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  1. For a while I've been wanting to make a CoX movie. Between watching some of the vids from the player contest, especially Evangel's and with the to be released Issue 10 I bit the bullet and pieced one together. Figured I might aswell share it here like I have with my SG on Freedom. Done in sort of the "Up Comming Movie Trailer" fashion focusing on my toon's former hero turned villain background (Though he resides heroside).

    Please be kind, all I had to work with was Windows Movie Maker, an outdated version of Fraps and Windows Paint. It's just shy of 37 megs so dial up be warned.


    God I wish I could have gotten the voice overs to work...stupid WinMM not allowing audio layering!

    If you have trouble viewing this it should work under both Windows Media Player and/or Real Player.
  2. The only thing wrong with this guide is that except for one little line you mention that it's from a Defender.

    I play a Rad/Dark Corruptor and while yes the basics are the same when it comes to the powers: slotting them and choice between AOE and Single target is a totally different animal for the Corr's.
  3. I really am considering GW powers simply for char theme purposes, can anyone point me to any videos or screenies of the powers in action for a corruptor?