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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pogthulu View Post
    well..small, nice suprise.some of the family stpped by with birthdt cards and a couple og them had cash in them!! so money for gamestop tonight AND comic books wednesday!! unfortunately, my dad hasnt given me anything the previous 2 years. he showed up tonight with..a card...just a card...well, better than nuthin I guess..
    but yeah vicodins, capt morgan and baclofex are always nice. zeppelin IS on my ipod as they are my alltime favorites. so, couldve been better, couldve been much worse.

    and ty all for the birthday wishes.

    oh, heroid, when I was younger Id get school clothes for my birthday. since school started right around the corner, but I always feel bad for those with birthdays at or near christmas.

    t-minus 3 hours, 30 mins til batman:arkham asylum for xbox 360 is in my hands!!
    ((Careful with the Captain, please. ))
  2. ((My birthday is right after Christmas, so all my life I've lived with "this is your Christmas present AND your birthday present." So I'm familiar with sucky birthdays. But recuperation from surgery/injury usually means some er... interesting... medications (if they don't make you sick). I suggest putting on Led Zeppelin, Houses of the Holy or Santana, Abraxas and enjoying the altered state. ))
  3. Ain't nuthin' more humiliatin' 'n rescuin' some lady from some baddie an' then hearin' her talkin' ta her friends about how she got rescued by th' "Pizzabot"...
  4. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    ((To see the anti-hero done right, watch Cool Hand Luke. Or Casablanca. Or John Wayne in the Searchers. All are movies that anyone who likes film should see.

    The thing about anti-heroes in comic books is this: the anti-hero sooner or later faces a choice where he has to do something heroic. Otherwise, he's just a schlub. Or a villain. And once you have him do that in a serial setting, he either has to go, "nah, I did that, but it didn't make me grow as a person," or he has to go, "I did that, and now I can't just go back to what I was, so what the hell do I do now?" The first example is how it's usually handled. The second example would make a damned fine series, but hardly anyone goes for such journeys of growth and self-discovery.

    As far as the heroes crossing into the grey-zone -- that's why the new Hal Jordan Justice League doesn't interest me at all. It's stoopid. Especially with the characters they've picked for it. James Robinson is one of the best writers around, and maybe he can make it work, but the "taking the fight to the bad guys before they strike at us" premise sounds like some other idiot idea that I spent eight years trying hard not to think about. If you're going to do that, you need a covert team of heroes -- like Birds of Prey or the Outsiders; not Shazamarvel and Supergirl! D-u-m-b. Almost as dumb as having your heroes who have been poker buddies for years fighting a war in the street (only to find out later that some of them were aliens in disguise!).

    Read Fables. Read Perhapanauts. Read Invincible. Read Ultimate Spider-man. Read Astro City. Comics done right. There are more, and you guys probably read some of them, but those are mine.

    End rant. ))

    ((And I want to add -- the best anti-hero comic book I have ever read is Road to Perdition. It is so wonderful. Not a superhero in sight, but daaaaamn. If you like sequential storytelling, then you have got to read this! ))
  5. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    I haven't yet to see either of the new Bond movies (too much crap going on in my life, and I seem to never catch the Casino Royale on my TV), however, I hear the first one was an awesome surprise of potentiality and the second one fell flat on its face. :P And these are peoples' tastes/creative judgment whom I trust haha.

    And Haet, of course we talk too much. We're getting our intellectual/creative discourse on
    ((Definitely see Casino Royale. A Quantum of Solace only works in a cause/effect kind of way with Casino Royale, and so, yes, it's nowhere near the movie its predecessor was, but still far, far better than any of the Brosnan movies (except Golden Eye, which ranks among the best of the Bond movies).

    And as far as that last bit, Haet's just not into intellectual intercourse, it seems. Sorry, Haet! ))
  6. ((Champions is a different game. It has cell-shading, which I thought at first would be cool, but after seeing it in action, I realize it's just murky and somewhat ugly. Costume pieces tend toward the silly too. Like when Jack Kirby parodied his own work in Not Brand Echhs (old, old superhero satire comic put out by Marvel in the 60's). Haven't seen anything about Champs to recommend it.

