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  1. I'm kind of wondering why this is necessary.

    When I log in, it says I have no free costume change tokens available.

    Yet, according to the instructions above, I can go through this process to make it available.

    Why the extra (undocumented) steps?

    I even looked at the FAQ for vet rewards and saw nothing mentioned about this.

    Does anyone know why this is necessary instead of just having the tokens show up upon receipt of the badge? Do they expire after a certain time if not used?

    I'm confused. And a little bit broke, since I didn't know this and when I went to change my costume for my Thug MM, I paid the fee for the costume change.

    Also, how do I know when I'm using a free costume change token?

    CoH/V is so much better documented than other MMOs I've played, but this is one area where it seems unnecessarily opaque. Unless it's necessary for it to be opaque. I can't imagine why, though.
  2. Hanna

    City of Cute...

    Is there some kind of open request that there be the ability to create more "cartoonish" characters in City of ... ?

    I'm sure there are other artistic genres that could also be requested, have they?

    I'm really really interested in a City of ... world where multiple different artistic styles interact together. It might seem jarring at first, but I believe this would broaden City of ... in a really positive way.

    Also, it would differentiate City of ... even further from the oncoming storm of competitors. Since the game seems to be focused on a few narrow (more "mainstream") artistic styles.

    Would the engine even support it? Just a wild guess that it would, at least, it would be capable of rendering a wider range of artistic styles. Certainly the art department would have its work cut out for it.

    Anyway, I'd love to see the ability to create more stylized characters with huge heads, tiny bodies, oversized eyeballs, etc. There's great story potential for how this would be introduced into the current world.

    Thanks for listening. Sorry for being ever so slightly off topic.