421 -
And what if the moving hair you are so seriously fapping for clips so bad with hoods, hats, capes, and the like that great costumes are ruined because of it? If they do give us this horrendous idea, we'll have the option to turn off the moving.
Nope. I just can't see how giving us moving hair & tails is going to bring in more players or make the company more money. And I think that's what the Devs should be focusing on. Giving us new costume pieces, designs, outfits, etc. instead of appeasing a small, vocal minority. The forums are at most, 10% of the complete playerbase, and I don't see the majority of that 10% going, "Oooo, moving hair! Oooo swishy tails!" I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
Moving tails are just as dumb as moving hair. As if we didn't already have too many catgirls/catbois to deal with on Virtue....
It wouldn't even have to be a blood pool aura, just a dripping water one. We could tint it red. That would get around the 'T' rating. That way your sensitive stomach can handle it.
Quote:Colors don't say anything about your morals, only action. If you have an IQ over 50, you should know that.Although you can't see it, the back of my cape is also black, which just adds to the moral confusion.
Wait, didn't you start a thread about morals, and stuck your foot in your mouth repeatedly? Or got called on some idiotic things you said? Something like that. -
Then how's GK sneaking his package through security?
If we end up in a manpile, you GK will show up, and intimidate us all with his bat.
Well, if they only come on the female bodies, that explains it. I only play male creations.
Wait, is she a Hero, Villain, or Villain who's trying to be a Hero? I can't tell by the clothes she's wearing. I think that's Icon, but it could be a bug in the game. Better make her look more like a Hero. -
I create homages, and borrow from origins if I need some help getting over a hurdle, but I try not to blatant ripoffs. Shows lack of imagination.
*shrug* Such a HUGE addition. *swoon* Must've missed it along with the new belt buckles or...wait. Sorry. Haven't gotten those yet. Well, I'm sure the necklines are there somewhere. I'll find them eventually, I'm sure.
I've heard that before. Usually from girls who "just want to be friends". I'm a sad panda now.
You show me the percentages of the playerbase that asked for certain things against what was actually put in the game, and I may be swayed. But I just can't believe moving hair is that fraggin' important. Not when new designs, armor, helms, hair styles, gloves, and the like are asked for more. If the playerbase asking for moving hair had that many members, it would have happened long before now.
I mean, it seems she's taking all the credit for whatever neckline options we're soon getting, so maybe she SHOULD be the spokesperson for all the stuff people want ingame. Seems she's got the pull with Sexy Jay others don't. -
*facepalm* Guess we better ditch our Devs and hire those ******* from WoW to give the "playerbase" what they want. Or we may have another "mass exodus" like we did for ED, GDN, AE, or whatever else people on here ***** about.
I like the way the game looks, except for the mitten hands, but I'm not gonna hump the Devs legs or bring it up every other day till I get what I want. -
I just don't see moving hair making that big a difference to people. 'Realism'? Really? In a game with furries, catgirls, people who shoot flames from their hands, lasers from their eyes, and can fly? Please. Might as well ask them to get rid of the mitten condition our hand are in.
And yes, it is a bad idea because GG likes it. Find a new spokesperson, then we'll talk. -
Keep burying your head the sand there, Sunshine. We'll tell you when to come up for air.
Quote:As long as my hair can move in the Paragon breeze, I'll be happy
I just don't see moving hair bringing in new players. And since you're the only one asking for it, you're in the .0000000001% of the playerbase. Learn to deal with disappointment. Better they give us stuff that'll bring in more revenue and players. -
Quote:On the one hand, I can't really respond. Whatever else I can say, the dude did take a picture of a dangerous looking erection. That happened, and there's no denying it.
On the other hand, we have lots of posts and subjects to discuss sans penises. I wouldn't want people to think it's just a literal dick measuring contest over there. If it were, there were only two conteststants ever, and one CLEAR winner.
I've only seen two penises on there, and one was just added a couple days ago. You sure it wasn't boobies?
Well, you better hope CO has moving hair, because that's the only way I see the Devs...hopefully....giving a flying fig about moving hair. I'd hope moving hair is on page 65 of the 66 page book, "What the players want". Right after 'clippable toenails'.
Any timed mission. I hate timed missions.
Hair ain't gonna do that. Only new, more interesting designs, outfits, and clothing options. Flowing hair will only be freakin' distracting. Not to mention all the damnable valley girls and dumb blondes that'll flip their hair saying nonsense like, "OMG, did you see that?" or "Like, seriously." or "Oooo, something shiny!" or "Do these jeans make my hair look fat?" or "Like you know, I'm stupid, but I have such flowing, golden flaxen hair...."
Pffft. As is they aren't already? There are some girls on Virtue who earn extra influence being "eye candy".
Just wait till the video with Viv, GK, my wife, and me hits the interwebz....