    The things Angry_Angel posted about are all part of CoH: Going Rogue, which should hit the stores about the same time as Champs Online. In it, heroes and villains will be able to do arcs that can cause them to change their convictions so that heroes go villain and villains become heroes. Not sure which of my own characters that might effect.

    There will be some new powersets involved, which, if rumors are right one of them will be pistol blaster. Yes -- a pair of Glocks going "Powpowpowpow" -- or maybe blazing sixguns! The possibilities are endless!

    And I16 is gonna be awesome also. Hope you have time to stick around for just a bit longer Sorah, just to see the new toys. ))
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
    Now i find it funny because long ago it was said that the worst song/album ever was done by Lou Reed, I own said Album.

    Needless It was done while lou reed was on lots of drugs, and as I said I own it, cause I like weird things.

    ((Neil Young had a similar piece of noise called Arc. It stank, but both of these gentlemen have made enough great music to not be judged by this kind of stuff.))
  8. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Rookery. View Post
    Three times I've been exposed to interesting ideas on this thread. This is horrible!

    /e puts Xanatos, Heroid and Sorah on 'the' list.

    That being said, I have heard Lovecraft wrote mostly story with almost no character development although I guess descent into madness could be considered character growth or slowly becoming aware of the larger uncaring and ultimately fatal existence outside oneself. It usually doesn't require any growth on the part of the protagonist though, just kind of a sudden awareness due to the Shoggoth in the room which can no longer be ignored.

    I guess in the other direction stories like 'As Good As It Gets' have very little story and almost all character driven. I know I could think of others but its wee early and I havent had breakfast. :P Hrmmm maybe 'Being John Malkovich'?

    I sleep now.
    ((IMHO, writing, whether for comic books, screen, or novel, is as much craft as art. Lovecraft, despite his excesses, was a master craftsman, able to build a world and draw you into it. The chief character in his stories was the atmosphere. He was the rare writer who could create a story without either character development or plot, and still get an emotional and intellectual response from the reader. I think that's why his name evokes a certain awestruck dread/excitement among those of us who enjoyed his work.))

    Originally Posted by Haetron View Post

    You people talk too much.
    ((Tell us something we don't know. ))
  9. Heroid

    Alias, Smith

    Other than Miu, the Armisters, and Tiny, I have made few friends here in the Isles. That doesn’t really bother me. Even when I first arrived at Maggie’s Rock, and enjoyed a brief spell of popularity, even among the “Populars”, I didn’t think that much of it one-way or the other. Popularity and unpopularity; many friends, or few; it doesn’t matter. It is the quality of the friendship that truly matters, not the quantity.

    Still, in a place like Etoile, even if you can’t have too few friends, you can have too many enemies. So it was that when I accidentally set a group of acquaintances – the gang known as the Orphans – against my uncle Johnny Marcone (no, not that Johnny Marcone… not that one either… nor that one… yes – that’s the one) and it resulted in his death, I was more worried about how many enemies I was going to make than I was about losing potential friends or causing a death in the Family.

    Miu (she knows them, or one of them, at least) said that they were very upset with me. And considering that I know at least two of them are homicidal maniacs who revel in bludgeoning and eviscerating their foes, well… I’d just rather not have them upset with me.

    And on the other side of the matter, my grandfather, Angelo Camilleri called a Council of War over the matter. It seems that the Orphans not only killed my uncle, they invaded his building and killed his entire crew. The Marcones and their allies do not take kindly to such incursions.

    Of course, I didn’t know that the Council of War was about the Orphans. I am not privy to such business yet (still a boss-in-training). But when Miu told me about the Orphans’ vendetta against me, and what they had done, it wasn’t hard to figure things out.

    And so it is that I am standing in the den in my grandfather’s home, with around twenty or so ill tempered and angry mobsters staring me down.

    “Mickey, what are you doing here?” Grandfather says.

    “Oh… I… was looking for you. Am I disturbing something?”

    Someone mutters something about my accent. I’ve never really developed a decent Sicilian voice, and so I think I sound a bit effete to them. My grandfather shoots the one who muttered a killing glance, and then turns his attention back to me.

