666 -
((Ooooh, a Zealstorm story. Can't wait for the next bit! XD))
Yay! XD Awesome! And I don't CARE how long it took to get it up. <_< Silence, heretics. PRAISE ESSEX FOR THE GREATER GOOD! *SCI-FI VIOLENCE*
. . . I mean, uh. -
The remains of RAPHAEL's body melted away within seconds, becoming wisps of flame that drifted up to the heavens.
* * * * * *
On a faraway hilltop, RAPHAEL materialized again, the wisps reforming again and solidifying into his tall, stern figure.
Another figure materialized beside him. The dark robe and hood he bore looked like it was made from a suit like RAPHAEL's, stretched and twisted into a gaunt cloak. The being's features were hidden in the dark folds of the garment.
"You see, now, the true purpose of this game," came a cold voice from within the cloak. "It is to prove to you what you so foolishly deny, what I know so well."
"Silence, TWILIGHT," RAPHAEL said. "I will prove to you, in turn, that even if all is indeed futile, if only in this little game of yours, that is no excuse to abandon hope. You are a fool to preach such madness to me."
"You will see, RAPHAEL," TWILIGHT said, drawing a massive scythe from behind his back, darkness flowing around it. "You are a toy, used only for the soft and pleasing assignments. I am the Angel of Death, and I alone see the horror of this world."
And with that, he was engulfed by shadow.
((<.< Yay character exposition? I couldn't help it! XD;)
Blood flew everywhere as RAPHAEL's skull was bashed against the rock over and over, but the Warboss had only done it three times before RAPHAEL exploded in a massive whirlwind, sending Bludmaw reeling backwards.
"I had not noticed I was dead," RAPHAEL said, two great swords formed of pure lightning forming in his hands. He raised one to the sky as he charged at Bludmaw, and it instantly darkened, huge thunderheads forming. Rain began to pour down over the battlefield, and as RAPHAEL slashed at the Ork with both his swords, cutting clean through the Power Claw, it seemed the sky was beginning to become just as deadly as he, and the swords to be mirrored in swiftly building thunder. -
((I think Soviet hit poor forgotten Agent RAPHAEL too. XD;
The smoke from the spectacular assault cleared.
Agent RAPHAEL was getting to his feet. His suit seemed to be repairing itself of its own accord. He was almost untouched, it was. . .
"A miracle," RAPHAEL said, regarding the Orks coldly. "Class D. I will take that as an indication that you do not intend to repent."
His eyes glowed behind his dark glasses, which were not even bent, though they had been a moment before, and the six wings spread from his back again. . .
And pillars of light shot up underneath every living being nearby, any lesser souls vaporized in an instant by the searing brilliance of Heaven itself. RAPHAEL shot into the air, the force of his movement sending the strange newcomer flying to the side as he flew above the battlefield and an orb of light built in his hands.
"Receive the Holy Spirit," he was heard to say as the orb shot down to the Rok like a falling star. The ensuing explosion of radiance was immense.
((And yes, I could be paying more attention to this, I suppose. <_< Silence, infidels. I'm trying. XD)) -
Lord Diov: 21
Khellendrosiic: 22
Hallucinogen: 20
Essex: 24
Prodiguy: 19
The Soviet: 22
Lazarus: CRY MOAR'D
Devious Me: 20
Burning Brawler: 19
Arashi: 19
Halo Inc: 12 (-1)
Billy Boy: 16 (+1)
Leo Gunner: ARROW'D
Pheonyx: 20
Mithral Zeta: 19
Cowman: TROLL'D
Moiread Scott: 20
Coldfire Kaiser: HEAD SHOTT'D
Mr Grey: 20
Ozell One: 21
Hey hey hey. Billyboy rocks. Leave him alone. XD -
((Whoopsie. D
((Thus, the importance of making it clear which one you're using, as some of us are morons.))
As the Orks and Dross fought relentlessly, a light shone to the side, and RAPHAEL stood just outside the battlefield, calmly watching the robot fend off hordes of bloodthirsty Orks as they poured out en masse. His wings were gone, and he almost looked like an ordinary man in a black suit and dark glasses.
He was holding out a small business card.
Archangel of the 10th Choir of SERAPHIM
it read, if anyone was able to read it from here. RAPHAEL spoke.
