1204 -
No my point was as I stated: Ignorance is not a valid excuse.
If you are not aware of a culture of a country...then maybe you shouldn't be trying to use their culture against them. Relying on the internet for an in depth view of any culture is a bit ignorant.
My point was: If Titan does not STOP something that is inflammatory on THEIR boards; which they have the tools to do, then they are responsible for the image created by those actions. There's a reason boards are moderated...because what is or is not allowed there is a reflection of ...that community.
Let's put it this way: As a Korean I was offended enough to leave Titan...that should tell them something; even if the only message that sends NOW is to maybe moderate their boards a little more. I am done discussing the kibun; people who view it as wrong view it as wrong...those who don't ...never will understand the cultural significance no matter how many posts. Apparently it makes no significance that a Korean has stated it is a disgusting thing to do....because it's a cool idea according to the interwebs
Quote:Its just getting to the point where, like I was explaining to BP, most of this stemmed from the "hope" debate, and the attempts being made at this point to debunk even the idea of a SaveCoH campaign (regardless of how its being run) make anything that Titan has said about NCsoft look conservative.
It started out with "Hope is a disease that must be snuffed...", and is now working its way to, "...because the Titan Network hates Koreans."
I can sympathize with what Toast was feeling, but something seemed strange at the point Toast said they were insulting the culture because they're haters. I replied that if they misunderstood Kibun, that doesn't mean it's driven by hate. And somehow that resulted in, "And that means it's OK?" That's a very black & white response, as if, Titan either HAS to be racist, or there was no wrong-doing. -
Thanks.... I've since added to my ignore list
I have no problem discussing/debating on a forum, but
comments are about as useful as they were before 8/31.
When you are beaten, ridiculed, and called twinyoo because of where you were born...comments and humor aimed at degrading your ethnicity/culture are pretty intolerable.
Quote:I'm probably not conveying it in an understandable manner but I get what he meant by his offense to the whole kibun campaign and honestly I was a little offended too.
Its the assumption of a culture. I'm from a Hawaiian/Pacific Islander/Asian background (for simplicity's sake I just go with Hawaiian"). Someone might assume "Oh surfing and hula are a big thing for you huh?" when in fact, I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to do either.
Kind of how it is assumed that honor was going to be a big deal for NCSoft because they are an east Asian company. It probably means very little to them in the grand scale of things.
For the record, since everyone thinks people are taking sides just because they agree with something:
I am supportive of some of the Save CoH efforts, I have no love for NCSoft and I don't agree with some of the things Toast has had to say on the whole Save CoH effort but that doesn't mean everything he says is an attack on them or their efforts. There is no reason to lay into the guy and try to irritate him just because he has an opinion you don't agree with.
(I realize my post is a couple pages late) -
You are the first person I have ever ignored on these forums. I may be a lot of things but racist is not one of them. You do not know what I have gone through as a Korean in the US nor my experience with racial hatred towards me and my family. You have no idea what kibun is or how important it is to Koreans. Whatever you have read (or likely not read) on the internet does not even remotely portray the scope of it in the Korean culture.
STOP! I DARE you to show me where I called ANY German a Nazi. I stated a kibun is like sending a Yellow Star of David with the word murderer on it to a German. IN NO WAY does that equate me thinking or calling them a Nazi!
What it does mean is it is a grossly degrading thing to do based off their past/culture.
I'm not sure if you are being purposefully ignorant or are just stupid and can't comprehend what I wrote.
The intent; even if humorous to you...IS degrading to people of Korean ethnicity. I'm sure some people think black jokes are funny too....or slanted eye jokes....or polish jokes...still makes them unacceptable to society as a whole.
Quote:There's a difference between being hateful and being ignorant.
If someone gets hit by a car, it doesn't mean the driver hates them. It might, if the driver was looking right at the guy and put the pedal to the floor. But most likely it's because the driver wasn't paying attention.
Oh of course! Why didn't I think of that? Because all the Koreans at NCsoft, being afraid of electrical shorts from fans that are left on overnight, would scream, flail their arms in the air, and run out of the building, unable to return until the bomb squad came to remove the Hellish abomination.
We'll just pretend that actually would have worked, even though a fan delivered by mail would obviously have no power going to it, and everyone present was awake.
Or is this a robo-fan, that would plug itself in and then self-detonate when nobody was looking?
I really need to check on what Titan Cybernetics has been working on lately. Perhaps Mega-Fan is finished. Wait till you see it. It's going to make typhoons look like a baby blowing out birthday candles. -
FYI that Korean you defended ... was me and I sent you a PM thanking you.
