How about this:
-You can only earn XP from missions and the mobs inside.
-Street mobs earn double Influence, but no XP.
-If you have debt street mobs will reduce it by the normal amount.
This will allow players to get that extra INF for Enhancements or that costume change without outleveling content. This will allow players a quick way to clear debt without slogging through a mission at 1/2 XP.
Yes this means the only way to gain XP will to do missions. Which is the only thing that really makes sense. What kind of "learning" or "experience" does someone gain when fighting the same mobs over and over. Missions show progress of a character through the story.
Unfortunatly the zones are not laid out to facilitate this. Seriously DEVs, you create giant zones like IP or hazard zones like Parez and stuff them full of easy to kill mobs. Then you wonder why people street hunt???
[/ QUOTE ]
Would not affect me either way, at 32, I see debt as only having more influence to spend later. I actually get pleased when I bite the carpet, now I can afford that SO I have been eyeballing at the store
Even at that level, I take about 30 minutes to plow through a "bub" of exp. Street hunting? Nope all door missions, all solo(save for those few "Do X sumultaniously" missions). I learned a long time ago that street hunting was only frustrating and aggrivating with all the kill stealing (nothing burns my bacon more than getting a "Hunt X in Y" mission, and having only one more to ki-- arrest to go while Joe Schmuckenheimer wipes out the last X in sight.) and unimportant broadcast drivel. I have seen the light, and it is dazzling to behold.
Go Hunt!
Kill Skulls!
What more needs to be said?