"Hail, mortals. Do not be alarmed," he said, his voice carrying easily over the noise of battle, and sounding in every tongue there was. "I am Agent RAPHAEL, of SERAPHIM. Here is my card. I have received authorization to utilize miraculous force to end this conflict. Stand down and ye shall be spared." -
Somewhere in some sort of deific realm, Iirvax facepalmed.
"Well, this sucks," he said.
* * * * * *
((And people seem to be switching characters out for other ones, so I shall make it a rule that you're allowed to and do so myself. XD I didn't like the way the Ear Miners worked out that much anyways. And not just because I got owned. XD;)
On a distant corner of the planet, there was a great noise like the rushing of wind, though there was no wind. And tongues of flame descended from the heavens, not two or three but more like thirty, all rushing together, the light blinding. . .
And then he stood there, a man in a black suit with dark glasses and a cross symbol on his front. A man who was not really a man at all, as the business card he was putting away demonstrated; men were not admitted into SERAPHIM. No, he was much more than a man. He was Agent RAPHAEL.
RAPHAEL looked around him, his expression cold and unchanging. He had been given sufficient authorization for up to Class C Miracles. He would not waste it.
There was a great deal of violence and discord going on nearby. The Devil's work? Did his influence extend here? No matter. He would deal with it, either way. It was why he was here.
And the noise of the rushing of wind broke out again as wings sprouted from RAPHAEL's back, not two but six, and he shot off in the direction the Fortress of Ubiquitous Respite had been, his hands calmly folded in prayer.
((And if anyone knows what I mean/cares, RAPHAEL is from the same story as Truth Mountainbreeze. XD)) -
Lord Diov: 20
Khellendrosiic: 21 (+1)
Hallucinogen: 20
Essex: 21
Prodiguy: 21
The Soviet: 20
Lazarus: 6 (-1)
Devious Me: 20
Burning Brawler: 18
Arashi: 19
Halo Inc: 16
Billy Boy: 18
Leo Gunner: ARROW'D
Pheonyx: 17
Mithral Zeta: 18
Cowman: TROLL'D
Moiread Scott: 18
Coldfire Kaiser: HEAD SHOTT'D
Mr Grey: 19
Ozell One: 21
Alas, poor Lazarus. D: -
((BAHAHAHA. XD Oh dear, I seem to have been absent, not to mention my internet connection dying last night when I WANTED to poat this. . .lessee, tally. First, I grant Soviet an awesome point for his spectacular autoing of me. XD;; Which makes. . .))
((Soviet-4.25, Khell-1.25, Diov-0.25, me-0.25, others-squat.))
Indeed, there was absolutely nothing left of the Ear Overlord's massive stronghold. The Rok had obliterated it completely. But the Ear Overlord himself was, apparently, not defeated so easily. Or else his controller was a sore-[censored] poor sport.
The sky darkened, and thunder boomed, as a fell light shone down on the few Ear Miners who had been far enough away from the Fortress of Ubiquitous Respite when the Rok hit. A deep and terrible voice boomed throughout the vast battlefield.
"Iirvax has heard our prayers! The Ear Overlord has transcended his mortal existence!" yelled an Ear Miner as it struggled against the massive tide of Orks that was quickly wiping out all that remained. "FOR THE OVERLORD!"
And massive waves of energy rippled away from the few remaining Ear Miners as they rose into the air, the might of the Ear Overlord rushing into them, Orks flying in all directions. At the last minute, the Ear Overlord had called out to his sinister god, the mighty Iirvax. He would not let his faithful servants be destroyed. In fact, they had just Ascended.
The Ascended Ear Miners each swung their pickaxes through the air, and the Orks flew every which way in the face of the terrible might of the Overlord. Their path clear, they turned to glare at Dross, even as their fallen comrades rose from the ground one by one, glowing with the terrible light of Ascension.
((And you probably need to say WHICH god power youre using. XD There are six kinds: Auto-Death, Auto-Counter, Auto-Control, Deus Ex Machina, Transformation, and Mass Destruction. Each one usable every fifty posts. Theyre outlined in the first post but I can clarify if need be. That was a Deus Ex Machina, identifiable by how I used it to save my sorry hide.Im assuming Soviet used Auto-Death on me.))