    “You should call me on the phone, Mickey. I’m busy.”

    “Yeah, this is man’s business,” someone says, “you should go to the kitchen where the women are.”

    My grandfather gives another angry glare and when he turns back to me, I see that a bit is of it is reserved for me.

    “Mickey, go home to your girlfriend. This isn’t anything you need to know about.”

    “Why not, Angelo? Let the kid get his hands dirty.”

    “Yeah, my boy’s right here with me. He ain’t afraid of a fight! Or is this kid too much like his old man, Carli?”

    Things are getting tense. It’s time to carry out my plan.

    I have powers you see, some from my father, and some from my mother. From my mother I inherited all of these wonderful psi powers that allow me to stun foes and even hemorrhage brains and also TK powers that allow me to move things around with my mind to the point where I can now transmitter objects. My father’s gift to me was a far more terrible power. The power of Truth. With but a touch I can either reveal or hide the truth from someone. It is a heavy responsibility and I do not take it lightly.

    These men who hold me in such disdain, and my grandfather who is trying his best to make me into a man he can be proud of, they do not expect what happens next, which is exactly why it works so well.

    I psi-blast the entire room, leaving everyone in it (except of course, me) in a stunned stupor. Then I quickly go one-by-one to them and tell them this story: The council killed Uncle Johnny and his crew; the Orphans are a minor nuisance at best and not worthy of the Family’s interest; and indeed, the Council attacked you here, tonight, and if not for the quick action of yours truly, all of the bosses in this room would have been killed.

    To prove my story, I place an empty gas canister in the middle of the floor. It has the Council’s insignia on it. Oh! I almost forget! I pick up the canister and give myself a good whack on the head with it to make it look as if I’ve been in a fight.

    Within a few minutes, they all wake up, the bosses and their right-hand men. They remember things exactly as I describe to them. I fill out the story as I go, not making myself too much the hero. They all leave the room, filing out one after another, shaking my hand and clapping my back. I hate lying, but this… feels good.

    The last out is Gino Marcone and his attendant, a tall, powerfully muscled man with a shaved head and tattoos. He looks very familiar. He smiles as he shakes my hand, then punches me on the shoulder. Something about his fist feels familiar…
  10. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    I don't agree with this. Stories which focus too much towards character developement are boring, and stories which focus to much towards the plot at the expense of the characters are boring. They are not supposed to be two different styles of writing, they are supposed to be two equal parts of every story. They are supposed to compliment one another. (OMGZ NO WAI!) To me, using one without the other amounts to something as crazy as writing a story with nothing but grammatical words. (Leaving out the Lexical ones because "that's the way we do things.") It would make no sense and move for a poor story.
    ((Good point. As an example, look at the James Bond movies. The Sean Connery ones were interesting because they were something new. Over the top violence and sexiness hadn't been seen in a mainstream movie before and the "hip" generation (and that's "hip", not Hippie -- big diff) of the 60's ate it up. Girls started wearing their hair like "Bond Girls" and guys started trying to be suave and cool like Bond. Things wore a bit thin though, and the new had worn off long before Roger Moore took over. His first two Bond movies played on two things: the "exploitation films" of the 70's and humor. As his Bond career rolled on, however, the Bond movies seemed dated. Up to this point, the franchise had relied almost exclusively on plot and story, with almost no character development.

    Enter Timothy Dalton. The Living Daylights was a better movie in many ways than any of its predecessors. It was a combination of political intrigue, world politics, and high adventure. It just wasn't a very good Bond movie. (I still recommend it. I think it's ironic that he's teaming with the Taliban to fight the Russians.) Then came License to Kill. This was an entirely different Bond. This Bond was more than a throwback to the Sean Connery days. This Bond was ruthless in both his duty and in romance. Similarities to the Connery Bonds ended there. Dalton's Bond wasn't cool -- he was downright cold. Though the film went out of its way to provide him with "just cause", I don't think this Bond would hesitate to kill anyone he deemed neccessary to kill. It would have been a much better movie if the writers/director hadn't wimped out so much to soften him.

    Still, both of the Dalton movies relied more on story/plot and had very little character growth.

