141 -
Not really.
The rules boil down to this : Be Clean, Be Courteous.
They rest of the rules are basically calling out examples, and some things not readily apparent.
Rules for social interaction are mostly guidelines wherever you go.
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It is that simple.
I already seen a couple of posts deleted today, and atleast one whole thread gone.
They are not kidding, which is good news. -
A log or digest would not be nearly as effective, if the mods just went in. deleted a post/poster name, and then replaced it with a "this thread has been modified" With a red name on it, it would get people's attention.
Delete the whole tree, put the this post has been modified.
It would tell people, they are watching and doing their job, and help people get back on topic alot faster. It might even make them more discussion oriented, as opposed to wanting to rant. -
Ran it twice tongiht. Four in the last two days. And just calling the tf...ambush here in 20 seconds...ambush there after/on this group...yawn.....Just calling it. Blow by blow on both teams, in advance as I saw it. Avoid lag here...if you listen. Listening and understanding? Listening? They listen after completely call things, but does it matter?
First attempt failed miserabley after pulling the healing nictus away, which worked, and almost killing romy. We were so close, it just fell apart after the team wipe. How do you tell a tanker to pull and keep something away? I just don't know. I have a 50 tank, but....???? I am too busy playing what I have to try to....
Second crew, kill the nictus out right. The healing one was one helluva fight but they all fell. Then Romy. Sure some deaths but went well. Not a nuke in sight or shivan. Actually never seen a shivan or nuke used on a good run, on test or live. Shivans and nukes don't count if you ask me. Didn't need inspirations for the avs at all on that run. When it goes right, either method, not needing insp seems to the rule, from what I have seen on live and test.
Team and player experience, and the abiltity to focus and know what your role on the team (and doing it well) seems to be really important.
Same toon each time, but the way I had to play was based on the teams. I was kinetic, therefore completely "situational" in the extreme, on both teams. PUGs both times, same member of my sg on each run. Basically random teams, except the sg mates. We had three kins on the first team, and it just fell apart. There is no way......not with that kind of power.....possible 3 double stacked Fs? and more with triple stacked SP x3? that was just not happening. Ambushes would kill us at times on the first team?
Then there was the second team that lacked that and excelled. We actually had a hard time in the third missions, going from AVs to the generals. Uncoordinated and inabiltlity to focus seem to the issue. Add in those old coh biases, with scrappers and the blaster mentality.
But drops and the lotg 7.5 made the first run totally worth it.
I am so frustrated and puzzled at this. This seems so doable. It just isn't turning out that way on live. Scrappers thinking they are tanks, and the suicidal blaster, who just couldn't learn. Blasters.....your nuke ain't all that. Screwing up triple stacked FS and people not stacking SP? Neither is savng the day, just deing. Teaming, on the other hand, is. SB? who needs it? SB is a joke. -
LOL i have and killed him 4 times! let him eat things. Lots of times. That does work.
And kill the nictus and then romy...lots of times.
I am looking for a way to pull it off with any team, ignoring max/min and ignoring players experience. Some people don't understand the LoS concept at all. -
I agree and see what you are seeing.
But have done this tf, without tanks, without healers, all sorts of pugs. So i keep trying it, to find a fool proof way. I am thinking, isolate the healer, kill the summon nictus, then kill romy, and let him res eating the rest. Eliminate the slows to first to prevent the adverse effects of the slows on teams, so people can fight back. Being out of inspirations, and not being able to trade them cross faction is quite irratating. Without slows, people get their powers back and can do things without inspirations.
Hind sight, says also alot of the successful runs on test used alot of these tactics they are people are talking about. Splitting them up somehwat, using immobs etc.
I am wondering, if the Devs designed this for purely strategy as opposed to max/min teams. Max/min teams/builds seems to me, would not be what the devs would be aiming for it. They seem to want a game most people can play, with very few exploits. Max/min just leaves alot of the casual players out. -
Thought I would add since i saw some inquiries about this stuff.
Yes I have seen Romy perma Dentention Shielded. I think something happened, and it dropped for a few. I also think the FF def must have had a pretty stout build with IOs and global recharge.That FF def, said i have a plan for the AVs, and when he fired it up, it worked like a charm. He captured Romy. Took out the nictus with out issue. I know very little about FF in general, the set does not appeal to me. His strategy was quite effective.
I have also seen Romy slept and confused significantly for a portion of that battle, again I know nothing about mind builds. Suspect that was a pretty tweaked build. Again a isolate Romy and kill the nicuts run. Both of those were on test, and I am guessing, overall, not really good players but probably great players in general. People on test, knew not to break a sleep. On live, you will get someone who the fireball the nictus right next to Romy who is asleep.
I was just informed, the DS of Grav was nerfed, and perma shifting AVs specifically due to LRSF. I don't know for sure about that one. If this is true, then I would like the devs to change DS back, if after LRTF, STF and now this, the third TF with multiple AVs in on it, that would Grav a uniqueness, and justify its late blooming.
