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  1. bout this?

    Gear of the Timeless
    Cog Infinitum
  2. Name: Ice9
    Origin: Magic (Ice/Mace)

    Always wanting to follow in her father's footsteps, Consuella Mendaro took the path of science. Verdez Mendaro was one of the world's leading minds, specializing in analyzing ancient cultures. Consuella was with her father and the rest of his team in the jungle's of South America working on her post-doctorate. They had stumbled on some ruins from a culture previously unknown.

    The diggers had uncovered a small stone box with a strange symbolic language on it. IT was up to Consuella to decipher this script. After a few days, she had made some progress on the language but nothing concrete. Apparently, the civilization that used to live here was wiped out by some terrible ice flood. But that still didn't explain what was in the box.

    Curiosity eventually got the best of her, and late one night safely alone in her tent Consuella decided to open the box. The stone seemed to be sealed ait tight and her efforts proved futile. Then she noticed something she had missed before. Afew symbols hidden on a corner of the box. The symbols seemed to reach out to her...their meaning clear. She spoke aloud the passage as if channeling another being.

    She awoke later to find that she was surrounded on all sides as far as the eye could see by ice. She looked at her reflection in the newly frozon ground. She seemd colder. She tightened her hand. A familiar sound issued from her creaking joints. She searched through camp, but everyone had been frozen to death so quickly they didn't even have time to wake.

    She had become Ice. the mystery of the box was answered, but at what price? The tragedy did not effect her as nearly as much as she thought that it should. As she looked at her cold, dead father, her only toughts were "Where to next?"

    The next few months she fought with her own mind, trying to hang on to her humanity, the entity that she had become one with was stealing away her feeling and emotions. After she seemed to have claimed partial control, she decided she need help. She knew a few researchers from Paragon city that were doing work in the ancient occult.

    Dozens of tests later and after several accidents, the researchers gave up on Consuella. Her body was inexorably fused with some primal force. To even attempt separation would certainly cause death on her part, and who knew what kind of devastation from the force being forcibly removed.

    An off-handed comment by one colleague struck Consuella. Paragon city was one of heroes and with abilities that she had shown in the lab, she could certainly help at least fight crime. It would give her something to focus on as she attempted to regain control of this terrible entity that now was.

    While waiting for a package to arrive from her father's home, Consuella made a pact to herself and to all of the citizens of Paragon City. The awfullness that occured in that camp in South America would not ever be allowed to happen again. Not by anyone, including herself. As her resolve hardened and crystalized, she heard a knock on her door.

    She signed for the package and set it on the coffee table. She touched the box, concentrated, and then flicked away the frozen remnants. She smiled when she saw what lay before her. She used to stare at it as a child and always thought it remarkable. her father had found it on an expedition long ago. A ceremonial war mace from the 14th Century. She picked it up and frost formed around the medieval weapon.

    She walked outside and glanced across the street. A woman was having her purse snatched. She walked over to the thug who didnt see her.

    "Excuse me." Consuella said to the thug.

    She smashed his face in as he turned around. The woman gratefully thanked her and ran off. Consuella forced a smile. A scared passer-by stammered,

    "Who are you?" noticing the air freeze around her as she turned. She thought for a moment.

    "Tell your friends that Ice9 has come to Paragon City."