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  1. [ QUOTE ][*] For those who didn't know and are OCD about badges, there will be exactly ONE (1) Infected in Recluse's Victory that spawns every two hours. Kill him 100 times to get that Isolator badge you missed in Outbreak. Posi said it would be annoyingly hard, after all, so you asked for it

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It has become glaringly obvious to me in a flash of insight.

    Positron has become a villain.

    That may be the most single-handedly evil thing I've ever seen one of these devs do...and that includes ED.


    Name him Jenkins.
  2. I return!

    Been gone for some time now due to financial issues. Glad to see your thread is still here Sandolphan!!!
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    does anyone know if this works with a usb numeric keypad? I play on a laptop, so no real numeric keypad. If it will, I'll buy one!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's a good question. If it works for other programs then it should work for COV.

    There are other versions of these binds. Someone made some with other keys around the WASD, check the sticky in the mastermind forums and you should be able to find it.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    this my be off topic but how can you command invidual pets when they have names longer than 6 letters or have spaces in them like my ninja master mind called mr dumas, who has tow genin called "right hand of" (mr dumas) and "left hand of" (mr dumas) any clues...i noticed you said something about using something significant in there name or was that their title ie genin or lich (lord) or does it count with names so i could use right or left?

    PS: thinking of name for 3 rd pet in 2 and a bit levels :P

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You just need the first 6 letters. The system should find the best match. So just Right and Left would work.
  5. Before I forget, here's a file of the original keybinds. Just the command sets listed in the first posts, no extra stuff.

    Khaiba's Numeric Keybinds

    The host should be fine, and I've included instructions on how to install/use them. Feel free to toss them into the first post Sandolphan, but I think you should leave the detailed posts up, so people can learn from them.

    Let me know if anyone has trouble downloading and I will find a mirror.

  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Anyone figured out a way to command your pet to use a specific power? Not a stance like defensive or aggressive, a power like burst, etc.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Unfortunately no. The best you can do is use goto to put them in melee range, and then they will most likely melee. Vice versa for ranged.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I think my project for the weekend might be downloadable versions of these files


    (Assuming I find a reliable file-host)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Having no place to host the files of course is the reason they are presented here in quotes. Master Z had a zip of them in Beta he was hosting, but if anyone cares to host one feel free.

    BTW: The dialogue additions (especially the sequentially loading text files for variety) are very much the kind of thing I was thinking of adding, but thought it would complicate an already complicated guide. This was all about control; flavor would come later. I don't anticipate writing the flavor guide right now, especially since you've already accomplished much of the groundwork. Much better to make them the subject of their own guide anyway!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I dunno about making a new guide for them, but I am working on a set of chatty binds that I will make available as soon as I can.
  8. I think my project for the weekend might be downloadable versions of these files, and a downloadable version of the extra chatty keybinds I just went into. (that people can customize with their own chat, but all the other stuff is taken care of)

    Sandolphan I will send you a pm when and if I get it done. (Assuming I find a reliable file-host)
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    So what we would need to do is break down each key into its own seperate files, IE.. files for attack, defense, goto and so forth if we want to have different things said?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That would be the best way to do it, a seperate key for attacking, going into defensive mode, etc... You could probably alter the numeric binds here to do this.

    For example, you could change the battle.txt file from this:
    [ QUOTE ]
    numpad4 petcom_pow Battle Aggressive
    numpad5 petcom_pow Battle Defensive
    numpad6 petcom_pow Battle Passive
    numpad7 petcom_pow Battle Attack
    numpad8 petcom_pow Battle Follow
    numpad9 petcom_pow Battle Goto
    lctrl+decimal petcom_pow Battle Dismiss

    [/ QUOTE ]

    To This:
    [ QUOTE ]
    numpad4 "petcom_pow Battle Aggressive$$ petsay_pow battle Grrr!!!"
    numpad5 "petcom_pow Battle Defensive$$ petsay_pow battle Defending the Master!!!"
    numpad6 "petcom_pow Battle Passive$$ petsay_pow battle Battle Systems, shutting down!"
    numpad7 "petcom_pow Battle Attack$$ petsay_pow battle Attacking for our master!!!"
    numpad8 "petcom_pow Battle Follow$$ petsay_pow battle Following, my lord!"
    numpad9 "petcom_pow Battle Goto$$ petsay_pow battle By your command, Master!"
    lctrl+decimal petcom_pow Battle Dismiss

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Now they will say something with every command. They will always say the same things however, and that's kind of boring. If you really want things to get really interesting (and complicated), try this.

