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  1. It's a very nicely written story indeed. Good grammar and spelling were also present, which is certainly nice to see. The idea of a man who is drawn back from death by a memory of his life, is also rather inspired. It's almost an idea that is very reminiscent of James O' Barr's comics about the Crow, though not as centered around the concept of vengeance of course.

    Overall, it's a very good start and I hope you'll post some follow up stories about the character. My interest is certainly piqued.
  2. [ QUOTE ]

    Find a controller with Pets and SS, or some other no agro power.

    Summon pets.
    Controller runs past King, pets follow. Pets draw all agro on King, who blasts them with the big Alpha whammy.

    Everyone attack.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Another method that works along similar lines is to use a character who is phase shifted (but not stealthed) to aggro the king and wait out his psychic wail. Once he lets loose with the wail then a tank can move in and grab aggro. Provided the group has at least one reasonably decent healer a tank can easily withstand the Clockwork King's regular psionic attacks.
  3. Hermetic

    Changes to Rage

    This is strictly an idea for the purposes of brainstorming possible solutions (so feel free to poke holes in the idea or add suggested improvements/modifications to the idea).

    What if you took Rage and made it a toggle with a high endurance cost. So a player could choose to toggle it on and off during moments when they felt they needed that little bit of an extra "kick". Instead of giving it a set damage multiplier like build up, allow the power to be slotted with damage, endurance reduction, or recharge enhancements - thus forcing players to choose what balance between the factors they want to use. In essence it could act in a manner similar to the focused accuracy power - only geared more towards damage rather than accuracy. Players who wanted to be able to run rage continuously could do so - but they'd have to sacrifice recharge time (in the event that the power dropped) or damage accordingly. Whereas a player who chooses to only run the power in emergencies, could slot it to multiply his damage by a great degree - but only for very short times due to endurance restraints.