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  1. Of course, I could just be unobservant, my orange cat steals my braincells periodically, and I can only play late at night these days after the kids are in bed.
  2. It may have been an old bug, it has been five years. Or I didn't have enough range on the SG. Or they were high perception, but I vaguely recall inspecting the floor of a Council base when I tried it. *shrug*

    Plainguy: I did utilize the second build, but none of the Enhancements on my first build transferred over, and I didn't want to shell out the inf to at least put SO's everywhere. I'm not yet lvl 50 on the toon (or any of my toons, I had alt-itis, and was also playing WoW at the time), so I don't have that 3rd build.
  3. I've been away for a loooong time (I left shortly after the 3rd anniversary), and with all the changes to Blaster (and toons in general, I still haven't respecced to utilize the Inherent Fitness pool), I need to use one of my banked respecs, and get my AR/DEV toon a bit more up-to-date, the mobs are complaining about my creaking joints.

    One power that I was using, Smoke Grenade got changed to put the boomstick away, and in addition, shut off my stealth (Cloaking Device) while throwing it. Causing the mob to aggro on me before I shot them, which totally defeated the point of smoke grenade. (While I get that a mob should, in theory, notice when the smoke grenade goes off, I'm not so keen on dropping my stealth to chuck the SG to start with. It made for many carpet inspections until I just gave it up. I expect the mobs to be annoyed, and maybe shooting wildly, but not seeing me so quickly.)

    So. Does my stealth shut off before the smoke grenade goes WHOOF now? Even though I have some respecs banked on this toon, I don't want to fritter them away on something I'm just going to switch back.