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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    The tips and their missions do not expire. Completing the tip mission creates a "fame" point in the tips' contact area. There are only 5 of those slots. Each expires in 20 hours so once you do 5 you cannot do any more until one of them expires. You will also not get a tip to drop that would put you beyond the 5 (at least as far as all my beta testing could determine).
    Okay so yesterday I did three Tip missions on a character for vigilante points. After 20 real time hours those vigilante points expire and I will have to do 5 more missions to get the morality mission to actually become a vigilante. But if I play that character again within 20 hours I can do two more tip missions to "fill" the bar. Do I have that right?
  2. One thing I am not clear on is what exactly expires in 20 hours? If I get a tip and don't do it right away does it expire? Does the "credit" I get for doing a tip mission expire? I did not quite understand this aspect.
  3. What are some weird rules you make for yourself? For me:

    1. All of my characters have to carry a Luck Charm in their salvage inventory. I know it makes no difference but I do it anyway. It started because the very first piece of salvage my second character ever received was a Luck Charm so for giggles I had the character keep it and have since done that for all subsequent characters (for my first character, prior to doing this I had sold a bunch of Luck Charms but the next one that dropped after I made the rule I kept).

    2. I won't have a character go to Ouroboros until they hit level 30. It gives me a goal and something to look forward to as I work through the 20s.

    3. I won't repeat a power set within the same AT. At one point I didn't want to repeat power sets at all but that didn't last long. I may end up having to break this hough as I find I am running out of secondaries.
  4. I delurked because I wanted to say that I have the same issue. PC is brand new with Windows 7 and the ATI 5870. I have done a lot of Googling on this and it looks like the issue is relatively common and imply it's a driver issue but suggestions for solutions seem all over the map. One suggestion that helped me somewhat was changing my power scheme from balanced to performance. To date, this changed it from my entire PC crashing into vertical lines or a grey screen to just the card resetting (which crashes COH but at least the PC does not go down). I am hoping it is indeed a driver issue but I have found references to the problem that are a year old which makes me a bit nervous.