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  1. Here's a pic of where the redside contact is. The window that tells you about the contact says he's on your minimap in cap. But he's not on the map and not in contact list yet that I see. Click to make it a size you can see.

  2. They make the -compatiblecursors bearable! shame this is buried in all the mouse cursor problems.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    There was a "cursor pack" out there, that changed the stock CoX cursors to something more noticible for you... i tried to search for it, but i couldnt find the thread in the 1st 500 results, maybe someone else can chime in and help out on this one.

    EDIT: Here is the link
    Thanks, I'll give it a shot.

    edit: They work nicely, and that guy even has a larger cursor pack for high resolutions...very nice. Thanks again Gangrel!
  4. Was kinda hoping on some players chiming in with any possible fixes. Do a search on 'mouse cursor' and see how much trouble this game seems to have with em. I've never seen a game so touchy about other programs and drivers for that darn mouse. Guess I'll just suck it up and play windowed mode til next ATI driver release comes out and give it a try.

    And the no support on forums, only email...that's just weird. Even indie games give support on their forums. If you are too understaffed to keep up with the problems in the forums, how can you keep up with multiple emails over the same problems? I'm not trying to be sarcastic or offensive here, I honestly don't understand the angle.
  5. well i guess they don't care. I'll just let the vip run out and go freebie until they get the bugs worked out...hate beta testing a, what is it 7 or 8, year old game.
  6. I'm really the only one with this problem.
  7. Apparently I'm the only one in the world that lost their mouse cursor when playing full screen? I've searched all day, the only answers I've found were from over a year ago. I still tried them, -compatiblecursors at the command line, /cursorcache in game...I've ran the game in compatibility mode for xp service pack 2. Turned off visual themes... nothing is working. Windowed mode works fine but I don't want windowed mode, I want my fullscreen back that I had last month when I checked in on the beta! I'm running Vista 64bit, ATI 5850 with 11.8 drivers. Someone else has to have run across this too. I'm not that special to be the only one lol

    edit: I got the compatiblecursors 1 to work from the ncsoft launcher...damned ugly cursor but it is there. I'd still like to know a fix... can't stand running things in compatibility mode, it makes me feel so unclean lol.

    anyone? bueller...bueller...bueller