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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    As for jealousy, being annoyed at freeloaders isn't jealously, it's annoyance.

    Analogy: I work at a job. I enjoy it for the most part and for my work I get paid.

    If the guy in the next cubicle can sit there and do nothing and get paid even more than me because a higher up in the company is looking out for him, damn straight I'm going to be upset about it.

    No, I don't want what he has - that would be jealousy. I want him to work for his pay like everyone else.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Poor analogy. The unstated presumption in your workplace scenario is that you don't have the right to do nothing and get ahead like the other guy. That doesn't compare to the game situation where you can be powerlevelled if you choose and there are no sanctions against you if you do.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Being ethically oppossed to cheating is not a from of jealousy. After working hard I do not like to see people stealing the same thing that I earned. The characters in the game define each other.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The reward from earning your levels the the feeling of accomplishment. But if you're going to go after people for powerlevelling, then the person who levelled with equal level team members and never sidekicked gets to point and you for not having done it his more difficult way, and the person who soloed exclusively gets to point at you both for not having done it his way.

    What you're engaging in is a form of envy--one of the seven deadly sins. Drop it.
  3. Welcome to a road less travelled. It is perhaps not as rarely travelled as some, but it is far from common. In what follows I will outline some of what I have down with Radiation/Electrical, but do not take it as a statement of what you should do or that it is the only thing that can be done. My sole purpose here is to illuminate what has largely lain in darkness. So let's get down to business, shall we?

    What, in broad terms, is a Radiation/Electrical Defender?

    The build is, like its other Radiation primary siblings, a very decent solo platform (if that is what you want to do) that also supports groups it finds itself in very nicely. And like its siblings, it is not a way to make a super-blaster that has defenses and can heal.

    Wouldn't I be better off choosing Dark or Radiation Blast for secondary powers?

    Better off? Depends on precisely what you want to do as a Radiation Defender. Whatever you choose, a secondary powerset is an offensive tool and so they all share in common means of dealing damage. The thing is that the tools are different. Frankly, Electrical Blasts seems in a lot of ways more designed for Defenders to use than Blasters.

    So what does Electrical Blast bring to the table?

    The Electrical Blast set combines a number of elements that as a whole can't be found elsewhere--Aim, a pet, a hold, radial area attacks, and endurance drain.

    I heard that Endurance Drain is a very weak secondary effect.

    Endurance draining is both a source of weakness and strength for the set. Frankly you probably will not see a lot of benefit from the secondary effect until your mid-20s when there are a lot of foes that make use of special attacks, and even then unless you have Short Circuit they will get to use most of those attacks on you with the best you can hope for is to weather the storm and then continually deny them the opportunity to recharge themselves. But if you do take Short Circuit and slot it up some, it becomes a very powerful took for denying many dangerous foes attacks you would really rather didn't take effect on you and your comrades.

    Well I heard the pet (Voltaic Sentinel) sucks.

    Keep in mind where you most likely heard that from--a Blaster. While we share some powersets with them, a Defender is not a Blaster with weaker damage. It is true we do not deal the same damage as a Blaster in a shot, but there is a lot more difference between our ATs. Their secondary powersets and our primaries don't overlap to a great extent, and those powersets heavily influence what either can do and hence what is useful and to what degree. Blasters typically naysay Voltaic Sentinel because they can kill everything in a spawn in short order. As noted, we don't deal the same magnitude of damage, so VS is less likely to be left over sitting there with nothing to do and no ability to move. Consider also that unlike Blasters, you can debuff what you're fighting's defense and resistance to damage--your Voltaic Sentinel will hit more often and for more damage. Since Blasters transition from "can handle this without VS" to "don't attempt this alone" very quickly, VS brings little to the table to them. But with our debuffs, we have a much more gradual transition from "don't need VS" to "VS can help me", to "I'm not touching that".

    Okay, supposing I'm interested, what are the important powers to take?

    The Radiation side of things has been expertly covered by SoulHealer here, so I'll just deal with the highlights quickly:

    Radiation Infection - Being offensive or being protective, this is a pivotal, go out and get it now, you should have started with this, make sure you slot it up power. It simply is that good. For a very low endurance cost it makes those affected have a harder time hitting you while making those same things easily hit by everyone else. While plenty powerful with no slots given to it, it really shines when fed a diet of To-Hit Debuff and Defense Debuff enhancers.

    Acclerate Metabolsim - The second piece in the Radiation Defender Triple Crown, AM is hands down one of the best buffs in the game, and again serves both the protective and offensively built Rad Defender well. You will want to slot this heavily with Recycle Reduction enhancers.

