Okay, so I'm on a trial account and I'm trying to get into a Hazard Zone to complete a mission, but every time I try to enter it, my character just runs into an invisible wall. I understand that one needs to have a security level high enough in order to enter the zone, but I'm pretty sure I meet the requirements. The Zone I'm trying to enter is The Hollows, which I believe requires one to be security level 5. My character is security level 8. Am I missing something...?
Sorry if this is incredibly noobish question but...I am, factually, a noob here.

I've been going to the City of Heroes wikia for all other questions thus far (hence how I figured out the whole security level thing) but I couldn't find anything to explain the problem I am experiencing. Can trial account users not access zones? Do I need to be in a group?
Thanks in advance for your patience with me. ^_^;