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((Please feel free to join. Just take a moment to read the opening page to learn the rules.
I am in work hades with multi projects that is keeping me from doing a meaningful post. I am still around and watching and hoping to post soon...ish)) -
((Okay that works, but neither are dressed for hot tub, so they would need some time to change in their room.))
((Follow who? Hali/Kia are headed to their private room. Jamie is likely to follow Hali, but there isnt anything there that I will be roleplaying atm.
Ella will be emerging but will be looking for Sis, depending on Pyrria if Sis is findable or not. Ella may get distracted into someone else's activities.
The area is pretty open to free-write as you wish, wander around, explore, write in NPC's as needed. Whoever starts whatever is the most interesting thing will surely attract others to it.)) -
((Think Halo Inc died?))
[/ QUOTE ]
((Im still here. I'm trying to give people enough time to post and measure what directions people take themselves on.
I am also planning to switch back to Ella, and put Hali/Kia on hold for a little bit)) -
Sacrum smiled displaying his jagged yellow teeth, as he saw the girl tumble down into the hole. He limped over to the grave while one hand attempted to stem the blood flow from the deep gash in his abundant belly. As he approached the rim of the grave he summoned up as powerful a blast of gloom as he could manage. He could barely see her scurrying about at the bottom of the hole, trying to hide her slender body up against the dirt walls.
Sacrum moved up to the very edge of the grave. His worn boots kicked earth and dust down on Isabel as he was about to unleash the full force (as far as he could manage) of the void down upon her. He stretched out his hand and
Isabel leapt up and swung the shovel in a mighty arc with all of her bloodlust fueled strength. The shovel struck Sacrum right below the knee. The blade of the shovel sank deep into his flesh as the bone gave way. The jagged fracture ripped though his skin and poked bloodily out of his jeans. The fat bone-daddy collapsed forward falling into the earthen hole nearly landing on top of Isabel.
Isabel hefted the shovel high above her head and brought it down on Sacrums arms as he raised them defensively. A satisfying crack made her smile and repeat this process again and again until Sacrums hands and arms were useless broken pieces of meat. The bloodlust was driving her again the smell of fresh earth, the smell of blood the need for violence. She raised the shovel for what would have been the final time, to crush Sacrums head and end his life when she heard her name as clear as a bell and right behind her.
Isabel turned to see Marrous his hand wrapped in the swirling black energies of the void. He reached forward and covered her face with his hand, then there was blinding pain.
Isabels eyes burst and melted. The soft fleshy orbs liquefied and ran down her cheeks the cold touch of the void withering her once beautiful face. Despite the mysterious liquids numbing affects, the pain was unbearable, and she wailed a retched anguished scream. Blinded she collapsed to her knees in the earthen hole holding her face.
Marrouss hard voice floated down from somewhere above her. You want to see again? Then take new eyes
His words reverberated in her ears. Other gloomy voices repeated the words in her head turning them into a mantra.
Take new eyes...take new eyes...take them...
Though she didnt understand their meaning, the bloodlust did. She felt around in the darkness groping out to find what she needed. She found the broken Sacrum; he moaned and cringed at her touch but was unable to move his bulk. He whimpered knowing what was coming next. She felt her way up his body to his face then without warning her fingers started to gouge at flesh around his eyes. The hot blood flowed freely from his face the coppery scent intoxicated her. The bloodlust took joy in the unseen damage she caused until she ripped his fleshy orbs of Sacrums eyes free. She held the bloody prizes high above her head displaying them like a grizzly trophy.
Without understanding why the bloodlust pushed the stolen orbs into her own empty sockets. Her sight however did not return. Her heart was pounding inside her chest almost deafening her. There was a vast darkness all around her, its presence tangible and cold, her own flesh felt feverish and hot.
Marrous spoke again his voice cutting through the pounding of her own heart beat. Learn the void, take the knowledge
Again the dark voices chanted the words and again it was the bloodlust that understood. She groped around in the darkness and found the shovel again. Gripping it with both hands, she swung it repeatedly at Sacrum. Her wild frenzied swings clipped the dirt walls showering her in earth until she finally hit her mark. The wet crack of Sacrums skull splitting open, thrilled the frenzied Isabel and she pounced upon his body and with unnatural strengthen opened the split in his skull with her fingers.