In beta, was able to pull the ITF repeatedly, and we had all sorts of team composition, no tankers sometimes, not healers etc. Very random complete PUGs. And people would drop on it all the time, so have done the last battle with 5 a couple of times. I was a stauch defender that this tf could be done by almost any PUG. But as the more successes, I began to wonder, if it was very very slick players involved coming to see the new content. Not average good, not just good, but some that were slick as could be. Something, not very common on live. Had 2 or three successful runs out of like 7, which is a sharp contrast to the many success runs on test. So I have run this tf 10 or 15 times at this point with live and test combined. And seen it work easily at times. Other times, it is just a disaster.
On live, the max/min team is taking over, and I routinely see people wanting to do it, and the max/min teams not inviting people. I don't want to see this trend continue. -
Couple of things to add.
Romy, besides, black hole, can be dention fielded. Seen that work like a charm. Oops more useless powers working well or better than expected...lol. (Alot of that useless power thing, I really think came from the old i4 days of tankers herding, and the game has changed) I suspect you could Dimension shift him too.
On a co-op Tf, if you zone or base it, you will be kicked. If you have a all faction team, then you can shiva run or do what ever. The co-op teams will kick if you zone. -
I loved it. Makes me think....Rad/rad/fire APP? or dark...seems i saw a combust in there. Accolades? Nice.
Zman, you are correct. The healing nictus has a aoe range of 80 feet and the heal is along the lines of 30 feet. We confirmed that too. We stood on top of the building, and watched with out attacking. It was that simple. You clearly see it heal itself, romy and the mire nictus. But it misses the spawn nictus.
The nictus don't aggro well with snipes or long ranged attacks. That is confirmed too. I can snipe the healer all day long, and he does nothing but heal sometimes, and does not aggro. He does not aggro the rest either. Not tried the summon nictus tho.
I have been toying with using that, to take out the summon nictus first since it is not in range of the heal, since that is one that casues team wipes. It seems to me, that after it blooms, and spawns is when alot of people get upset and quit. The ranged deaths and the slows. Without the slows, people could atleast still run, come back and fight and deal with the other three. Without the slows, people get their powes back. Toying with the idea of letting someone keep aggro, and wipe the spawner, so less trouble down the line. Then kill romy by separating the healing from him, to have him eat the nictus on purpose and get rid of the healing nictus for us. Romy is not that hard of a kill by himself but the healer can be a problem especially with melee MM pets.. so let romy do it for us.
I am looking for something that works regardless of team composition, actually looking for a strategy that works for almost any team regardless of composition.
All 5 or 6 times on test, basically did it killing healing nictus first...live has been a completely different story. 5 Failures on live...I thought it was easy on test, except the Turbo_Ski run, but on live....omg! Ts has some really good insights into this. i will keep at it, the drops are just that good. -
Good to know that trick. Thanks.
Had an interesting thing last night. We killed romy out of los from the nictus. He did not res. And yes the ambush returns to is spawn loctation.
Edit: We used the tank to pull the nictus to side wall (on each side of the stairs). Then as romy went, we all way laid him so he turned to fight. We pulled romy slowly up and across the steps somewhat while the nictus stayed behind the wall.
Oddly my villan team went on a shivan run when most people dropped or quit. As a villain team we ouroed to get there. No one was kicked. But the mission reset for 8 tho. Saw more than one hero kicked for zoning or going to base on mixed teams. -
One thing I found with ninjas and no self heal (using storm on test) is just to keep those buggers in def mode all the time. On a gamble and since it was test, I picked up taunt/provoke. Seems to work wonders. An aoe attack, ranged would probably work as well but not too sure is psn has a good attack. With Provoke, i just taunt the mob, and the ninjas just attack but never leave BG mode. The have tendency to engage the whole spawn, and then I adjusted the attack command to Oni only. Has done wonders for mine/thier suvivablilty and make for much less button mashing and changing modes all the time. I still issue a def stance after I make oni attack tho and taunt away. YRMV.
Nice guide, and those tips on the phase shift and the altar breaking LOS are great.
Thanks -
loved the rocketman videos!
Don't you dare tell me how to [censored] Goddamnit.
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I really hope you are being facetious or sarcastic, otherwise you might be tipping the tide to read, you are clueless. This is a forum and anyone can read a word to mean any way. You need to think about your audience before you chose your words. And consider the context. If you aren't OBVIOUSLY effectively communicating sarcasm, humor, or other complex emotion, then that in itself is a problem on your part.
If your post is a PWNZ, that lacks self awareness, especially coupled the an attitude in this thread, well my apologies for you being you.I hope you don't embarrass yourself in public that often at least in something other than a video game. Or learn some humility. Or you deserve some pity. Still deciding. Hard to say. Facilitating communication, understanding and non judgmental trade of ideas, is what this thread is about. It is actually the hope of the Internet, you trying to ruin it by being you?
And you are contributing how with your last post? -
Can we get this stickied in all the major threads?