Lord Diov: 18
Khellendrosiic: 21
Hallucinogen: 20
Essex: 21
Prodiguy: 20 (+1)
The Soviet: 21
Lazarus: 12 (-1)
Devious Me: 20
Burning Brawler: 18
Arashi: 19
Halo Inc: 14
Billy Boy: 16
Leo Gunner: 9
Pheonyx: 16
Mithral Zeta: 16
Cowman: TROLL'D
Moiread Scott: 16
Coldfire Kaiser: HEAD SHOTT'D
Army of Grey: 17
Ozell One: 21
Hal: <_< I wouldn't. . . well. . . if I was mad enough. >_> Which happens kinda easily. -
Top the Oni looked out at the massive battle brewing between the Necrons, Orks and Phyrexians and sighed. "Never any peace and quiet around here."
"I could do better than THAT," Charm the Jounin said disdainfully, looking at the huge conflict.
"lol this thread sux 2 much godmoddin" Bottom the Genin said, yawning.
And thus the six ninjas did what was easily their favorite thing to do; nothing.
* * * * * *
"Fire," the Ear Overlord said, and a massive ruby beam tore through the sky and descended on Necron Lord Khell where he stood to bend him and any who stood with him to the indomitable will of the Ear Miners.
* * * * * *
And it looked like the Ear Miners themselves were ready to fight proper, as hordes of giant bug-people wielding hi-tech pickaxe weapons and massive drilling machines began materializing outside the base and heading off to join the fray.
As they left, the Fortress of Ubiquitous Respite was covered in a massive force field. No weapon would be able to penetrate it. The only way in was to walk right through. -
Lord Diov: 16
Khellendrosiic: 19
Hallucinogen: 17
Essex: 20
Prodiguy: 17
The Soviet: 19
Lazarus: 13
Devious Me: 20
Burning Brawler: 17
Arashi: 17
Halo Inc: 13
Billy Boy: 16
Leo Gunner: 13
Pheonyx: 15
Mithral Zeta: 17
Cowman: 12
Moiread Scott: 15
Seikon: 5
Coldfire Kaiser: HEAD SHOTT'D
Army of Grey: 15
Ozell One: 19
I have healed Ozell using dark soul energies drained from an unsuspecting HaloInc. Or maybe I just altered two numbers and felt the urge to be dramatic about it. Or tangerines. Yes, definitely tangerines. -
Lord Diov: 14
Khellendrosiic: 17
Hallucinogen: 17
Essex: 18
Prodiguy: 16
The Soviet: 17
Lazarus: 14
Devious Me: 18
Burning Brawler: 16
Arashi: 15
Halo Inc: 15
Billy Boy: 16
Leo Gunner: 13
Pheonyx: 15
Mithral Zeta: 16
Cowman: 14
Moiread Scott: 15
Seikon: 13
Coldfire Kaiser: 4
Army of Grey: 15
Ozell One: 17
What? No, I didn't heal Essex! It's all your imagination I'm not obsessed I swear I can stop anytime. *fingers Essex-cam <.<* -
((Oh dear. XD Don't get TOO carried away with the crossovers. But I give Soviet one awesome point for his blowing the mountain into space, thus making the toll Soviet-2 Khell-1 others-squat.))
The Ear Overlord sat in his tower, alone.
"Excellent," he said, as he watched all that was occurring on numerous screens around his chair. "No one can hide from me. For I have mastered the arts of Magic, Technology, Psionics and Other alike. My power is truly absolute. And I really like talking about that fact."
Meanwhile, the Overlord's ninjas had indeed spotted the Necron Destroyer.
"WE WILL PWN JOO GO 2 NEWB ZONE!" yelled Strange as he and Charm leaped at the distracted Necron with twin assassin strikes, tearing through its armor like butter.
But back in the tower, the Ear Overlord was no longer merely watching.
"This will be a wonderful opportunity to use my mind control ray," he chuckled darkly to himself, as the massive device extended out of his huge stronghold.
Little did the Necron Lord know that it was aiming directly for him. Somehow. -
The Battle Rock. A world like no other, probably, or at least it sounds cool to say so. It was here that an unseen and essentially unimportant force began to gather the greatest warriors of this age and every other to do battle for no real reason.