Sacrums lantern dimmed with every passing second while her own lantern shone more brilliantly until it illuminated the entire graveyard.
Marrous watched from above the bloodlust had Isabel completely. She was devouring Sacrums brains as if she had never eaten before. Then in a wild frenzy she tore off what little of her clothes that remained and raged on Sacrums body rending it with her hands and washing in his blood. In her frenzy Isabel started to cave the dirt walls in on herself, burying both herself and Sacrums body.
Marrous waited as Isabel continued to berserk in the hole slowly the sounds died down. The bloodlust was subsiding, it was time.
Marrous swept his arm in a powerful motion at the dirt mound of Isabels grave. A torrent of earth crashed into the hole like a terrible earthen wave. He repeated this process several times until the hole was refilled with the loose dirt and Isabel was buried completely. Marrous calmly walked over to the tree and watched as the light from Isabels lantern slowly faded until it was completely out.
Marrous gathered the lanterns and headed back to the car.
[Next: Dawn] -
[Bone Daddy:]
Marrous moved over to Sacrum again and pushed the knife into Sacrums shaking hand. A glint of hope crossed Sacrums face, a chance to survive.
If I win, if I kill the girl, I get to live? He sniffled.
Marrous shook his head There is no way you leave this graveyard ever. If she doesnt kill you The black oily tentacles squeezed tighter for a moment illustrating Marrouss point.
And if I dont fight her? Sacrum whined already fearing the answer.
Then youll die slow Marrous response was flat, devoid of mirth even though he liked the idea of killing the fat pig slowly.
Isabels lean body was taut with anticipation as she turned the knife in her hand. The double dose of the potion had her on an extreme edge. Her chest heaved magnificently as her blood stained nostrils flared pulling in the cool night air. She was ready to pounce on the fat bone daddy.
Marrous released Sacrum from the tentacles. Sacrum was deposited on the ground where he rubbed his limbs for a moment.
Every ounce of Isabels muscles yearned to pounce on Sacrum and her brain fought the headlong risk as her dark eyes studied the fat man. The half second hesitation may have saved her life; as Sacrum reached out and fired a blast of gloom summoned up from the endless depths of the void. Isabel dodged left and rolled to a crouch behind a headstone.
Sacrum fired a second blast of dreaded gloom at her, the dark energy cracked the ancient marble headstone. Isabel moved again to land behind yet another headstone this time one row closer to her prey. She counted the seconds before Sacrum fired another shot.
Eight seconds later a blast of gloom splattered against this headstone. Isabel peeked out and measured the distance between her and her adversary. After his next blast, she sprang out and charged. She covered half the distance in a powerful hop. Sacrum raised his knife defensively as Isabel landed in a low crouch and slid under his blade delivering a deep slash to his stomach and catching a piece of his inner thigh as well.
Sacrum screamed in desperation and anger. His fist charged up with the black energy of the void swung at Isabel, but she too fast. Isabel easily skirted the blow and rammed her blade deep into Sacrums shoulder. The bloodlust howled inside of her and she twisted the blade to make him scream.
Sacrum ended his cry and fired a volley of gloom point blank at Isabel. The dark toxic energy scathed her left shoulder. Her shoulder grew cold at the voids touch, yet burned as if splashed with acid. Her once smooth skin withered like old leather as the energy devoured at her essence. Sacrum readied another blast and Isabel leapt for some cover. She rolled over the dirt mound of the grave she had dug earlier and fell to the bottom of the hole, trapped.
[Next: Burial] -
[KruthT] "Pardon my ignorance, but why did you encase Kia in Ice? " He asked calmly. "I thought humans were susceptible to damage when exposed to sudden temperature changes."