    Enervating Field - The final piece of the Big Three, this takes your damage upward considerably. You're not a Blaster, but with this baby you can still be a respectable damage dealer. However it is an endurance hog. You will want to do some work on the cost of this.

    Lingering Radiation - While not as obvious as the aforementioned powers, this power is a serious utility, slowing both the affected foes movement and attack rate. Its only weakness is to be found in the same powerset as the above powers. It is both fast casting and not a toggle. Why then not speak of "the Big Four"? The above powers are either automatic hit or impact you and your allies. This power requires a to-hit check and so best piggyback's on application of Radiation Infection.

    EM Pulse - Its been called an "Oh S##t!" power, but I like to think of it as a, "Okay, I'm sick of this!" power. This one swings battles around as what was beating on you and your friends decides that standing around in a daze, unable to act for a long period while you and yours deliver punishment.

    Of the remaining powers please refer to the link above. As to Electrical Powers. . .

    Charged Bolts - This power is manditorily possessed as all initial secondary powers are. It is your fastest recycling damage dealing power. While I have not confirmed this, it appears that as typically slotted (1 Accuracy, 5 Damage) that it should hit for about 80% of what Lightning Bolt does based upon what I observe from my slotting (see my sig below).

    Lightning Bolt - A very solid and worthwhile attack. Again somewhat bread and butter. It hits for about half the value of Zapp similarly slotted for damage in my experience.

    Ball Lightning - This is the basic AE attack for the powerset. Its great advantage over the area attacks you find in other blast lines is that it doesn't require any great effort to maximize the number of targets you hit. Just aim for the center and everything within range of that target gets hit.

    Short Circuit - Remember how I noted above that we aren't Blasters? Well one of the things Blasters hate about this power is no great concern to us--that it is a point blank, area attack. Radiation Infection (and Lingering Radiation in combination) work well to keep us from being hit often, so manuevering into the middle of melee and letting loose is no great shakes for us. Appropriate slotting can allow this power to yank all the endurance from all but the highest con targets nearby. It can also be slotted for damage, though if you do so to any great extent you'll find that you need more than one use to empty nearby foes of endurance (guess its a good thing you have Radiation Infection and can often afford to stand around and wait for Short Circuit to recycle). It is a real joy to use Short Circuit on a bunch of Freakshow just before delivering the killing blow with Ball Lightning as if they are out of endurance they can't use their last second heal power.

    Aim - People invariably think of this power in too limited a fashion, usually focusing on it allowing blasts to hit. They then conclude "I'm not planning on using my blasts and so I don't need it", or "I have Radiation Infection and so I don't need the help in landing powers". Aim both adds to damage and to accuracy and does so regardless of the power dealing damage or not. So even if you're going to hit anyway with a damaging power, you'll hit for more. And if the power doesn't deal damage you're still more likely to hit. For powers that when you use them you really don't want a miss--say EM Pulse or Thunderous Blast--Aim is your ticket (with Thunderous Blast gaining from the increased damage too).

    Zapp - This is your snipe attack. Did I mention that Radiation Infection makes you harder to hit? Well if you're hard to hit, you can be standing on the target and not have a problem with sniping him, as is shown here. It is definitely a power worth picking up and slotting.

    Tesla Cage - Dark Blast may offer better crowd control via Tenebrous Tentacles, but no other secondary line offers an as readily usable Hold. Single target, but that single target can't move or take actions and its toggle powers shut off. With appropriate slotting or making use of perma-Hasten (and perma-Accelerate Metbolism) the recycle time is short enough that you can yank two or more things out of combat and keep them out.

    Voltaic Sentinel - Already commented on above, this power is quite useful to the solo player as your other debuffs allow it to hit well and hit hard. I'm currently estimating that at full slotting it will hit, with Enervating Field in effect, for 150 damage against even cons. 1500 damage for 37 endurance. . .how can you say no?

    Thunderous Blast - I've only recently taken this power, but from what I've seen I'm in love. Completely unslotted for damage it dealt 50 smashing and 110 energy damage to the horde of even cons I used it on--that being without making use of Aim or Enervating Field. It also drained all or all but the tiniest sliver from the things I tested it on. As it drains all of your endurance when you use the power, be sure to use as much of that endurance as you can beforehand. Toss out a Voltaic Sentinel to deal with things that live through it, pop Aim before you use it and toss a Ball Lightning as well.

    Looking at the Power Pool powers, there are two that really stand out to my mind, with all others being a matter of taste and fulfilling specific functions. Those two powers are Hasten and Stamina.

    Hasten - There are builds that really don't need Hasten, and this is one of them. You can get by perfectly well without Hasten. But Hasten can also be used to good effect. It synergizes with Accelerate Metabolism quite well, with both increasing recycle rates on powers and Accelerate Metabolism providing the extra endurance you'll be working your way through with Hasten.

