7 -
What can I say, we did it....again.
It's been a real privilege playing with you guys and I just want to say thanks. Not just to the members of this team but all of Top Ten. Being a part of this great group of players is what makes the game fun and still has me logging in going on 3 and a half years now.
It's been a long run and while I still game as much as always (maybe more now) I find myself playing COH less and less. I think the time may be approaching when I will hang up my tights and retire.
For now I guess I'll hang until the end of the year..see what I11 brings. Who knows, maybe OC will come up with yet another cool team concept and we'll all meet up in Outbreak and start the trip all over again.
I think I still have one good 50 left in me. -
Great run last night.
All the pieces seemed to fall into place. We started porting to the bottom with the four particle cannons with 1:16 left on the clock
I waded into the tentacles with 52 minutes left to go and killed the last one (sorry CF) with 39 minutes left to go.
I knew after first run at the head we had it...damage was much better than when we tried at levels 37 - 38.
Couple of observations:
-Defenders are absolutely essential. The heals and buffs on this team are phenomenal. Without them this mission is probably not doable...certainly not at level 39
-Controller holds also absolutely essential. Hatched Krackens were basically perma-locked down and the Rikti waves when attacking the head would be fatal without the controllers.
-A good tank is a must to hold aggro...lots of nasty vills in this mish...without a good tank, blasters and controllers will die too much for the team to really be effective
-Damage dealers...pretty obvious. Unless you can kill +3s fast you're not gonna get this done
Also something for teams that make successive runs at this to bear in mind. There is a bug where the temporary weapons don't expire immediately when the trial is finished. So I went in last night with a particle cannon from our prior run. Well, I collected one as usual, noticed I had 2..thought great, I can use em both. Sadly when the one from the prior run timed out, both dropped out of the tray
Luckily it happened while we still in the shaft so we were able to start over, but pretty nasty bug and something to keep in mind. I petitioned it, the GMs never got back to me in-game but I followed up their e-mail with a more detailed explanation of what happened..hopefully it'll get fixed at some point.
All in all, pretty awesome run. Some said it couldn't be done at 39..it can.
On to Eden.... -
Session 35-36....We're confident that had we not suffered disconnects (these were personal ISP problems, not game groblems) or had we been a bit more efficient managing our time, then we would've been successful with this +4, +5 con Sewer Trial. We'll try again next week.
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This trial at +5 is the most challenging thing we've faced so far. Honestly, even without the disconnects..assuming we would have had an extra 10 minutes at the end...I still don't think we would have beaten it in time. When we were using the cannons on the head, it really felt like we were hardly denting it. In the past, we've taken the head down to roughly half on the first go. This makes me think that we may have to drop generators more than 3 times to kill it and thats what eats up lot of time.
Next time I will be 38...I think +4 instead of +5 will make a noticeable difference in how fast I can bring down a boss. Also we need to bypass as much of the shaft as possible...especially the Krackens. We should use stealth and pick our fights...grabbing the blinkys and dropping down as fast as we possibly can. If we can get the 4 Krackens down at the bottom and clear the tentacles with 35 - 40 minutes to go...I think we got a good shot at beating this.
For all the times I've done the sewer trial, its always been either defeat or the easy win. To beat it fair and square at +4 will be really gratifying.
Oh...and the way they nerfed the XP on this trial is an absolute joke. We killed loads of +5 Rikti bosses, 5 Hatched Kracken monsters...and I picked up less than 2 bubs
Jack's always saying risk = reward. Well...the reward for the sewer trial does not even approach the risk. -
...Try an a single-archetype team ... I've always wanted to try a team of eight scrappers. Sure, you've got the defenses and the damage, but no outside help. Set on invincible, the question of who drops first, them or you, becomes an interesting contest ...
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There ya go OC, our next project.....
A team of 8 Mind/Empathy controllers!!
We'll call it Team DNA -
I just completed the Envoy of Shadows story arc (level 35 - 40) last night.
There is NO WAY any AT can solo the Envoy (ArchVillian).
We had 2 Fire blasters, an energy blaster, a fire/kinetics controller and an empath defender and we still had a major battle to take this thing down. Fire imps were useless as they were slaughtered as fast as they could be put out (and this is pre-nerf). This COT Behemoth has 11,000 hit points + dark shroud + regeneration. If anyone thinks they can solo this, I'd love to hear how.
After 40 there are many more missions with ArchVillians in them. So if you want to do all of your story arcs, starting in your late 30s through level 50, you will need to put together a team.
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saying there is no way is an assumption on your part on this one. An assumption that you are incorrect about. Envoy is quite soloable by a few ATs. I can think of one off hand, until the fix with episode 2
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I "assume" from your post that you know the Envoy can be solo'd because you solo'd him with your illusion controller.
Just curious...was the Envoy even con to you at the time?
Also can you share some of the few other ATs you know can solo an even con Envoy?
Thanks -
Thanks Tanzier, nice work!
I think the fact that you outleveled the AV was the key to your success. In our case the Envoy was even con (purple) or higher to the whole team.
I also think the upcoming nerfs to fire imps and smoke will make it much harder if not impossible for others to repeat your success.
And that's OK. As Statesman said, not every mission is designed to be done solo. Your choices. Get a group or skip it.
I'm cool with that. -
I just completed the Envoy of Shadows story arc (level 35 - 40) last night.
There is NO WAY any AT can solo the Envoy (ArchVillian).
We had 2 Fire blasters, an energy blaster, a fire/kinetics controller and an empath defender and we still had a major battle to take this thing down. Fire imps were useless as they were slaughtered as fast as they could be put out (and this is pre-nerf). This COT Behemoth has 11,000 hit points + dark shroud + regeneration. If anyone thinks they can solo this, I'd love to hear how.
After 40 there are many more missions with ArchVillians in them. So if you want to do all of your story arcs, starting in your late 30s through level 50, you will need to put together a team.