[Void Blazer]
"Well, lizard friend of ours, we are going to take a wild guess, that the woman felt it necessary that, in order to stop the fight, she had to incapacitate her friend as well. Of course, this is of course assuming they are both friends in this....otherwise she might just enjoy freezing people. We know we would..."
Oui, Kia will be okay the ice that I used will not damage her wery much. Pardon
Hali stepped over to the security team and spoke quietly with them for a moment. One of them reached into a satchel and produced a glowie.
Hali took the bracelet and stepped over to Kia. Holding up her empty hand the ice receded a bit allowing Hali to place the glowie on Kias wrist. Kias exposed hand was shivering from the cold but did manage to extend a shaking middle finger at Hali.
Once the glowie was in place and active Hali melted away the remainder of the ice, which went directly from solid to a green mist. Kia dropped free of the ice and Hali caught her. Weakly i am so hating you right now
Come you will feel much better lets get you to a hot tub
Hali started to lead Kia away, Kia leaning heavily against Hali still shivering.
Security Sergeant Alright folks thanks for coming to the Meet-and-greet there will be one daily in this room, but for now you can go ahead with a self tour. Please obey the signs posted around the Clinic and enjoy yourselves -
Luckily for Kia she was quick. She took a quick step back and with a pulling motion with her fist she siphoned extra speed directly from Alissa, turning Kia super-quick and making Alissa comically slow.
Kia zipped around behind the lupine girl and siphoned some of her strength. I was only a tiny fraction that Alissa would barely feel.
((Go ahead and take a free hit on Kia, before Halis actions below. You may control the security team.))
[Jamie] ** Ooh...what are they doing? **
Hali turned to look. The whistle dropped from her lips and her eyes narrowed angrily. Merde!
Hali stood quickly causing her chair to slide back and bump the wall behind her. In an instant she raised her hands and thick ice started to form around Kia. In a few seconds she would be completely frozen solid.
Next Hali turned toward Alissa. A green glow surrounded her making her senses reel and harder to focus on targets. It would also aid the security team by weakening any of the girls defenses for their takedown. -
Pardon and greetings, I am Aeonnoyna Illoyneiass. I would appreciate a glass of Sweetwater Wine*
*A fairly common but excellent Elven wine that could be found in many dimensions
Aeon offered her hand; it was very warm to the touch. Her head nodded gracefully to indicate Razi. What is the beasts name? The term beast wasnt the least bit insulting in her elven tongue on the contrary in many context it was complimentary.
Aeon gently maintained her grasp on Anjee. Her voice dropped an octave, her long fingers warmed further, as the lights from the bar danced playfully in her eyes.
Also bring me a Copper-Vesuvius** with four mugs
**A drink of molten copper with various other minerals for spice, server h o t -
Aeon eyed Anjee up and down as she came closer to the table her focus settled on her orange-red hair. Her thin lips curled into a pleasant smile, and her eyes sparkled approvingly.
When she spoke it was in the beautiful elven language. Her voice was light and musical, and everything youd picture an elfs voice to be.
As Razi stalked quietly to the bad Aeon ask something else in Elven.
((Let me know if she understands elfish or not)) -
Sacrums scream brought Isabel back out of her blood frenzy. She was drenched in blood and covered in gore and chunks of flesh, chips from bones and tattered pieces of Zachs cheap suit. She pulled her hands out of Zachs decimated chest cavity. It made a sickening sucking sound as her hands came free from what was left of his body. Slowly she stood straddling his destroyed body. As she rose to her full height, the blood and gore started to run down her body and drip from her. The little that was left of her blood soaked dress hung heavily from the one remaining strap on her left shoulder. She tried to pull up the other side but it was useless. Taking up the knife again, she cut a long strip of cloth off of the remains of the dress and tied it around her chest. She discarded the remainder of the blood soaked rags and stepped up the hill to see what was going on.
Marrous please dont. The Counsel* will never allow this There was no hiding the pathetic pleading tone in Sacrums voice.
