fire armor rez to auto. The damage it causes and stun would keep agro on the fire armor tank so the team doesn't get slaughtered.

    The regen revive? A regen that teams a lot could find use for it.

    As long as the self rez has a major aoe stun or makes you inv long enough to get away or put on your defenses or resists then they are quite usefull.

    PFF? Nice for travel and a panic button.

    Force Bolt? Usefull for moving mobs into debuffs or keep away.

    Repulsion Field? Excellent for keeping mobs away and if you shove them into a corner the mob cannot attack.

    Repulsion Bomb? Certain controllers find it usefull to throw on their pets such as Phantom Army.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    For others, having something that simple to belive in, something that black and white, can be very soothing. They know what is right and what is wrong and they know evil when they see it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually they don't know it when they see it. The people that claim moral absoletness often support the most evil things when it is in their interest to or when they claim their holy book claims something is evil. Slavery was defended by Biblical Literalists who called anti-slavery folks atheists.

    Nowadays all Bible claim slavery is evil. However there are Biblical Literaist groups in this country who want Slavery back in place, women to have all voting rights rejected. Also women wouldn't be able to own property but be considered the property of their husbands and family members. Also stoning of children is on their agenda. And I am not talking about hippy stoning but Biblical stoning.

    These Biblical Literaists groups are the ones funding the Intelligent Design movement and the take over certain churche denominations.

    Many things the religious conservatives claim to hate where in fact celebrated by them as being Biblicaly acceptable. Induced Abortion, [censored] Marriage. Heck Communism resembles the early Christian churches far more then the Fundamentlists ever would. Heck Communism was spread by Christians. The conflict with the churches in Communist countries was due far more to the churches trying to incite revolt or gather polictical power. Heck under Communism you have democratic elections and most liberals abandoned Communism when these elections didn't occur.

    Communists in fact resembled American Conservatives to the point that Induced Abortion was outlawed, gays were sent to gulags and often died there, the teaching of evolution was outlawed, pornography got you heavy prison sentances.

    People who claim to only see the world in black and white often are blind to evil and blind to good. People aren't cartoon characters. Someone who steals food from a marketplace to feed their family who cannot afford it isn't evil. Someone who steals from people
    s buy crack cocaine is evil.
  4. Well let's just say that religious yahoos who get upset about demons and undead in video games didn't have the firmest grasp of reality before they started getting upset.

    Pills tend to make the voice of god go away for a lot of these people. Unforently most don't get the pills.
  5. The problem is the story is very small. A few days of hardcore playing sessions and you have seen all the story.

    The coop missions have no clues, no real story. You just go through them in a snap. Also if you want the best armors or threads you have to craft them.

    Also if you get stuck in terrain you gotta log out. And lord help you if you get people that don't know how to pull groups from areas where there are five or six groups that can agro on you or concentrate fire on spell mobs that use area heals on other spell mobs that use area heals.

    Also the henchmen in some cases are very bad. They aren't as powerfull as the mobs they face. Certain quests it is better to get real people.
  6. The natural heroes would still be retreating in such a situation.

    The morale factor after all. Having most of the hero force being unable to fight would make the natural heroes severly outnumbered and how would you react to most of the heroes being rendered weak and powerless?
  7. A post by Statesman many moons ago indicated the concept of Archnemesis or personalized enemies was coming. It will take a while to implent.

    As I said in a previous post cryptic is a small company. They produce quality when they don't try to do too many things in an update.

    The only thing people should do when they get bored is to take a three month break to play another game. Even stand alone console games get boring if you played it for two months.

    It doesn't matter how good the game is it is a fact of life it will become monotomous (spelling incorrect). This is why people take vacations from work or do things without their kids.

    You can have the best job in the world that people would kill for but you would want to take a break from it after a couple of months.
  8. Then you are just bugged. I have had no problems getting the new story arcs from Shadowstar or Sunstorm.

    Do this on live. Get your Khelidan to level five and copy him over.
  9. What did they do to the geology students mission?

    Cryptic is a small company. Even doubling their staff size they are still a hundred times smaller in programmers then say the staff Ultima Online has or Everquest.
  10. If they are in a mission waiting for someone to arrive the person outside selling isn't getting xp anyway.

    And in missions xp range doesn't occur. Also most people wait for a buffer or debuffer to rest because they have sense. People that run off while someone is recovering end often cause team wipes.

    Your scenario already happens when someone takes too long getting somewhere past level 20 because they should have a damn travel power.
  11. Wrong. I have numerous times confirmed distance at 100 yds I couldn't see a contact or a mob in visual range.

    I can tab then move further such as 600 ft and still keep the tab on the mob but it wouldn't register on the combat log till i had moved much closer and this is on live.
  12. Oh one odd thing when using a contact on an even surface to judge distance 66 yds was way further then when you have the tram targeted. same thing occured with mission doors.Kinda odd.
  13. Ah Dwimble why are you using the tram rather then a hospital or tram way point?

    You can barely tab target something 300 feet away. Only way you can snipe something is to put in a bunch of hami range and boost range it. Already on live this often doesn't register in the combat log. And even then when you snipe something in FF from the entrance to the nearest 5th near the square if they run away from a snipe such as moonbeam you don't get credit for the defeat since they run out of visual range.