    Stamina - Accelerate Metabolism is a beautiful thing, but by itself it won't keep you supplied. While there are specific AT builds that do not need Stamina, you are heavily advised to take it with this one.

    Any tactical hints on pulling this all together?

    Working with a group and working solo start off similar. Lead with Radiation Infection. Because of its relatively long activation time the best time to use the power is before things are mad at you and you can afford the time. As it reduces accuracy you'll also tend to live through the return volley you'll get from making a bunch of mobs mad with the power. I generally follow this up with Lingering Radiation as you might as slow down how quickly they can make attempts to get past Radiation Infection and hit you. In a group you'll likely apply Enervating Field and then get to work blasting, healing, or doing whatever the situation calls for. Solo I then run to my anchor (yes. . .I run to the angry mobs) and once there apply Enervating Field. The reason for this is the mobs are mad at me and being in their midst keeps them clumped together. Hmmm. . .with Ball Lightning, damage slotted Short Circuit, and Aim what ever could I be doing standing in the middle of a group of mobs that have a hard time hitting me?

    Anyway, hope this sheds some light on the path of the Rad/Electrical.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I wonder if you are a hover blaster? Used to standing still
    during a fight? Because if you are a superspeed blaster, you will
    quickly see that the game in PVP will play much like FPS. And any
    FPS player will tell you rule #1: ALWAYS be moving. As in you
    don't stop moving, ever, for any amount of time, for any reason.
    Or you die. PVP in this game will be very similar. I expect
    superspeed will gain popularity exactly because mobility benefits
    are so critical. You will NOT get a PBAOE attack with a 3 second
    animation time off on any competent player. Oh yeah, once in a
    blue moon blind luck or lag will allow it, but that is like
    playing the lottery, not building a consistent PVP character. It
    is not absurd to say so, its absurd to claim it isn't true.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As I think back to my DAoC days I recall that among the most powerful PvP groups were the PBAE groups that would make use of one person to lock an enemy group down, which would immediately be followed by the PBAE people running forth and blasting everyone in the victim group away.

    Not to say that will apply here. I think people will be very suprised at what tactics this game will spawn because of the relation of the various powers to each other and that it is way to early to be predicting the nature of PvP.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Defender now hits for 65% damage of a blaster, powers cost 10% more, HP identical. Now for example add AM, JUST ONE BUFF THAT WORKS ON THE WHOLE GROUP. It gives 25% damage boost, 33% endurance recovery, some unknown amount of haste, run speed, and status effect resistance.

    I think there can be no question that defenders are a much bigger boon to a group.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I saw this a few pages back and couldn't help but comment.

    Adding a 25% damage boost, at best, in a group of 8 with 7 Blasters, adds 175% damage output + the Defender for 65%. Call it 240% Blaster damage in an optimal situation.

    A single Blaster with his attacks 6-slotted with SOs does 300% damage.

    The Defender increase from AM is good in that in an optimal situation is comparable to a Blaster, but I wouldn't say that its overwhelmingly obvious in the Defender's favor.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Throw in Enervating Field, which the Defender should have if he has AM. Factor in too that the Defender can heal and blasts as well while debuffing the liklihood that the mobs can hit back.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    An excellent post, concisely demonstrating for the perusal of the Developers everything that is best about the best AT in the game.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Why would a post about the best AT in the game be in the Blaster for. . .oh. . .you think Blaster is the best AT in the game?


    Uh. . .nermind, go right ahead and think that.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Not sure what you mean by pulling out all the stops. Sounds like you buffed yourself all the way to your cap and it's 301. That sounds pretty good to me at lvl 28. Add 25% on to that and you'd have about 375 total damage for a Blaster.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I meant by using character abilities only and NOT making use of outside buffs or inspirations. If a like level Blaster would only hit for 375 color me suprised as I would expect them to be on the order of 450 or so. In fact, if a like level Blaster would only hit for 375 I'd have to seriously consider if Defenders might be treading on Blaster territory too much.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'd still rather calculate based on base damage since the caps are different for each archetype. Scrappers had a much higher cap than Blasters for example. This was recently changed too but I believe all archetypes have different caps, just like they have different damage multipliers.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The problem with consideration on base damage is that if Defenders have a base of 50 and a cap of 300% that would translate into being able to belt out 150, which would seem superior to a Blaster having a base of 75 and a cap at 250% yielding a max of 187.5 even though in the end the Blaster is dealing more damage and hence kills things faster (and for less cost and setup).
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    So the hit point boost was about 5-10% like I said. That really wasnt a big deal as it let you survive a single hit extra at the most by the time you hit the 20ish levels. The damage boost was also nothing special. Someone above posted it was 25% but it was more likely around 10% again. We didnt even notice it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not noticing a lot of small things individually doesn't mean that they don't combine for a noticable impact. Clearly Blasters in release have not had their beta woes. If the only thing that changed between then and now is what was done at the end of beta. . . .