* The Marrow Counsel, the ruling body of the Skulls gang. (Made up for this Storyline)
In his dead emotionless voice, Marrous shattered Sacrums hopes. The Counsel already agreed to this. They are sick of your failures
It was true that the Marrow Counsel had Okayed Marrous to take out Sacrum, but they didnt know what else he had planned.
Marrous worked quickly, not rushed, Marrous never rushed. He took a small cord, and tied Zachs old lantern into Sacrums hand, then relit it. Once the flame was relit, Marrous untied the lantern and placed it back by the tree next to Isabels. Next, he reached into Sacrums jacket and took several objects including the flask. Marrous forced Sacrum to drink and swallow the putrid liquid. Sacrum for his part wept openly, his fat cheeks and large jowls quivered as he sobbed.
Marrous turned to Isabel. Get the knives and put that boy in his hole...and dont miss any of the bigger pieces
Isabel managed to drag Zachs body with a strength she didnt know she possessed to the grave he had dug earlier. She unceremoniously dumped him in and watched as the body slide down to the bottom before going back to collect pieces. When she was finished, Marrous was at her side holding the flask out to her. It was obvious that he wanted her to drink again.
Isabel took the flask in her blood covered hands and drank its vile contents for a second time tonight. Faster than before, she felt the familiar yearning for violence return.
Marrous grabbed her by the chin with his cold calloused hand and examined her face by the lantern light. His all black eyes searched her blood smeared face looking for a sign or mark. It was impossible for her to tell if he saw what he sought or not.
Is it is up to you if that hole He indicated the grave she had dug earlier is for you or not Marrous forced her fingers to close around the knife handle and made her look at Sacrum. Hurt em, make em bleed, but dont kill him
Isabel gave Marrous a solemn nod. She wanted to live.
[Next: Bone Daddy] -
Aeonnoyna Illoyneiass stepped lightly into the bar and slowly scanned the area with her deep blue eyes. Satisfied enough she entered.
It was immediately obvious that Aeonnoyna was an elf-girl. The graceful soft features and elongated ears being an instant give away. She was actually short for an elf of her species barely over six feet.
Her eyes were deep pools of calming azure (at the moment) and her long straight silky hair was golden blonde. She was dressed in simple robes of a satiny silky nature that were slightly sheer. She had no modesty, but there were enough layers to obscure things that should not be presented publicly. The robes were a mixture of reds, oranges and golds, that flowed off of her body as if she were in a constant breeze.
The way she moved was utterly graceful, even with the slight skip to her step that added a playful bounce. She chose to seat herself at an empty table near the middle of the bar and with her back to the wall. She crossed her long legs and sat straight and regally while she waited for service -
::I am here to relax at the Spa facility :: Hali wasnt sure how to explain the concept of work to an ice-sprite. She wasnt even sure if they used the term work.
Hali smiled broadly back at Jaime and her mouth full of cake. She was too cute to even both trying to clean-up at the moment.
Kia watched the flung chair sail away with a very unimpressed look. As Alissa crouched down to her level, Kia balled up her little hands and held them up to her chin in a frightful way. She did her best little girl voice and filled it mock fright.
Oh, but Grandmother what big teeth you have
Kia was beginning to think that she might actually like it here after all. -
When things had, turned bad for Zachary, Sacrum had yelled out in disbelieve.
She wasnt supposed to kill him! This was not the way the ritual was done. Yes, one of them had to die but there were other rites that needed to be observed before the spirit was released. Sacrum turned to look for Marrous but didnt see him. He started to race down the hill before all life was lost from Zach, but that was when Marrous found him.
Marrouss fist swirled with the black violent energy of the void as he stepped out of the shadowfall. Marrous swung at Sacrums face. There was a loud crack as blood and two teeth flew from Sacrums mouth as he fell backwards.
Sacrum scrambled to get back on his feet but Marrous was upon him too quickly and delivered another fist filled with the sinister energy of the void. The punch lifted Sacrum off of his feet and sent him back up the hill. Marrous wasted no time and pressed the attack. Drawling up both hands black energies ruptured from the ground in a radius surrounding Marrous. The dark energy made the fog itself retreat as all the vegetation in that radius withered instantly and died. Sacrum felt the cold fingers of the void rip at the essence of his soul.
