
Forum Cartel
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  1. HexGirl

    O Gill!

    I can't even read it. But it could just be me.
  2. Ohhh very nice!!

    *wonders how long it would take her to save up for some DJ art*
  3. HexGirl

    Hex's Artsy Junk

    [ QUOTE ]
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    This thread title confuses me.

    I didn't post it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, your threads confuse me too.

    I'll see things and think that people are talking to me, and it irks me

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We should go pick a fight with Hexer from the Champion forums!
  4. HexGirl

    Hex's Artsy Junk

    This thread title confuses me.

    I didn't post it.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks bro!

    Guess I'll just get my hunting on!

    *rubs hands together ebily*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *slaps TA*

    You have enough!
  6. Please, someone just poke my eyes out or something.

    If I see another post about how disappointed someone is about the vet rewards, or how they aren't fair, or that they are crappy, I am going to scream and start killing people.
  7. HexGirl

    My 100th piece!!

    Hehe that one is really cute!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Sorry, but Star isn't the only one doing Chibis. You'll have to fight a bunch of us!

    Feel the power of the Orc

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Crap! Hex has entered the argument. I'll just lay down before I get officially owned by Hex comments/comebacks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's right. Get back now while you have the chance
  9. Sorry, but Star isn't the only one doing Chibis. You'll have to fight a bunch of us!

    Feel the power of the Orc
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Did you just say Poser Blows? As in the program?

    *crosses fingers*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, the renderer. I have a thing against shadow mapping. Otherwise I'm a huge supporter of Poser and use it for all my character work.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Most of those also have distributed rendering systems built into them, so if you have mulitple machines available, you can spread it out over them.....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I use Vue 5 Infinite for it's awesome atmospherics. I *do* use a 5-machine render farm when I can, but larger renders are safer when you 'render to disk' and Vue doesn't allow render farming when you select that option.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *wipes brow* Phew. I was getting scared there for a minute.
  11. Did you just say Poser Blows? As in the program?

    *crosses fingers*
  12. HexGirl


    [ QUOTE ]
    Why does your work block image hosts but not the CoH forums? It makes no sense.

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    Actually it makes perfect sense.

    Forums are text. things like photobucket and so on can have pictures of sexual or grapical nature, as well as pop-up adds and images that can have viruses attached to them.

    You'll find that is a pretty normal thing for many companies to do.
  13. HexGirl

    Coyote Storm WIP

    Ya, Gooder is not a word
  14. HexGirl


    [ QUOTE ]
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    Oooo this looks REALLY good!! I LOOOOOVE the feet!!! And her face is great, they eyes are perfectly intense.

    I would second Graver about rotating the piccy a little, she does look a tad bit off kilter

    Hit me up if you ever wanna do a trade!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Shut up! I didn't have that much to drink...honestly. *hiccup*

    Did the room start spinning just now?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Allright girly! That's the last time I invite you down for Mardi Gras!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But... I got all these beads... What am I supposed to do with them next year?
  15. HexGirl

    Coyote Storm WIP

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Ya me too.

    *wonders if she would have more money if she spent less on shoes, handbags and clothing*

    *shakes head* OMG that was a scary thought! Someone get me a cold drink?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Seriously Hex. That cough musta turned into something really bad. Got a fever? Musta been outa your mind.

    Anywho, That Coyote Storm piece is looking great! Looking forward to the final piece.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I do feel a little feverish.

    That would be a sign of the apocolypse for sure if it was to happen.
  16. HexGirl

    Coyote Storm WIP

    Ya me too.

    *wonders if she would have more money if she spent less on shoes, handbags and clothing*

    *shakes head* OMG that was a scary thought! Someone get me a cold drink?
  17. HexGirl


    [ QUOTE ]
    Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

    The Goddess strikes again!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe I won't Withold art.... It just won't be the art he wants
  18. HexGirl


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    I hate you all!

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    Just a warning, don't hate the artists else they may be tempted to withold art.

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    lol i think they all know better then that hun!

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    That cute widdle thing Hexy drew is trying to be all mean and scary?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Scary if you are allergic to Lollipops and cuteness!