And that was probably why a giant, ear shaped fortress was forming itself out of the Fields of Fur, a great expanse of plains with grass that looked oddly like cat hair. Or else someone had way too much to drink.
In the very peak of the Fortress of Ubiquitous Respite, the Ear Overlord himself sat, wondering why the hell he was here. He looked like some sort of massive, sinister bug. That gives you SO much information, doesn't it.
"It seems I have arrived, like someone's unpopular aunt crashing through a window in their sports car," the Overlord intoned, his six faithful ninja henchmen seated around him: Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Strange and Charm. "I shall wait here until something happens. Eternal vigilance in the face of incomprehensible circumstance is my mantra."
". . .wut" said Down, a Genin, scratching his head. "when we gunna do mish"
"Honestly, no one has any patience," Top, the Oni, sighed. "Why I got stuck raising these idiots is anyone's guess."
"Well, he has a point, like a syringe," the Overlord sighed. "Why do you not all go out and explore. Otherwise no one might ever bother attacking this giant, aesthetically wanting bastion."
"we will pwn them and ther mommas 2!!!!" Strange yelled, and the Jounin ran off to leave the tower and explore the strange land they had inexplicably arrived in, followed closely by all those other guys.
((Ninja/FF, if it matters so much in this type of thread. XD;)
((EDIT: And yes, you can, and thank'ee. XD;)
So many threads, so many players. Some threads well run and well balanced, some players sensible and fair in their actions. Yet there is always imbalance, always someone who MUST come out on top no matter what they have to do to do so. Always someone whose characters are immune to almost all forms of attack, and who have incredible powers unmatched in all the galaxy, and who can only be defeated if it is part of their plan. Always someone. . . who is godmoding.
Those of us who try to play fair and have a good time may be distressed at these thoughtless people. Why cant you hold off attacking until I finish this character development? How is your character able to dodge every single attack leveled at him? Can you even phase that fast?
But we are missing the point. Why do these people place themselves above all others? Why cant they let any of us do what we want? Why cant they just dieirlkthxbai?!?!?!?
Because godmoding is fun.
Sure, its wrong, but so is concocting evil schemes to take over the world and we do that all the time, if only in our fertile imaginations. So why not? We can all be omnipotent gods immune to such pathetic, material concepts as damage. We can all be saved by some ridiculous set of circumstances when facing certain doom. We can all conjure a huge army of super-powered raisins out of nowhere and build colossal towers with impenetrable walls and thousands of floors. Dont stop at ONE massive doomsday device. Why not build SEVENTY! After all, if no one is balanced, then everyone is.
Regardless, however, I must ironically assign rules to prevent godmoding *snrk*. After all, the point is to have a good time, not win. Not that you CANT win. But not by killing off other players. After all, on the Battle Rock, everyone has infinite lives! No, your standing will increase by accumulating awesome points. If someone else does something that you think is really awesome, then you can give them an awesome point. But no giving awesome points to yourself! See, even godmoding can be a team effort. And if you piss people off, I doubt youll get many awesome points, so. . . dont.
Firstly, some basic rules. No one alive has mastered the secrets of the Battle Rock, where all your characters have been mysteriously transported without any real explanation. It is a mysterious world in another dimension that exists for only one purpose: Convoluted and Angsty Character Development. I mean Battle. Thus, you obviously get to decide what its like. There is only one rule about this, really: let everyone have their fun. It doesnt matter WHAT you say, as long as there is room for other people to say things. Essentially, you can say what there is, but not what there isnt. Also, destroying the planet is forbidden. You can destroy OTHER planets, should you create them, but you have to leave the first one alone. Or at least fix it if it gets broken. Also, feel free to bring actual characters, but only one per person, please, counting pets as part of the character, and you might want to assume that this thread has no actual effect on their character development. Silly joke characters are highly recommended.
Secondly, as this is City of Godmoding, you are allowed to do unfair, godmoding-esque things. But there are still limits.
1: You cannot harass other players, have shouting matches OOC, insult people, or do other stuff that could break the rules of the BOARDS, which obviously overrule anything I say. Duh.
2: Try to interact with everyone. Dont leave anyone out. While it is okay to have a oneupping match with some other guy to see who is the most unbalanced, keep them short. Dont try to be the center of attention. . . well at least not more than anyone else is. Youre all gods here, dont start arguing over divine rank.