Dark tendrils of energy wafted off of Marrouss body as his connection to the void was at its peak. He struck Sacrum again sending the fat man the last bit up the hill.
Sacrum opened his own connection to the void and poured black energies into his fat fist. He swung at Marrous clumsily. Marrous calmly caught the fist in his own dead cold hand. Sacrums eyes shrank in fear as Marrous again poured the voids energy into his own hand. The auras of black energy battled but it was wholly lopsided as Marrouss energies destroyed Sacrums and made the fat man whimper in pain, at the cold touch of the void far beyond his abilities.
Tall black and oily tentacles erupted from the ground and wrapped tightly around Sacrums body and limbs immobilizing him.
Marrous got very close to the fat skulls face Fear your death, for it is guaranteed an apparition of a skull pulled from the void itself floated at Sacrum. He screamed and cowered before it.
[Next: untitled]
((Sorry I don't have a title for the next section that I am happy with and I didn't want to delay this section any longer. Once the next section is up I'll take suggestions.)) -
Hali nodded sympathetically as Jamie described her Masters condition.
::I am sure that they will take excellent care of him here, and that you have nothing to worry about::
Kias brain got momentarily sidetracked on the double entendre of eat people like you. If anything, it only added to her playful smirk.
Well a Gal your size really should watch what she eats, but since you are here. You really should look into that body wax Kias voice dripped with sarcasm and sass. -
((I maybe popping in here. If I do I will probably be outside the continuity of any character I am using elsewhere. Give me a little while I have three characters that are trying to find a way to fit here))
((Purposefully delaying response Thunder-bug. I'm not ignoring you. I want to give others a chance to react, position and whatever before we cause a ruckus....Can you describe the ruckus?
I'll post Kia's response tomorrow Am the latest.)) -
Don't think of you character in terms of an archtype. Think of what type of person he would be attracted to, and what kind of person would be attracted to him.
Develope the personaality further and then think of an archtype that fits. Heck she doesnt even have to 'fit' an archtype just pick what powers you would envision her to have. -
::How badly hurt is your master? Maybe I could help?:: Hali gently brushed some wayward crumbs off of Jamie and studied her eyes, in them she could see windows to the frozen tundra of Jamies world.
Kia stood up and zipped her jacket closed as the much larger girl came over. Looking up at Alissa, Kia liked the view; well maybe the fur was a bit much. Kia was too headstrong to back down from a challenge, and too stubborn even when it was obviously in her best interest. Heck worst case scenario maybe they would eject her from the spa and she could go home and beat up some real scumbags.
Kia stood close to Alissa not backing down an inch, even though the wolf-woman towered over her. What was that called Napoleon complex?
Kia craned her neck back to address the taller woman.
Oh me? I was just trying to guess what you are here for Kia snapped her fingers like an idea suddenly came to her I know its gotta be the body wax
Hali would probably be the last to notice what was about to happen as it took considerable concentration to hold the spell, on the whistle and hold a conversation, in a language that was completely alien.
((Kia is a defender, who thinks she is a scrapper. She can take hits but if they are bad, she immediately replenishes her health from her foe (Yay Kinetics))) -
[Void Blazer] {Request for directions}
Kia simply shrugged. Dont ask me. They are keeping me out in those condos by the damn spa
Kia was keeping a wary eye on Alissa. She didnt bother to send a mental warning to Hali, she had a strict anti-fun policy when it came to fighting. She would probably insist that the proper authorities were informed and that things were handled discreetly. Well as far as Kia was concerned, she was a hero and that made her the proper authority. Plus it might be fun to wrestle with the big girl.
((Well if something does start. At least Kia is in a hospital already))
Hali invited Jamie to sit in a nearby chair. She knew it was unlikely for ice spirit to want to sit, especially one so young, but Hali was all about politeness and it was the polite thing to do. Hali cupped her hands and a thick fog grew around them. When she unclasped her hands she had what looked like a whistle made of ice. She placed it in her mouth and blew gently. Only Jaime could hear the song. It was soft and subtle soon it carried words.