I have never said everyone who posts AT Titan is racist. What I have said is that TITAN is. When an entity allows such things to exist and get out of hand...that ENTITY is responsible. If you do not want your organization to be seen a certain way then you need to make sure you aren't seen that way by policing. If Titan does not want to be seen as advocating something like the kibun; they do have moderation tools as well as a voice to stop it. Titan has key figures: TonyV, Mercedes Lackey, and Rae for example. Mercedes Lackey is the one who sent the largest kibun letter. Like I said...I don't hate her, but I think what she did was morally reprehensible. Do I think that because I understand kibun...yes. Then again as a Korean American I would never feel comfortable initiating something similar to a kibun from a culture I had no first hand experience with (Africa for example); regardless of what others told me or I found on the internet.
Quote:I'm just simply going to say this once for anyone looking on who may not be sure, so that they can, at least, make a decision based on who they'll trust a bit more (or, go ahead and search the Titan forums as well)...
I Burnt The Toast's claims are just simply not true, folks.
I'm not even a big part of the Titan Forums or anything. Most of them may not even know me by name or anything.
I did, however, follow many threads and read over there and there wasn't a single element of endorsed anti-Korean racism/culture-attack.
There were some people offering insights and some doing research on the Korean culture and discussions about miscommunications on both sides due to some possible differences and discussions on how better diplomacy could possibly be reached by understanding and using the kibun aspect of Korean culture.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
I have a longtime friend who works as a diplomatic liaison and this is exactly how they respectfully go about dealing with people from all over the world. It's not an attack to attempt to understand and use the culture of the person across from you in negotiations and/or discussions.
No surprise, but, it is my opinion that IBTT is just firing off overly-charged personal negativity at the people of Titan Network.
I saw one instance of inappropriate comments one time (and this was before any kibun stuff had ever come up). I reported the person's post, I sent a polite message to a Korean poster that chimed in and the bad post (and subsequent replies) were deleted by the moderators very quickly.
You all know how TonyV and the Titan Network people roll. Anyone reasonable knows that any such hateful actions are not tolerated (unless you're a catgirl... then you deserve it).
So now you are saying they are just ignorant so it's ok?
Quote:So if someone thought they using a translation dictionary, thought they were saying, "I don't like what you did", but what they were really saying was, "I will level your country with my nuclear arsenal."
The most you can blame the person for is misreading the dictionary, not using a better source, or... not being a Korean (if Kibun is one of those "you had to be there" type of things). But his/her actions cannot be blamed on hatred. -
All of these come to your from Titan.
Quote:Sent to NCSoft:I think he's trying to cash himself out as gracefully as he can while still retaining that needlessly melodramatic 'kibun' culture mask apparently so important in Korean business.
Quote:And we will do our utmost to spread the word to every gaming site, every gaming magazine. Every facebook page. Every blog. Every news site. We will spread the word of your DISHONOR and DISRESPECT to your customers. Your lack of Face.
You have destroyed the "kibun" of a community the size of a middle-sized city. You think you can survive that as a company?
Quote:It involved trying to get the managment of NC soft to understand us, even if we had to deeply shame them into doing so. Quote:
Red enough?
Quote:You are destroying my harmony. I will never get it back, for I am old and the old do not recover quickly. After November 30, I will live until I die in sorrow and loneliness. You are the CEO of this company. This is your fault. You are destroying my village. You have closed your eyes to this destruction. I lay this at your feet. Quote:According to my extensive research on the ancient and noble Korean culture, they're terrified of electric fans. We should send them the scary Western-style fans without timers and threaten to keep sending them until they give CoH back.
Yeah - you're right... no hatred or culturally degrading stuff there... -
So? You think had the announcement been made Friday September 7, 2012 the Devs would not have still been upset on Monday September 10th? I mean seriously.. that is your argument...that it was a racist thing to do a on a 3 day holiday weekend?
I am a Korean American; see there.. American and Korean. I took absolutely NO Anti-American statement from the date of the closure.
Instead of trying to be coy and twisting things...be an adult.
It is called a METAPHOR. I NEVER said that is how I perceive the German culture.
In fact if you would have actually read and understood what I said: It would be a VERY disgusting and hateful thing to do....like the kibun.
The letter.. The images posted to Twitter (Ya know the Red NCSoft ones etc).
If by polite you mean "How much can we shame them"...sure.
Your completely American understanding of kibun is WAY off. That's like saying "I politely spit in his face."
Quote:For anyone interested, the only seriously suggested (and acted upon) uses of kibun that I saw was in polite attempts to understand where the Korean decision-makers have been coming from and to facilitate better expression back to them that would properly communicate our collective positions in a way that they'd understand.