    Except for Golden Eye, all of Pierce Brosnan's Bond movies sucked. A rehash of the Roger Moore Bond. They had their moments, but it was a step backward from the edgier Dalton movies.

    Then came Casino Royale with Daniel Craig as James Bond. For the first time we see a James Bond conflicted about his chosen profession. He is still a man who will kill without hesistation, but you get the impression that he has to detach himself a bit in order to do it. Like there's a part of his brain that is normal and human and a part that is the consumate MI-6 operative. This Bond fails. This Bond hurts. This Bond has internal conflicts that easily match the external ones. This Bond is not entirely trusted by M. In short, this Bond is not perfect. He's the most interesting Bond yet. The two Daniel Craig movies are still tautly plotted and rely heavily on plot devices and exotic locales, but they are equally about what makes James Bond tick, something that has never been explored on film before. This approach has revived the franchise and made a whole new generation of James Bond fans.

    Now, if they went to the other extreme, and made a Bond movie about his growth as a human being without having the tight plot and a good story, it would suck just as bad as the World is Not Enough.

    So yeah, character and story. Gotta have them both. Otherwise you have stupid soap opera (as opposed to a telenovela which is the soap opera done right and makes me wish I could speak Spanish).

    And I like costumes. Even if they're not functional. But it's a matter of taste, I think. I mean, if you can lift a tank and throw it, and you want to wear red spandex, who's to say you can't?

    As Nacho says, "When you are a man, sometimes you wear stretchy pants. In your room. Just for fun." ))
  11. ((I always thought the Worst Song Ever as officially designated by the Popular Music Critics and Fans Association (PMCFA) was this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGNdvKvbxYQ

    After all, there haven't been very many Top 40 hits about canibalism. It needs some sort of designation. ))
  12. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    ((Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie was brilliant. I loved it. The show didn't work for me at all, but then, I'm probably aging more into Matlock...

    And Sorah and Sid -- there is a graphic novel called "Fade from Grace" that is brilliantly executed all the way around. One of the best superhero stories I've ever read, but definitely not standard superhero fare.

    Also, anyone not reading Fables is missing a great book.

    Speaking of standard superhero fare: Astro City is going back on a monthly schedule as is Powers! Astro City is de bomb if you like superheroes! And Powers is de bomb if you don't (as you typically get to see one meet a grisly fate about every other issue).

    And one more beef against Marvel -- they don't need the Sentry. It was a wonderful mini-series, and when they wrapped it up, they should have left the character forgotten.

    Agents of Atlas is awesome, but alas, it ties into the regular Marvel U. continuity.

    I hate continuity. It's ruining the industry. ))
  13. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Bradders View Post
    Et tu Heroid? Dark Avengers and Dark Reign Ms. Marvel are seriously great books. Shame on you, sir. Shame. On. You.

    ((I quit buying Marvel U. books when Civil War started. Why? I thought it was stoopid. I like my escapist fare to be escapist. I didn't like seeing the Marvel U. dismantled in yet another superhero deconstructionist plotline. That's been done to death (and never better than in Watchmen, so they should quit trying and move on to something else). I read Exiles because Jeff Parker writes it and he's a super-guy, and it's also not tied in with umteen other books every month. I'm back onboard for Ultimate Spider-man (over the past decade, the best superhero book that the Big Two put out) even after the Ultimatum ********.

    Overall, I like DC because the universe there is a little less paranoid and closed-in than Marvel. It's bigger and more expansive. And they've figured out how to do a big cross-over without ruining every book in the line (see the above remark about Civil War and Ultimatum). Though, Darkest Night isn't making me the happiest camper at the comic book store.

    In summary, I prefer DC simply because Marvel gives me the impression that they are ashamed to be putting out "superhero" comic books -- ashamed of the costumes and the ludicrously powered characters. And yes, it is a matter of taste. Make yours Marvel, I have no problem with that. For the moment, I'll take DC.

    And Invincible and Perhapanauts. ))
  14. ((Hi, Garielle. Welcome to Virtue.

    But I must say, from the title of your thread I was expecting either Mick Jagger or Lucifer, but you don't seem much like either of them, which is probably just as well.

