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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    What I do know, however, is in the case where the mob has to use a power to blow themselves up (as opposed to Skiffs, for example, who just sort of explode), you can stop the power entirely with EF. The power that Mages/Embalmed/whatever use to blow themselves up is interruptable, and EF will continuously interrupt everything that's inside it, so they can't blow up at all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I remember hearing once that either EF or RI will also stop Vaz Morts from rezzing, and Tsoo sorcerers from teleporting. The first seems true, but the second's not. Not interruptible, I s'pose.

    I've never seen a full list of interruptibles it stops, though.
  2. Goldie

    Observer Mode

    Maybe the leader of one of the teams (or both leaders) could set the limit (within some range) on the number of spy-drones.

    And, assuming such a limit, team leaders of high-profile matches could sell drone "tickets" for influence.