    [ QUOTE ]
    The whole point of the extra damage was to balance with DEFENDERS who were considered better in a lot of ways.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    While the motivation for extra damage may have been relationally based, extra damage does have an absolute impact against things which didn't change in relation--mob hps.

    [ QUOTE ]
    You could build a defender that did comparable damage to a Blaster and had better peripheral abilities.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Which is why Defender damage was capped at a lower value to my understanding.

    [ QUOTE ]
    The biggest advantage that Blasters have over Defenders (other than the unannounced endurance break) is they could put all their enhancements in attack powers while Defenders allocate to both powersets more. That and the fact that they get Build Up or Targetting Drone. So people were concerned that you could build a better Blaster using a Defender archetype. I didnt agree but try convincing Scrappers they arent gimped right now. It's like banging your head against the wall.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I will agree that the marketplace of ideas feeds upon its own hype to a certain extent (check the history of views on Defenders on the Defender forum), but it seems to me there is a bit more at work here. I agree that a central advantage of Blasters over Defenders (and for that matter every other AT) through the low levels is the ability to focus on their attack powers. But it doesn't end there. Lowered endurance costs were predicated on the idea of a frail Blaster (you certainly don't see many discussions on other forums debating if Stamina is necessary or not--it basically goes without question). . .but Blasters are now no more frail than Controllers or Defenders. Operationally, this produces a profound difference between Defenders and Blasters. Sure a Defender has power that are supposed to make him more durable than a Blaster. . .but you have to apply those powers, which takes time and isn't free. As example, my Defender can decide to charge a group of mobs with Radiation Infection prepared to fire once in range, follow up with Lingering Radiation, and follow that with Enervating Field. Now able to stand in the midsts of the group she can Ball Lightning to her heart's content. But notice she had to apply 3 powers, 2 of which after the mobs have been angered and started to return fire. A blaster by comparison would Aim + Build Up out of range, prep an AE, and drop the entire group while the Defender is still softening the targets. And for all that Radiation Infection does to help you not get hit, you still do. . .so taking longer to kill because you deal less damage means risking status effects and overwhelming damage. (And I won't even touch upon the delirious notion the developers seem to have about Blasters not having any defenses. . .I should introduce them to my friend's Electrical/Devices Blaster.)

    [ QUOTE ]
    If someone could do a study now and see what a how lvl 20 heros hit for damage it would be interesting.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It would be interesting. For the record though, 4 slotted for damage at level 28, pulling out all the stops I dealt capped damage (as the values were the same versus white and yellow mobs) of 301 with my Defender using Zapp. I rather suspect that a Blaster would deal considerably more. . .but maybe I'm wrong.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Blasters were pretty much the same. I played Defenders through most of beta but I went with a Blaster at the end once they got the HP boost.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I thought they got:

    1) Hp boost
    2) Damage boost
    3) Endurance cost cut

    That's a lot of things coming together. Mind you, I'm not calling for a Blaster nerf or even remotely hinting at suggesting it, just exploring some of the reason for Blaster envy.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I bet the developers looking at their data mining are shocked to see a huge discrepancy in levelling rates pre- and post-release. Either lots of beta blasters were fudging gimpness or simply never reported exploits or the developers didn't listen to the right people.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Or Blasters really did suck during beta (I didn't play one) and at the end, with too little time to test, they were adjusted and improved a hair too much, with more pressing things doubtlessly coming up after release than rebalancing Blasters.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    I've heard a lot of scrappers, tankers and blasters say the same thing too. We always want more endurance. Like Geko said (new and improved: GEKO SAYS!, I'm paraphrasing from memory) endurance is the *most* powerful ability.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Do you play the game at all? It is very easy when teamed to see which characters are always the lowest on endurance.
  12. There is a massive thread in the General Forum where ALL Defenders complain about being out of endurance on an ongoing basis.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    About AM. I hope it has not gone unnoticed that AM is a good buff. It buffs your attack speed AND your run speed AND your fly speed AND your damage output AND protects you from sleep, hold and immobilize. 2 rad defenders could keep this buff on the team permanently. Even 1 could do the same thing wiht a few recharge enhancements.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Most AM users don't seem to think it will be possible, even fully loaded out with recycle time reducers. Indeed, I had Hasten with 1 DO recycling faster than AM with 3.