Harvey Milk

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  1. What would be the best spec if I partner with a mind/psi dominator? I'm guessing thugs or robots, but what do you more expert players recommend?
  2. Thanks for all the feedback, keep it coming!

    PS- Harvey Milk is my hero, and I honor him by using his name in all kinds of games.
  3. hmm, cool. Sounds good. I was under the impression that mind/psi had a lot of sleeps in lower levels, so AoE was not ideal. That's why I thought a stalker's surgical approach (though undoubtedly slower) would work better. But I like the playstyle of corruptor so I'll consider it. Any primary power recommendation? Fire or dark?
  4. I'm brand new, but from my forum research here (kudos to all of you contributors), it looks like a dark/nin stalker might be best.

    Any consensus on the most effective leveling partner for for a Mind/Psi Dom?