    Most games already have a visual range reward system to everyone in a team. If you are in a team and out of visual range of the person doing the defeating you don't get credit.

    In beta it was suggested that this be put in place.
  14. Since the behomth portals were exploited they got their xp adjusted.

    He is refering to the exploit days of the portals not as they are now.
  15. AVs were always meant to be group content.

    As for AVs in timed missions several timed missions with AVs existed when they added the post 40 content.

    You should have a team ready before you accept an AV missions and the post 40 AV contacts warn you need a team anyway.

    Don't want to do the group content skip it.
  16. Ah certain freakshow and crey missions in the 30-40 range have new maps.

    You would know this if you did the content.

    And maps are apperance not the content. Funny how many people when asking for content don't claim maps to be content.

    Flashback has not been said to give xp or influence or anything for that matter. So if people do powerlevel and flashback they won't gain anything. Maybe debt removal will be only thing you get.
  17. Sorry I have seen regen scrappers survive AVs that INV and Dark Armor gets wiped out on.

    Never have I seen a regen die on AV and I have seen dozens of AVs fall to regen.

    Sorry it is not a huge exaggeration. The devs examine the chat logs of the zones when they need to and what occurs in a mission.

    Guess what hundreds of resets on a character's mission obviosuly is not natural gaming and would gather attention due to the resource allocation.

    Much like the afk idiots the devs do have access to far more data then you would like to admit or dream about.
  18. You mean flashback? Nothing on what the flashback system really allows you to do has been mentioned or what you would expierence.

    Stories are content according to the game developers. They have a story Bible that is 500 pages long. Obviously the info on mobs, clues, spoken text by mobs, civilans is all part of the backstory of the game.

    Sorry at 30 a boss doesn't give 3k xp solo even con.

    It's three times a boss. And all the portals give two to three bars of xp in one hour whearas the old farming took hours to just get one bar.

    I farmed portals because I ran out of missions with four levels before new ones and a tf only gave one bar at the most. This was preissue 2 btw.
  19. If your scrapper gets Koed in one hit then you are playing a gimp scrapper.

    Selling characters or influence or selling levels is something that should get an account banned and the person blacklisted from any game company.

    Sadly this is slowly coming true instead of the speed it should have been.

    Risk vs. reward is a crap excuse.

    AVs fall so easily to any build in a team unless someone is a screwup. And sadly powerleveling is the reason one finds a lot of screwups in the post 35+

    If people didn't powerlevel you would find most of the dolts would have quit the game. Most dolts who don't find someone to powerlevel them do quit.

    I have played through the 40s as does 99% of the anti-powerleveling crowd. We know the reason why teaming is hard to do is because every frigging request to team is to do wolf missions. Every tank with self respect hated powerlevelers. Everyone who wants to do a shadow shard tf finds the amount of effort to get one going is a lot easier with the wolf timer in place.
  20. Coding for one. Changing code on missions people have is something that always takes more man hours. Even if the fix is beloved like a patch that shows the mission on the map properly the devs won't do it.
  21. It's not the maps that are the content. It's the stories represented by the mission info and clues.

    Also the portal rooms give major xp for the portals when defeated.

    Like three or four bosses worth each portal and they are easy to destroy.
  22. Race through the wolf missions?

    What are you playing on a connection that is slideshow?

    Wolf missions were done so fast they should be the ten minute missions.

    Even without herding they were over and done with so fast they were a joke.

    Wolves were a mistake to put in game.

    Replace the thugs in the tutorial with wolves and outbreak would be a hundred times easier.
  23. Leveling in the game is incredibly fast compared to what it was on release. And AV missions if at most people die twice in over twenty AVs.

    If you die more then twice in facing over a dozen AVs you are doing something wrong.

    Grouping actually gets more xp then solo since the group bonus was increased and you get ten times as many mobs.

    Complaints that takes forver to get through a wolf mission are ridicoulous. Even on the defeat alls it only takes 20 mins at most since wolves are patheticaly easy to defeat.

    The only AVs that are troublesome are Numina's alt and Dominatrix.

    [ QUOTE ]
    The reason people are pl'ing is because the investment in running missions in terms of advancement is laughable.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Funny that it only takes at most fourty hours to get from level 40-50 running missions and tfs.

    If anything the time it takes to get from level one to fifty has been reduced to under four hundred hours with mission and group xp as it is now.

    Getting into teams who wanted to do the content at 40+ took fraking forever due to wolf teams.

    If anything powerleveling reduces leveling speed.
  24. You have old story arcs you didn't finish which are preventing you from getting new ones.

    Also you have had to have died a ton.
  25. Nozy's replies were complete and utter crap.

    A true gamer is one interested in playing a game as it is meant to be played. They aren't interested in levels, xp or tables. They want to play the game to have fun and play the game as it is meant to be played.

    People who care about levels are the ones that suck at the game so much they have to cheat to advance.

    If you like to level play the game instead of others get xp for you.

    If you like to herd go to Perez or Faultline when you are level 30. No one will care if you herd thousands of gray mobs.