::Hello Little Ice. My name is Hali. What brings you here::
Several more staff members came in to clear more of the food trays. It definitely gave the impression that the party was ending soon to anyone that paid attention. Part of this was because of what was becoming likely an attack from Alissa. The security detail had the cleaning staff come early. If people left the room voluntarily then it was less likely that Alissa would get riled, and even if she did there would be less people to get hurt. -
((Welcome back here too Thunderbug!!! I will post a reply soon, and start wrapping up the meet and greet.))
Zach pounced on Isabel before she could roll away. He quickly pinned her to the ground with his body weight. Faintly she could hear Sacrum cheering Zach on.
Zach thrust downward with his knife in an attempt to sever her ear. She barely managed to move her head out of the way as the knife sank though her dark hair and into the ground up to the hilt. Before Zach could pull the knife back out of the ground, Isabel sliced his forearm deep, cutting muscle and ligaments, rendering his hand nigh useless. A wave of blood splashed across Isabels neck and face from the deep gash. His somewhat limp hand released the knife it had been holding and gave Isabel a strong backhand across the face. The backhand had enough force that it made her drop her own blade. Her lip split and her own bright crimson blood splashed across her face and made her senses momentarily reel drinking in the coppery taste. Her heart pounded with excitement.
Zach grabbed hold of her by the front of her dress and violently shook her up and down slamming her repeatedly into the ground. That is until the dress could not stand the abuse anymore and tore open exposing her body to the night. His dripping blood felt hot, it practically sizzled on her bare soft skin. She was hypersensitive to the blood and she could feel even the smallest speck that touched her. She had goose-bumps in anticipation of more of the hot red liquid landing on her.
A feral growl escaped Isabel as she clawed in desperation at his face with her sharp fingernails. She dug out long jagged ruts of skin. Zachs face contorted with pain and shock as more blood showered down on her. Zach forced her back down to the ground with his good arm on her throat, keeping his torn face well out of her reach.
Isabel scratched and beat uselessly at the arm that held her in place while he looked down at her writhing body triumphantly. The vibrant crimson blood (mostly his own) glistened in the lamp light on her exposed tanned skin.
Isabel knew she was helpless and at his mercy unless she changed the situation somehow. Her dark eyes glared at him with fiery intensity, as her lips parted slightly. Her tongue darted out and licked away the blood from her lips. She arched her back as much as she could in her current position and twisted sensually.
Zachs jaw dropped open. His mouth dripped saliva, mixed with blood that still ran down his face. His eyes practically glazed over with desire for her. The fact that she was coated in blood only added to his twisted desires. Hed make sure that she would not enjoy the things hed do to her
Sacrum shouted out a desperate warning that went unheard as the beating of Zachs heart fueled by his desires pounded relentlessly in his ears. He desperately yearned for her, wanting nothing else but for her to be his. He slid his hand down her soft inviting skin, smearing the sticky blood across her chest.
Isabel didnt resist. Inwardly she loathed his touch and everything about him. The bloodlust she was feeling surged wanting nothing more than to take him apart piece by piece. He leaned forward and placed his mouth against hers. She accepted his lips and his tongue for a moment, that is until her hand seized upon something solid.
Isabels fingers clenched around a piece of marble, from a long crumbled headstone. As soon as she was sure of her hold on the piece of stone, she bit down hard sinking her teeth deep into his tongue and lower lip. A new fountain of hot blood poured down her chin and body. Zach tried to force her away, but this only made it worse, as her teeth sunk deeper and she continued to relentlessly bite down on his flesh.
Isabel swung the rock with all of the strength she could muster. Enhanced with the bloodlust the chunk of marble slammed hard into his temple. The blow had enough force to separate the paired faces. Isabel took a large chunk of Zachs lip and tongue with her. He let out a garbled wet scream and sputtered blood like a sprinkler as he grabbed his mutilated face and rolled away from her.
