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Hi everyone. I am writing this thread to inform you of something that I think would be fun. I'm thinking about every Saturday afternoon-the wee hours of the night Liberty server experiences some zone pvp in either sirens, warburg or RV(depends what everyone thinks). There is also talk of a Liberty arena team. We can get out of all that i13 junk.
A good start time? I'm not sure of that answer. I'd say oh around...3pm(est).
And on a personal note: When I'm playing blue side I'll be on my Energy/energy blaster. Going to dress up like the longbow
Anyways, let me know what you guys think. I already know of 10 people that are game. So come on down the the zones and show your skills. Going to be a blast! See you all there!
Hp -
Travel suppression really blows...my mind. Yeah. That's all I have to say about that. Oh and it was created by Satan.
I respect your opinion rex. In the past few weeks I've been running more and more slower runs. Kinda fun yo! But I do enjoy speed tfs. Something about getting merits quickly is fun, but it is also fun to slow down and enjoy the Force of Task. But.....I say do the trials as quick as you can. Baf and Lam are the reason I ponder suicide.
yeah! Rex! yeah!!! -
Also, I would like to start a CoP red side one of these days. We would like to know how much villain support we have on Liberty. So either reply to this forum or send me a tell on the global handle @Run Faster. Hope we can get some junk rolling soon.
Buah! -
Remember, Every Friday @8pm(est). I'll be running a CoP. We've had great participation the last few weeks. We now run 2 in a row. Takes about 30 minutes max for the combined 2 runs. Anywho. I'll see everyone there!
yeah! lets party!!! -
I had a blast at the raid. It was almost like magic. Almost.
This Friday 6/3/11. The Global Channel Saints Task Forces will be hosting the weekly Cathedral of Pain (CoP). Going to simple, smooth, and we're done in time for the Mothership Riad. Every Friday @8pm(est). Hope to see everyone there. And if not. Whatev
Quote:Saints Task ForcesTo have a channel added to the list, post it here. I will add channels posted here to the original post to keep it up to date.
It's a private channel for friends and people who enjoy doing task forces quickly. We also host the weekly Cathedral of Pain and the last Dr Quarterfield was done in 2:54:13. Not bad for a bunch of noobs. -
I will not be running the cop tonight. Real life business. @High Voltz will most likely be running it. So send him a tell for the information. Thanks to all who are making these weekly cop runs possible.
Take a break from the trial. Run a Dr. Quarterfield task force in under 3 hours. If you can beat 2:54:13 I'll give you some candy. 122 merits is almost like sitting in the bathroom while space aliens from space obliterate the planet. All you can think about is your sparkly little merits. Oh how cute they are.
Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Don't get to do much red side.
5/13/11 CoP Attempt. Going to be the same as last run. Quick, easy, and we're done in time for msr. Going to start @7pm(cst). I'll will probably start forming about 1 hour - 1hour30mins before start time, and if full before 7 we will start. Any questions? Comments? or Concerns? Reply here or send a tell to @Heavenly Perverse or @High Voltz. See you there Liberty!!!
Starting this friday until the end of time....I am starting up weekly cop attempts @7pm(cst) There is enough time in there to also make it to the msr. So i'll cya guys there. @Heavenly Perverse
Quote:Hahaa, Yeah Rex, That was me. Something about being a sneaky little stealth ninja makes me feel warm and fuzzy insideWell, I got clobbered good and proper by a couple of toons, working together.
They have a sneaky tactic - they engage you in conversation, and while you type a response, they sneak up on you.
They clobbered my ill/rad pretty easily. My ice blaster fared slightly better, except I forgot I was invisible. It took me a few seconds to figure out why I couldn't target them when I finally saw them.
I can tell I'm rusty, (wasn't that great at it to begin with, unless I had a double dose of clear mind.) but, practice will lead closer to perfection. -
Quote:if you wait till the wee hours of the night, that is when the real pvp happens. I've seen a single person run through and wipe out an entire group of 5 people all by themselves. Really impressive stuff
It's true! I've run through warburg and found those chums pulling off that wicked afk pvp! Keep up the afk work! :P -
I like my Energy Melee / Energy Aura. Had to get rid of few powers for perception, but whatev. Still 2 shot some chums. I'll send you my build. My side project is Energy Melee / Ninj. I'll let you know how that goes. :P
Buying up all the commons and selling for high prices isn't good for the new players. Sure they can sell and get some cash in their pocket. But when it comes time to buy and craft. They don't have enough influence or infamy to buy these common salvages to craft. Now is the part where you say, 20mins in AE will get you 1500 tickets and then you can trade those for commons. Do the new players who are learning the invention system really know this? Some do, but my guess is that most do not.