After certain things, like ED, etc, then now approaching 2 years of positive change, with a staff of something like ludicrous like 15, I think it is time really try to change the way community reacts to the game in general. The community basically needs to grow the [censored] up.
You make the whole point of what being "civilized" is in you post. -
I'm with SkyeValentine on this one. The Doom and gloom fire and brimstone speculations are getting a bit irritating. What unnerves me the most is that it's coming from forumites that I would normally consider 'sensible.'
Why make gross assumptions on a campaign that hasn't even started yet? Call me a tragic optimist, but I do believe NCsoft has the consumers best interest in mind as well as their CO* franchise.
Let them implement the ads. Lets see consumer reactions concerning how NC decides to display these ads BEFORE we begin spouting accusations of greedy bottom liners.
I've said it before, I welcome the adds if the proceeds are truely going towards more content and larger staff.
However, if the ads begin to intrude on my game enjoyment, I'll quit. That simple. I'll Send a short and concise formal complaint to NCsoft, Cancel my billing, my account, and quit.
The sky isn't falling, the world won't come crashing down on my head. I may feel a tinge of disappointment but in the end, I'll find another game to enjoy. Couldn't be more simple than that.
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unfortunately, I couldn't agree more. Fear mongering is free and rampant, about anything.
Is time for a post by LH, like he did about stopping the devs hate villians, not even in jest, to spread to other things, PVP, ads, etc? -
Just to stew the pot, anyone else noticed the test server has know gone unknown in the server status? Its been reading that all day, and still logged in....for now.
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In my experience, it always reads as Unknown when the live servers are Up.
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Definitely not true. Reads Up all the time here. I can't even begin to think that it didn't read up at times, after looking at it periodically for 2 years. Another guy on my team checked it today, while we were playing. Same as me. -
Just to stew the pot, anyone else noticed the test server has know gone unknown in the server status? Its been reading that all day, and still logged in....for now.
marketing....oh they are so doing this right...I hate them right now. Lets see what they actually divulge today. -
I do like this thought to add to invasion events.
I do like invasion events, and it is way clear to me the players like it. Instant team, instant action. It is way fun. Extending the event to a couple hot spots would be fun. And reasonable.
Sorry to rain on the parade, this idea does belong in suggestions and not in the hollows remake. -
It would be kind of cool to deal with a larger thug problem.
I mean, heck, they could make an issue out of it where gang fights randomly break out over Paragon.
The thugs, feeling like the heroes and such are paying attention to larger threats, such as the Rikti and such that they see this as their time to strike. Huge Gangwars all over the Isles and Paragon City. Would be freakin sweet.
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Would be funny if every Rikti Raid was immediately followed by Rampant Street Looting event.
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That would be hilarious! -
I hope not, you gave me so much hope for something new with an unusual twist...
Let's hope the new dev team likes to dream, when given the right input... -
from paragon wiki
The Shaper is an arch-villain who serves in the Coralax faction. Calystix the Shaper, also called Calystix the Zealot. The first records of a priest called Calystix date from ancient Rome, where a Legion discovered an ancient temple to a Cult of the Shaper. This cult was led by a high priest called Calystix who ordered the townspeople to slay the Legion. The soldiers were nearly overcome, but they won and put the temple and the town to the torch for their abhorrent practices. Later records of a Cult of the Shaper led by Calystix re-occur in the middle ages, and again during the Enlightenment. The last known occurrence was in a small Massachusetts fishing village in the 1920s, though it is unknown if it was lead by a priest called Calystix, as the Cult was destroyed by the American Navy for crimes of piracy and cannibalism
This plot line, in cov, has some great underground maps for cov. -
we really don't know why roman, but there is a refernce to roman with coralax, and coralax wiill now be in the hollows, of all places coming with issue 12. War Witch has placed them in Red River. Shields are partially worked out, and the NPCs using them is atest of itself. Why not kill two birds with one stone, major plot line, new power set, and rework the hollows to match the story. The big picture may not come togther until i13 tho.
Not sure what this expansion is heading toward. Google Coralax, and you will see the roman, and now i am reading more closely about Midnight Squad but from what i have seen, MS ia associated with COT and Ritki. And CoT was born in the 1890s according to the official web site. Nemisis in the 40s i think. Most things do not date back past 20s, there are exceptions, but most villain groups are relatively new. Coralax are much older it seems.
MS and roman is interesting. Coralax seem to be the only reasonable explaination of why roman. Maybe someone else has an idea of roman. But this is a video game, the rules can change anytime they want them to. -
Excellent post Epic_Hero!
Interesting. Makes me now wonder what is going to be in that new roman content. High level coralax? That would be interesting, now wouldn't it. Wild speculation, and i am sorry about that, coralax and romans fighting? Maybe under water zone? nah that is too much, the devs don't consider this issue that big, but isn't 13 supposed to be pretty big? Interesting thought. Now I am kinda excited about this roman stuff, before, i was like time travel, ugh to the past...oh well. Hmmmm. Stop the coralax in the past at some monumental battle? Hmmmm