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  1. Hey all. Been away from the game for ages and now picking things up again from square one (so much to learn).

    Anyway, my question is whether Willpower or Regen would be better for Katana? I've heard that regen is easy and you can't really go wrong with it even if you make a few slotting mistakes. I have no clue about Willpower since it wasn't around when I last played.

    My main consideration is solo or "self sufficient" gameplay. I don't mind teaming, but will probably be bumbling around on my own a lot while I try and relearn everything.

    Might google this "Mids" thing that everyone talks about, but would like some community input.

  2. I've been playing a Dark/Dark Defender for a while now, and once I got a respec and fixed his gimped build it was like the whoopass can had just been blown open.

    Darkest Night (massive -Acc), Tar Patch (-Acc, -Res), and possibly Shadow Fall (minor +res and +stealth) will be the cornerstones of any solo D3 build. Gloom and Dark Blast will form your main single-target attacks, while Nightfall and Tentacles are good for groups of 3 or more.

    Stamina and (imho) Health are a must for this set, 3 slotted.

    When things go right you'll be able to throw DN on a boss and wade into a group of mobs without getting hit. A word of warning, though, when things go south with this build they go south FAST, and you can end up at the hospital before you know what happened. That's because DN is the keystone of your build, and if you lose it (by being mezzed, say) you're just another squishy trying to act tough. The heal is good, but requires an Acc roll, and we all know those only fail when you need them most: so take Aid Self as a backup - just in case.

    My D3 just hit lvl 30 and I'm really enjoying it. If you want a thinking-man's soloer, I can highly recommend the D3.

    ...Just make sure you get your build right or you'll want to delete him.

    It's not for everyone, though, and you might be more comfortable with the Rad/Psi or Rad/Sonic builds that have been mentioned as they are most likely easier and faster than the D3.
  3. GreyRaven

    Scrap Question

    Hey guys. I'm thinking of making a Scrapper, but for concept reasons his secondary is going to be Reflexes. Just wondered whether Katana or Martial Arts would be better for his primary. Any advice?

    Oh yeah, noob question, what's the difference between Defence and Resist Damage?
  4. GreyRaven

    Best solo Def?

    Thanks for the info. I've just hit lvl 24, so I can get started on my first respec mish and, hopefully, undo some of my mistakes by working Tar Patch and Stamina into the build. You're totally right about Moonbeam, though I tend to use it most as a pulling tool or for dealing with Tsoo mages who like to tp around the place.

    Is it worth taking Assault and Maneuvers? What kind of Off/Def bonusses do they actually offer?

    How would you suggest slotting Fluffy when I get it? I've heard good and bad things about Fluffy which has got me kinda confused.

    Finally, what other levels can I do respec missions?
  5. GreyRaven

    Best solo Def?

    As many opinions as Defenders. lol
  6. GreyRaven

    Best solo Def?

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    if you don't do any damage to begin with?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    How have you slotted your attacks so far?

    Are you using Tar Patch to increase your damage?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I didn't actually take Tar Patch, though I've since discovered it's important to any D3 build so I'll be working it in at my 24 respec.

    Dark Blast - 2 ACC, 3 DMG
    Gloom - 2 DMG, 2 EndRed
    Moonbeam - 2 DMG, 1 ACC, 1 EndRed
    Tentacles - 1 ACC, 2 THDbf
    Nightfall - 1 ACC
    Shadow Fall - 1 EndRed, 2 DmgRes
    Darkest Night - 1 EndRed, 2 THDbf
    Twilight Grasp - 2 ACC, 1 Heal

    I think this is how my powers are slotted (more or less), I'm not able to check at the mo.
  7. GreyRaven

    Best solo Def?

    I'm fairly new to CoH and, so far, I'm having a real blast. However, I'm having a bit of trouble finding my niche in the game. I've got 2 Defenders so far, but I'm not really happy with either of them, whish is why I'm making this post.

    I have a lvl 22 D3 who is a defensive monster and can make faces at bosses and never get touched, but I'm totally unimpressed with the offense of Dark. What's the use of 75% of critters not resisting you if you don't do any damage to begin with?

    My second Def is a lvl 12 Kin/En. I'm loving the damage output of Energy, but the situational nature of the Kin heal is putting me off this build, and my only real defence - Repel - virtually whipes out my ability to heal unless I time things just right. Also, if I'm running away that's when I need to heal the most, totally blowing the Kin heal out of the water.

    So, what's the best combination for a solo defender? I'm thinking Rad/Rad or Rad/Energy, but wanted some advice before I replace my Kin/En Def.

    Thanks in advance.