Flat Affect

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  1. My main is a Mind Control / Trick Arrow controller. So yeah...uhm...my brain wave effects that I never see because my character stands in front of them are...okay I got no benefit from power customization. Oh well.

    I'll get around to rolling a Gravity / Cold eventually, I think. I'll probably go with a blue and grey color scheme for both sets, I'm still not sure. I'm thinking Wormhole + Sleet might be fun, and might work well with the other AoE powers also.
  2. Sirens Song + Trip Mine, followed by Dreadful Wail if needed sounds like fun. I'll go with that combination.

    So another question then, has anyone made Time Bomb work?
  3. I've wanted to roll a Traps villain for a long time but I've had trouble deciding how I wanted to play it. I had been looking at Corruptor primaries and noticed that between Sirens Song and Dreadful Wail I might have enough in the matter of sleep and stun duration to safely set up Time Bomb. Has anyone else been able to get away with this combination? Should I go with Dark instead and forget Time Bomb altogether?