I'm sure there were also some ideas about what to do if friendly attempts were still ignored... but everything to that point was still under the premise of being respectful and doing things the right way.
Which, actually, despite some people's claims here, has pretty much remained in tact throughout.
Of course, you all know me, right? Insensitive, foolish jerk-wad that I am and all! -
Have you read their boards lately?
And the kibun was not a "couple" people...a large part of the Titan community participated in...suggested..and endorsed the kibun. If Titan was not FOR it they have several mods who react quite quickly. The kibun was an ill conceived, poorly executed, culturally repugnant campaign...endorsed by Titan.
I said the kibun attack was racist. If you disapprove of NCSoft because of them closing CoH I fail to see how that has anything to do with Korea. I also fail to see how their action (the date) even remotely insinuates it was an Anti-American move. If they were trying to be Anti-American they could have forced the announcement ON Labor Day and said something..ya know.. Anti-American.
Quote:So if you're a non-Korean who disapproves of NCSoft means you're a racist shouldn't the closing of an American studio be racist as well since it was Koreans taking away the jobs of Americans on the Friday before the national holiday of Labor Day (talk about cultural insensitivity)? -
An anonymous statement by an ex employee stating how they perceived the situation....aimed at a company.
The other...a direct personal assault based off limited cultural knowledge meant to inflict shame.
Just because someone states their opinion based off their direct experience as an employee; does not mean a group of people are in the right for trying to embarrass/shame someone because they are emotionally upset over a business decision. I signed off Titan once it began using hate as part of it's campaign...and they call me the mean guy
Quote:By the way, now that the Pandora's Box of cultural racism has been opened, perhaps this one company has earned itself the distinct privilege of having their "culture used against them" as you put it: http://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/NCs...ews-E23242.htm -
My only "vendetta" is to debunk gibberish; whether it be from Titan or elsewhere. My analysis of NCSoft stock is relative to the DATA that is out there and not an emotional knee-jerk reaction. I don't care if Titan sanctions hate...but that is the main reason I left Titan. I am not out to "prove" anything about Titan; hell it will all be irrelevant in 2 weeks when these forums disappear. I am not even angry at Mercedes Lackey for her kibun; I don't approve of it and think it was a horrible thing to do, but hate? Nah. Erich Fromm said it best "Hate is a product of the unfulfilled life." I don't have the need or time to hate. The issue I have with it is that it was an ill conceived idea that was perpetuated by internet research in an effort to shame someone using their own culture against them. I compare(d) it to: Sending a German company that ceases a product a bunch of Yellow Stars of David with the word MURDERER wrote on them. To me that was the final straw in the declining morality of a group that calls themselves heroes.
My motivation? Maybe someone will actually stop and read what people are writing here and think about their position regarding all of this.
It's one thing to be emotional over something...it is another to let your emotions dictate what you perceive to be truth and reality. I don't like NCSoft. I don't like that they closed down CoH. I don't like that they did not give more of a notice or slowly moved into maintenance, BUT... I understand their reasoning from a logical perspective. I understand their reasoning from a business perspective. I was sad when CoH was closed down. I cried at the rough draft (and final version) of your video. But I am also an adult and can control myself and my emotions. I can step back and see things for the way they truly are and not let my anger create things that aren't there or make me do things which are culturally reprehensible. My sadness will not make my moral objection to an emulator disappear. My sadness will not make me state lies in order to vilify those who created the situation I am sad over. To let my emotions control me takes away my power to control myself...and gives it to someone else (NCSoft in this instance). My displeasure at NCSoft shutting down CoH will not control me and make me into a hateful person. Others have called me everything under the sun on these forums; all the while acting as if their comments are not indicative of their true intentions and a reflection of their character. I am not here to tr0ll...I am here to state what I perceive the truth to be. Unlike others though I do not define my truth by my emotions, but rather by as much fact as possible; not hearsay...fact. Could I say things in a "nicer" way...sure, but why censor myself here? I loathe sugar coating things and if people are offended by my bluntness that is their choice. My words here are no more or less "blunt" than they are when I deal with clients, friends, and family...because I value honesty; and sometimes...the truth does hurt; especially those who don't want to hear the truth.
Quote:My anger at NCsoft hasn't clouded my judgement as much as you would think. For instance, there was another big drop in NCstocks recently, on November 9. While some others got excited about it, I immediately saw it as a knee-jerk reaction to the U.S. election results.
Many companies being down right now is moot. We all know the economy sucks. What is more important is WHEN they started their slide though, and I'm willing to bet that none of the other companies mysteriously lost their upward momentum on that same Monday. Some investors are as timid as deer, dropping everything and running into the woods at the slightest hint of trouble, so the possibility that the Rally set something off doesn't really seem all that odd to me.