    [ QUOTE ]
    numpad4 "petcom_pow Battle Aggressive$$ petsay_pow battle Grrr!!!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle2.txt"
    numpad5 "petcom_pow Battle Defensive$$ petsay_pow battle Defending the Master!!!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle2.txt"
    numpad6 "petcom_pow Battle Passive$$ petsay_pow battle Battle Systems, shutting down!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle2.txt"
    numpad7 "petcom_pow Battle Attack$$ petsay_pow battle Attacking for our master!!!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle2.txt"
    numpad8 "petcom_pow Battle Follow$$ petsay_pow battle Following, my lord!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle2.txt"
    numpad9 "petcom_pow Battle Goto$$ petsay_pow battle By your command, Master!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle2.txt"
    lctrl+decimal petcom_pow Battle Dismiss

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Then you would need a new file called battle2.txt with something like this in it.

    [ QUOTE ]
    numpad4 "petcom_pow Battle Agg$$ petsay_pow battle Roar!!!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle.txt"
    numpad5 "petcom_pow Battle Def$$ petsay_pow battle Defensive Mode Active, Leader!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle.txt"
    numpad6 "petcom_pow Battle Pass$$ petsay_pow battle Going into Passive Mode!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle.txt"
    numpad7 "petcom_pow Battle Att$$ petsay_pow battle Destroy in the name of our lord!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle.txt"
    numpad8 "petcom_pow Battle Follow$$ petsay_pow battle Lead the way, boss!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle.txt"
    numpad9 "petcom_pow Battle Goto$$ petsay_pow battle Direct us lord!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle.txt"
    lctrl+decimal petcom_pow Battle Dismiss

    [/ QUOTE ]
    (Each keybind above is one line, the text wrap feature here makes them two)

    The effect of this would be, every time you used one of the numeric keybinds for your Battle Droids, they would say something appropriate, then load a new bind file, so their next command would bring up a petsay from the 2nd file.

    As long as it loops back to battle.txt in the final file, you could have as many of these as you wanted. If you made 4 or 5 of these files for all your minions and each of the three types, you would have your minions saying something different almost every time.

    However, having them talk every time you do something could get annoying, especially for your group members. You could mix it up by sticking in one like this.

    [ QUOTE ]
    numpad4 "petcom_pow Battle Aggressive$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle#.txt"
    numpad5 "petcom_pow Battle Defensive$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle#.txt"
    numpad6 "petcom_pow Battle Passive$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle#.txt"
    numpad7 "petcom_pow Battle Attack$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle#.txt"
    numpad8 "petcom_pow Battle Follow$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle#.txt"
    numpad9 "petcom_pow Battle Goto$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle#.txt"
    lctrl+decimal petcom_pow Battle Dismiss

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This would mean they would obey without saying anything, then load the next file, which might or might not have the petsay command in it. That way you wouldn't have them saying something every time they attacked or moved, etc... Maybe just every other command.

    Another idea, keep the original files, and bind the petsay versions here to lshift+numpad# instead. So if you press Numpad4, for instance, they would go into aggresive mode as normal, but if you pressed lshiff+numpad4, they would go into aggresive mode, say something, and load another bind file for the next time you use lshift+numpad#. It would look something like this.

    [ QUOTE ]
    numpad4 petcom_pow Battle Aggressive
    numpad5 petcom_pow Battle Defensive
    numpad6 petcom_pow Battle Passive
    numpad7 petcom_pow Battle Attack
    numpad8 petcom_pow Battle Follow
    numpad9 petcom_pow Battle Goto
    lshift+numpad4 "petcom_pow Battle Aggressive$$ petsay_pow battle Grrr!!!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle2.txt"
    lshift+numpad5 "petcom_pow Battle Defensive$$ petsay_pow battle Defending the Master!!!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle2.txt"
    lshift+numpad6 "petcom_pow Battle Passive$$ petsay_pow battle Battle Systems, shutting down!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle2.txt"
    lshift+numpad7 "petcom_pow Battle Attack$$ petsay_pow battle Attacking for our master!!!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle2.txt"
    lshift+numpad8 "petcom_pow Battle Follow$$ petsay_pow battle Following, my lord!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle2.txt"
    lshift+numpad9 "petcom_pow Battle Goto$$ petsay_pow battle By your command, Master!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle2.txt"
    lctrl+decimal petcom_pow Battle Dismiss

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You would need to have a similar format in battle2.txt, etc... but it would give you more control over how often your henchmen spoke. If you think you will use the speaking commands most of the time, switch the lshift+ around and set it so they do the non-talking ones when you hold shift, instead.