Isabel stayed with him, rolling herself on top and smashing down with the rock repeatedly. Her body rose and fell with each downward strike adding more force to each blow. Isabel could feel his bones cracking and snapping under the violent assault with the stone. It only encouraged her more. Zach lay broken and completely dazed despite the power of the mysterious liquid.
Vaguely Isabel could hear Sacrum screaming something but she paid no attention to that pathetic Bone Daddy as she continued to hammer Zach with the rock. Eventually the bloodied rock slipped from her frenzied grip and she lunged out, snatched his knife from the ground, and began stabbing at him repeatedly. Long ropes of dark red blood were flung high in the air as she stabbed again and again into his chest, plunging the blade deeper and deeper with each thrust.
Isabel began to wail and scream as her attacks continued. Her screams were completely unintelligible. They were simply primal and savage. There was no finesse, she went completely into a blood crazed frenzy as she hacked at the body, tearing off chunks of meat and bone as she continuously plunged the knife again and again splashing blood, flesh and gore everywhere. When the knife became too slippery for her to hold she began to rend the decimated corpse with her bare hands.
Zachs life did not end easily thanks to the mysterious liquid but eventually the light from his lantern faded completely where as hers had grown twice as bright.
[Next: Betrayal] -
((Welcome Kaolin))
[Jhon] "So what about you? Why're you two in here?" Jhon asked, swallowing the candy, and holding it out, offering it if anyone else wanted a bite.
Though a candy bar certainly wouldnt hurt the very skinny controller Hali held up her hand to decline. No thank you
I am ere for how do you say? R & R. Relaxation and rest. Hopefully my friend Halis cold blue eyes flashed over to indicate Kia Will let me, without having to baby-sit her too much
Telepathically to Hali from Kia ~Hey I heard that!~
Hali Well please make sure it is true. I do need a break
~Whatever~ Kia made the W sign with her hands towards Hali. Which may confuse the people she was sitting with who werent part of the psychic exchange. To add further confusion she mockingly stuck her tongue out at her friend, before turning back to her own conversation.
[Kruth'T ]"There is a simulator at Portal Corp?
Oh no wait thats not what I meant
Kia was about to explain that she meant the simulator at her Supergroup base, and that there wasnt a simulator at Portal Corp. Well at least none that she knew of maybe .
She was about to open her mouth to correct the minor misunderstanding when Void Blazer arrived.
<Void Blazer> "Hiya, how're you guys, did you all come here together?"
Nah, Im ere Kia exaggerated Halis French-Canadian accent on the here With her She jerked her thumb in Halis direction.
Kia simply nodded a lot during Voids We, me, I explanation. She wasnt sure if it made sense or not, but at least he had an explanation. She could feel the multiple psyches in him and knew at least that he wasnt crazy.
Im here as a spa guest she didnt try to hide her disgust at the statement. The best she could hope for was that shed at least get a pretty masseuse. -
((I need to take a quick census to see who is still in and wishes to participate. Im not sure if it is the entire boards or just this thread in specific, which is slow. I know we had many people join in the threads infancy that havent posted in a while.
I know that Thunderbug is Away at the moment but please post in character if you are still in. Post OoC if you are still watching but are dropping out))
I too, am very glad that vous (Jhon) have survived. I would offer my healing magic but mine is very minor and they (the Clinic) ave requested that I do not use it on patients. There is a chance that the bones may set improperly
My little friend Hali indicated Kia with a nod is much better at healing than I, but she has no practice in long term healing only field medicine
[Kruth'T] "So what kind of training do you do?"
Mostly hand to hand combat Kia cracked her knuckles meaningfully. Also try different Kinetic techniques in the simulator trying to find the best combination
Sometimes the simulator is fun, because the parking lot of Portal Corp can get so crowded, and if you are practicing a solo technique you dont want Joe-Average Hero to jump in and try to help
Not that Kia would ever admit it the simulator was better for her to actually not to get hurt. She thinks she is stun, hold and knock-back resistant, but that is only in her mind. -
Lets get on with this Sacrum taunted from up the hill, mostly for his own ego and Zachs amusement.