On your comment in parenthesis, I wasn't aware that I was expected to say Titan is not a hate group until I read that. I see no other mention of "hate" prior to that moment, so why did you think I was going to say anything about it?
Also, since you have now announced that you have a vendetta against the Titan-network because of an attempt to communicate things to NCsoft in a way that Koreans would more easily understand, I have a question. Why should I consider what you're saying when you try to tell me that the only reason I see a chance that SaveCoH affected NC's stocks, is because I don't like NCsoft? You're saying you have animosity against the Titan-Network now over racially-charged issues, and I'm supposed to assume that your opinion that SaveCoH could NOT have impacted stocks, isn't driven by the same emotions? Is that not a door that swings both ways? -
Profitable and stable in...2007. Less profitable and not what many consider stable in 2012; more flat.
Quote:CoX in the MMO world was considered extremely profitable and stable (thus why NCSOFT agreed to buy it in the first place). But as others have astutely pointed out, the profit wasn't enough, and it was starting to decline where it would be in the red soon enough.
The update may or not be true, but what is true is that many of the devs have moved on. So, if CoX rises from the ashes it will be a shell of its former self, and highly likely it will be a full fledged F2P game. -
I ASSUMED you could tell that was my point from this: Emphasis mine
The Titan StockWatch group seems to think THEY are the reason the stock is falling; which is nonsensical to say the least. To think a small group of people in the US is having any impact on an Asian company who is barely represented in the US shows a complete lack of understanding about NCSoft stock.
A lot of big name companies have seen plummeting stock the past few months for various reasons; none of which are grass-root hate groups.
(Before you say Titan is not a hate group...remember you are speaking to a Korean who was disgusted by some of the actions against NCSoft by using Asian culture in an attempt to inflict shame; which was sanctioned by Titan. So yeah to me; as a Korean American...they are a hate group)
Quote:A LOT of stocks are currently down big time...like Microsoft, Google, Apple, Activision Blizzard, Sony, and even Walmart have all taken dives the past 2-3 months... damn you Titan! Quote:Because in response to the idea that the SaveCoH rally triggered the landslide, you were saying, "No, it was the financial report." 3Q wasn't published until 2 months AFTER the stocks began dropping. So why would I think you were talking about the 3rd quarter? -
Ironik gives good mouth.
NO the one that was released 2 weeks ago.....which was not as good as stock holders had hoped for. Why would I reference LAST quarters report when I am talking about their stocks NOW after the 3rd quarter report?
Top that off with weak sales of B&S in Korea (where NCSoft is...) as well as other under performing titles (Aion/Lineage/Lineage II) in the East.... NCSoft stock is not made or broken by Western issues as the Western Market is minuscule compared to the Eastern Market. I don't care how many emoticons people throw out there...the reality is NCSoft stock is reacting to much bigger things....in Asia.
The stock slump has to do with the financial report, with Aion, Lineage and Lineage II taking massive revenue hits and Blade & Soul isn't performing up to expectations...you know...over in Korea. It's not rocket science. But you have to drop the hate and BS
when you analyze stocks and companies.
Quote:Actually I had already thought cutting CoH might have affected prices on the day of the announcement.
The peak of that climb was the weekend of the Unity Rally. And the result of that was NOT just blogs and tweets. Maybe it was just blind luck then, that the highest NCsoft got in the whole 3 month span just happened to be that same weekend. Or maybe it was just Karma being the middle-man.
Uhm CoH/SAVE/Titan isn't driving NCSoft stock prices down. Their stock is declining true, but it has nothing to do with CoH
Are you prepared to state that their stock is being even moderately affected by CoH/Save/Titan if their stock prices go up...like they did on the day of the announcement
A 50,000 sub MMO closing had no impact on 8/31...and if you think 100 people blogging/tweeting is... well that's just plain silly. A LOT of stocks are currently down big time...like Microsoft, Google, Apple, Activision Blizzard, Sony, and even Walmart have all taken dives the past 2-3 months... damn you Titan!
Paragon/CoH has not even registered a blip in South Korean news, and hasn't really been NEWS here in the US outside of some gaming sites and blogs. There are MUCH bigger reasons their stock is currently down. Sorry to hit ya with a reality bomb, but stock fluctuates and not because of a few people screaming #GAMEKILLER, a weekly Joystiq article, comment bombing, or blogging.
Good to know - Will definitely see ya this weekend then.
Quote:Already double checked - Your still on mine, so I will definitely try to get some time in this weekend.
And anyone else who wants to join - Freedom Server, Global is @Blue Alpha, or just local friend Blue Alpha, I am sure I will be on him a good bit and you can get a hold of me that way.