    Whew, that was a long one. Hope it helps people. It would be really complicated to set up all the binds for each group, but the effect would be really fun!
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    But anyway, some help with how keybind text files need to be formatted, especially with regards to [petsay] commands (both speech AND emotes) would be a GREAT help.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I answered everything but moved it to the following post, to try to keep this thread on topic. Decipher, the answers you want are there too, I believe.

    MM Binds
  11. Excellent writing! Here's to hoping Flora makes it back to Paragon.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Meh they hardly sticky any. Even though this is the greatest thread ever made in the history of the Interweb.
    I'm working on adding emotes and command words to all the bind.txt files now for my ninja MM. I scream commands and they respond with things like, "Yes my lady!" and, "Yes Mistress!" etc...etc....
    And when I tell them to go somewhere, I point and say, "Ninjas! Go!" and they're all like, "Where would you have us go, my lady?"

    So the hard part if figuring out how to get it into a rolling type thing....where it says different things every time I do it. I know me screaming, "Ninjas, Go!" in chat every 15 seconds can get annoying....this is going to take a load of files....:P

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You want something like this. (this is one of mine)

    /bind e "bind_load_file c:\keybinds\attack1.txt"

    then you make a file in your keybind directory called attack1.txt, and put something like this in it.

    [ QUOTE ]
    e "local Destroy everything!!!$$ emote frustrated$$ petcom_all att agg$$ petsay_all You got it boss!$$ bind_load_file c:\keybinds\attack2.txt"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In attack2.txt, put something like...
    [ QUOTE ]
    e "local Feed, my minions!$$ emote attack$$ petcom_all att agg$$ petsay_all FOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!$$ bind_load_file c:\keybinds\attack1.txt"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The command makes them attack your target and puts them in aggresive mode. You can add in text color commands or different emotes and text, etc...

    As long as the last file points back to the first one, you are good. If you are creative enough, you can make a huge loop of these, and thats just for one key. Works with all pet commands, etc...

    To make them move around like you said, substitute in the 'goto' command.
  13. Excellent set of keybinds, probably the most useful thing out there for a MM. 5 stars.

    Crytpic! Take this idea and run with it! Code this control behavior into the game!

    Here's my little contribution, for those of you who plan to play more than one type of mastermind.

    [ QUOTE ]
    /bind F1 "local Binding Necromancer Controls!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\necro.txt"

    /bind F2 "local Binding Robot Controls!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\robot.txt"

    /bind F3 "local Binding Mercenary Controls!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\mercs.txt"

    /bind F4 "local Binding Ninja Controls!$$ bind_load_file c:\covbinds\ninja.txt"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This lets you swap out control sets without having to type everything in all the time. Use as many of them as you need, just bind each one individually, set to whichever keys you like. (I used F1-F4 simply because I never use those for inspirations anyway) I tossed the announce in there so you know which one you are loading (don't want to accidentally load your robot controls when playing on your necro, do ya?)
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Oddly enough, I've never seen Babbage in Boomtown, but have seen him in Skyway at least a dozen times (appearing as part of the Synapse TF).

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [ QUOTE ]
    Is the Babbage supposed to spawn in Boomtown?

    In short, the answer is yes.

    Does the Babbage currently spawn in Boomtown?

    No – this is a bug. We’re working on it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Did you miss that?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No I didn't miss it. I am quite aware of it.

    Are you aware that Babbage, until recently, has spawned in Boomtown for months?

    Let me repeat. Babbage used to spawn in Boomtown.
    My teammates have screenshots of Babbage in Boomtown that prove this.

    This is the point of my comment. I have been playing since the 3 day headstart. I've taken a dozen different characters into Boomtown over the last 5 months and spent the equivalent of days there. And I have never seen Babbage in Boomtown (where he was supposed to spawn all the time). And yet I have seen him in Skyway many times where he only spawns for a Synapse task force. Hence the irony.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Can we see this screenshot? I've never been able to find him and need something to give me hope.