Marrous turned and gave Sacrum an angry glare. Even though the two Bone-daddies were a good distance apart, Sacrum took an unconscious step backwards and swallowed a hard lump in his throat. Neither Sacrum nor Zach said anything for a long moment. Until Sacrum made a half hearted attempt to pull his pants back up over his bulging belly, then slapped Zach in the arm and quietly muttered Get ready. Zach resummoned his bravado, and again playfully slashed at the air with his knife.
Isabel took a moment to slit the skirt on her dress to the thigh allowing her legs more freedom of movement. Her long naturally tan legs might distract Zachs attention. She hoped he might forget the knife in her hand if only for a second.
As Zach started to sauntered down the hill towards Isabel, Marrous stepped away. Marrous slowly faded into the background and deep shadows of the graveyard.
Zachs gait was overconfident; he expected Isabel to be easy prey. As he approached an eagerness for violence (and other things) blazed behind his bloodshot eyes. He smiled his crooked lopsided smile as he openly leered at her. It was obvious that her legs were somewhat distracting to him. Her dark eyes narrowed, as she wished that she hurt him more during their last encounter.
Zachs grip on his knife tightened and he took a quick step forward, but Isabel easily circled away from him. He thought it was out of fear and cowardice, but that was okay, thats what she wanted him to think. Isabel worked her mind. She knew that she was no match for him physically. She remembered everything that Derek had ever taught her about knife fighting. Derek was an artist with a blade.
Isabel reversed her grip on the knife. The long blade extended along her forearm. What Zach had in brawn and reach, she had in skill and reflexes.
Come on baby. Ill make this fast. You wont feel nothin He taunted lecherously.
Isabel did her best to ignore it. It only feed the rage and bloodlust that churned inside of her. That made her heart pound louder in her chest and her body ache for brutality. She maneuvered carefully knowing her footing and placed the old crumbling stone grave markers between them, when it served to her advantage.
Finally, she allowed Zach close enough for him to make a weak lunge. Isabel spun to the side. Her grimy and tattered dress flowed out from her body, revealed even more of her legs, and toned thighs. She tagged his arm with a small slice before again gaining distance.
Zach laughed as the slice made a growing bright red stain expanded though the sleeve of his white dress shirt. His eyes hardened on his target and he lunged again. The smell of blood was intoxicating to both combatants. Isabel ducked out low, deflected his knife blade with her own, and scored another nick on his knife hand.
Isabel feigned left and Zach immediately lunged to block her there, but she had already begun to spin right and delivered a deep slash from his elbow to his triceps. Blood flowed freely from the deep gash running down Zachs arm and dripping to the ground. He sneered at her. Unphased by the wound he came after her again.
The battle continued this way for some time. Zach was easy to read. Isabel knew what he was going to do before he even did it sometimes. Isabel would take a small piece out of him, but giving him nothing back. She knew that he should be having trouble holding the knife at this point, but the dark liquid they had drank how affected them somehow. It allowed her to ignore her badly blistered hands and fight through just as Zach was ignoring the dozen cuts along his hands and arms. She had yet to get fully inside of his reach.
Fueled by blood the dark liquid also feed rage. Zach was loosing his senses. Every miss turned to frustration and anger that demanded blood. And so far, it was only his blood that had been spilled. His eyes were growing more and more bloodshot. His breathing was harder as he sucked in the air and the smell of blood. His attacks became more violent, more reckless and for Isabel the game became much more dangerous.
Zachs eyes blazed with lust, fury and sadism as he delivered a formidable lunge. Isabel let the attack get much closer than she would have liked, as the knife sliced through the fabric of her dress. Well inside of Zachs reach, she slashed high. Her blade carved a chunk out of Zachs shoulder, and on the follow through nipped his ear. In his rage, Zach ignored the pain and retaliated with a backhand that knocked her off balance. In his blood-lust, he quickly capitalized on this slight advantage and with a heavy fist, hammered her to the ground before she could dance away.
[Next: Bloodlust]