3: The following rules and guidelines should be used to godmode in the most fun way for everyone.
Please try not to post too much. You are not permitted to post multiple times in a row, and you must wait until two other people post before you can post again. Try to slow down. Like, preemptively, and stuff.
You may auto people so that they take damage as much as you like, but you may only auto someone DEAD every fifty total posts on the thread. So, if you auto someone dead on post 32, you have to wait until post 82 to pull THAT one again. Isn't that horribly restrictive of me? D:
You may dodge, evade, and phase as much as you like, because people will auto you to take damage. When someone autos you, though, you must accept it unless you can come up with a really clever way why you shouldnt have to. You are only allowed one such clever reason why someone elses action didnt work per fifty posts.
Your character must have at least one common form of damage they are not immune to, and any immunities must have logical explanations. If your character has a secret weakness that allows them to be actually killed, you must make it possible for others to find out how.
You may not take control of someone elses character and decide their actions. . . more than once every fifty posts. XD;; Which means, one POST of auto-controlling every fifty posts, to be clear. And do make sure you are not offending/harassing/other someone this way. >_> Please cheat responsibly.
You may conjure a ridiculous deus ex machina to save you once per fifty posts.
You may only transform once per fifty posts, unless you are using an actual in-game power to do so (Kheldians and such). Also bear in mind that attacking before someone has a chance to transform is most inconsiderate.
You may only destroy an area the size of a city or larger once per fifty posts.
Regarding awesome points, please refrain from handing out more than one per post, keeping the rules on posting in mind, and you must state why you are giving the awesome point and may only award one per. . . reason why you're giving it.
And finally, try to be creative and original. There are many ways in which your character could single-handedly create a new continent. Dont copy the masterminds massive machinery designed to manufacture new landmasses. Why not have your Super Strengthed character simply lift it out of the sea? You will SO get more awesome points.
I shall post in a little bit to introduce my own unbalanced character. Thank you, and enjoy being overpowered. -
"Of course you're special, dear," Salia said, beaming at Experiment. "And that's very nice. But, you know, Essex may well have a lot to do at the moment, actually. I seem to remember that was why she shut down in the first place. ^_^ Why don't I deliver them?"
She had snatched them out of Experiment's hands the next moment. She was amazingly quick. Perhaps her skills had been honed by firing arrows and turning pages at once.
"No need to thank me, dear!" Salia called, flying off through the base to distribute the cards in question. "After all, nobody asked for my help and I'll probably screw it all up." She sounded almost pleased at the prospect.
* * * * * *
Interestingly enough, as Truefeather continued along her way, a letter with an ornate seal in the shape of a crescent moon managed to blow toward her in such a way that it landed in her arms, directly on top of everything else she was carrying. The odds of that must surely have been astronomical. -
((. . .))
((BAHAHAHAHAHA. XD Well, now they'll know each other again! Fancy meeting in a Valentine's thread. XP))
"Oh, he seemed understanding enough once he calmed down," Salia said helpfully. "And oh, yes! You are Essex, aren't you?"
She began sifting through the pages of her book, which she had managed to read the whole time.
"Yes, yes, here it is! Reploid S6, Essex to her friends, the replicated daughter of Dr. Daniel West. Nice to meet you, dear. I do believe I have been supposed to be your guardian angel for some time. But I'm afraid I never got around to it. Sorry about that!"
She smiled sunnily with this last, clearly not at all concerned about her prospects as a guardian angel based on that statement. -
((OH. THAT'S the Outdoing Hal Division. I hadn't read that post before now. XD))
"And I would mess with some crap pile of metal why?" Hal muttered to himself, turning to Experiment and sighing. "She's just stressed, Experiment. She has people come and bug her all day about Valentine this and Valentine that. Actually, I think I'm gonna leave now. Might as well lighten the load a little."
He grinned at Experiment and vanished completely, the teleporter activating shortly after with nothing visible inside it.
"Oh, I haven't met you yet, dear," Salia said, smiling at Experiment. "What's your name? Are you another one of the rabid hordes who know Essex?" Her voice was cheerful and teasing. -
". . . Yeah. . . sorry about that," Hal muttered, flushing. "I guess this is kinda a hard day for her. I'll just leave this here."