    As far as your age, I'm going to assume you are the median age in that range and say you're 69. Yay! Someone older than me and that old pirate! ))
  15. ((Sorah, sweetie, you know I'm pulling for you! ))
  16. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post

    Oh Bejesus Grey Knight. That thing is so flipping old. XD

    That is ONE thing I DO NOT miss about being on the net all the time, is people showing me old *** artwork hahahahaha.

    And...while I <3 me my Marvel...to be honest, one thing I have learned about myself is that I am anti-costume. That sounds ridiculous, I know...but I think where I will find my creative niche is going to be outside of the costumes. I will still pay my dues of course and I would never turn down proper work, but...I'm saying for my personal creative enjoyment

    ((One word -- Vertigo. You know, as soon as I see your name on something, I'm going to buy it, even if it has *shudder* Dark Reign on the masthead. Sersly. ))
  17. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    ((*Still wants to see Sorah draw Birds of Prey... even if it's not currently around. ))
  18. Heroid

    Sorah is back!

    Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
    Yeah...I really suffer from it, apparently. My friends can tell when I'm not in a "happy-go-lucky-mood" cause I don't put 1,000,000 smilies and winky faces everywhere. GAH.

    And...I have to ACTIVELY think about NOT using them when it comes to professional email-discourse. DAMN me. :P
    ((I have to consciously not put (( )) in emails at work. Emotes are not a problem. ))
  19. Heroid

    District 9

    ((I always wait for the dvd, but I might make an exception for this one. ))
  20. Heroid

    Bye guys!

    ((I make my living like most people do -- with a tube of chapstick and a jar of vaseline. ))
  21. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    ((Well **** me and call me peckerhead -- it does.))
  22. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    ((I'm just wondering if the ******* thing that censors posts works here like it did on the other ones.))
  23. Heroid

    Hi guys!

    ((I was missing the old boards, but this thread is really helping me adjust. See, I thought the new look would change things. And some people had strange, new avatars and sigs and stuff...

    But, now it feels just like home, with a fresh paint job. Or maybe the bathroom redecorated with a new toilet and everything...

    Anyway... I ramble...

    Gonna post right after this to test one more thing out about these new forums...))
  24. Heroid

    Sorah is back!

    ((Sorah! It's you! *fanboy squee*

    Glad to see you back! ))
  25. Heroid

    Alias, Smith

    A small room in the same building as “Michael Marcone’s” apartment…

    “It ain’t normal.”

    “Whuddaya mean?”

    “I mean he’s what? Sixteen? Seventeen? An’ he’s got a cutey like that livin’ with ‘im an’ ya don’t never even see ‘em kiss ‘er?”

    “Maybe he’s a good boy.”

    “Hey… At that age, there ain’t no good boys.”


    “I tell ya, we need ta put some equipment in th’ bedrrom.”

    “Th’ boss says that’s off-limits – ya pervert.”

    “Serious. Somethin’s goin’ on here – ‘r not goin’ on if ya git my drift…”

    “What’s goin’ on right now?”

    “They’re jus’ talkin’.”

    “Yeah? ‘Bout what?”

    “Somethin’ about her ‘findin’ herself’.”

    “She oughta be findin’ herself under him.”


    “Wait – lookit! On th’ livin’ room cam.“


    “They’re goin’ inta th’ bathroom t’gether.”

    “We gotta audio bug in there, right?”


    “Turn it up an’ see whut we get.”

    “Crap – all I hear is th’ shower runnin’.”

    “Hey, that’s a good sign. Maybe he’s getting’ her wet.”


    “Water’s already off. Must notta worked out…”

    “They ain’t come out yet – don’t see ‘em on the livin’ room camera.”

    “Heh. Sounds like a blow-dryer runnin’.”

    “Maybe she misunnerstood whut he wuz askin’ her ta do…”


    “Hair-dryer’s stopped.”

    “Lookit – I see ‘em now – they’re comin’ out an’ headin' ta th' boudoir…”

    “Now that’s more like it.”

    “Damn. That’s one fine piece o’ –“

    “—jailbait fer you, ya pervert.”

    “Yeah… still wish we hadda camera in th’ bedroom.”