He tossed the card onto the top of the console and looked tentatively at Delphi.
"Uh, yeah, hey there," he said, grinning feebly at Delphi. "Uh, when she wakes up, y'mind telling her I'm sorry?"
He stared at the gear. "Uh. So, is that a GOOD gift, or. . . I mean, I'm not an android. . ."
"Oh, hello dears," Salia's cheerful voice came from behind Hal, Reikoff and Experiment. "How are you all doing? I'd have brought valentines, but I either didn't feel like it or forgot. I forget which."
"Uh, hello," Hal said, thinking to himself that surely even he couldn't forget whether or not he had forgotten. -
"Gah! Dammit! Look, she let me in, why don't you wait until she NEEDS help before offering it!" Hal said furiously, his eyes glowing slightly red. "Unless you WANT him to shoot me, Essex. Go on, be truthful. I wouldn't want to burden you with my existence unnece--ggh, sorry, I'm kinda tired today," he sighed, the edge leaving his voice.
A little white card in the shape of a heart was in his hand, surrounded with lace that had clearly been attached with glue quite inexpertly.
"Experiment. Thank God," Hal sighed as the hero arrived behind him. "I'm happy for the intense annoyance this time. I. . . think."
* * * * * *
"Oh, they're just silly and young," Salia said cheerfully, though this was hardly worth noting, as she was pretty much always cheerful. "Don't pay them any heed. Besides, I always think it's nice to have a little more love in the world." She shrugged as she hovered.
"Now I'll be off, Rosie, I was planning to be at the Repliforce Paragon base four hours ago," the guardian angel said, flying off in that direction and waving as she flew off, never completely taking her eyes off her beloved tome, though she seemed to fly quite well considering. "But that's why I always plan everything several hours ahead in case I don't feel like it then." -
". . . Uh, hello?" Hallucinogen's voice muttered into the Repliforce Paragon comm. "Uh, at risk of being really, really predictable, uh, is Essex. . . there and stuff. . .?"
* * * * * *
Schizophrenias was in his throne room in Castle Lunacia, looking outraged as he stalked back and forth at the top of the tower with no top, glaring at the orange skies of the Shadow Shard outside.
"Ruladork greet Master Schizophrenias, have valentine for," came the voice of the Rularuu Brute who worked in the castle as Schizophrenias' manservant. "Read now."
"What the--GAH! I've already had to set the despair cannons to fire on Ozell and Essex on sight," Schizo growled furiously. "And now YOU'RE doing this stupid Valentine's Day. . . stupidness!"
Mean and nasty heartless jerk
Everyone hate him," Ruladork read, handing a black, dismal looking card in the shape of a heart to Schizo.
Schizo was speechless for a second, and then he grinned. "Bahahahaha! That's the kind of valentine I like to see! Aww, thanks, Ruladork. I hate you too."
* * * * * *
Moonscribe was simply sitting alone in a dimly lit room in the base where the Disciples of the Moon gathered, writing a letter by hand with a large blue-feathered quill.
* * * * * *
"Oh, come now, Rosie dear," came a cheerful voice from nearby where the were-human was sitting. From above it, actually, where a woman in medieval armor and glasses was hovering with pink-shaded wings, a book hovering in front of her of its own accord as she turned the pages.
"It's not that bad," Mother Salia continued, smiling sunnily at Rosie over her Tour Guide. "I agree with the part about the Cherubim, though, it really annoys them. It's all the silly commercialism that's the real problem. Just like with almost every other holiday, annoying, isn't it?" -
Ruladork's energy shield flickered as it struggled to absorb the flames, but it was clearly under stress, and Ruladork appeared to be being slightly scorched now as he leaped onto the platform the Jump Bot was hanging from, going right through the flames.
The energy cloaked him again, making it difficult to see exactly when it was that his arms came down on the Jump Bot in a powerful haymaker attack, declaring "Ruladork smash all piggies at once." -
*fails to resist commenting on a post of Essex's yet again*
No, she's lying. We're generally snippy, thoughtless jerks. Don't be lulled into a false sense of security! D:
Not only that, but some of us use sarcasm way too much. I'm using its power to live forever. They said there would be side effects, but that's when I killed them.
I seem to be in a good mood today.