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  1. Here's my current build with Epiyon:

    Exported from version 1.5C of CoH Planner

    Archetype: Blaster
    Primary Powers - Ranged : Energy Blast
    Secondary Powers - Support : Energy Manipulation

    01 : Power Thrust acc(01)
    01 : Power Bolt acc(01) acc(3) dam(3) dam(5) dam(5) recred(7)
    02 : Power Blast acc(02) acc(7) dam(9) dam(9) dam(11) recred(11)
    04 : Build Up recred(04) recred(13) recred(13)
    06 : Power Burst acc(06) dam(15) dam(15) dam(17) rng(17) recred(19)
    08 : Teleport Foe acc(08) acc(19)
    10 : Bone Smasher acc(10) dam(21) dam(21) dam(23) disdur(23) recred(25)
    12 : Hurdle jmp(12)
    14 : Teleport rng(14) rng(25) rng(27) endred(27)
    16 : Aim recred(16) recred(29) recred(29)
    18 : Health hel(18)
    20 : Stamina endrec(20) endrec(31) endrec(31)
    22 : Conserve Power recred(22) recred(31) recred(33)
    24 : Sniper Blast acc(24) dam(33) dam(33) dam(34) inttim(34) recred(34)
    26 : Aid Other hel(26)
    28 : Hasten recred(28) recred(36) recred(36)
    30 : Recall Friend recred(30)
    32 : Nova dam(32) dam(36) dam(37) recred(37) recred(37) recred(39)
    35 : Aid Self hel(35) hel(39) hel(39) inttim(40) inttim(40) recred(40)
    38 : Total Focus acc(38) dam(42) dam(42) dam(42) disdur(43) recred(43)
    41 : Personal Force Field defbuf(41) defbuf(43) defbuf(45) recred(45) recred(45) recred(46)
    44 : Temporary Invulnerability damres(44) damres(46) damres(46) endred(48)
    47 : Force of Nature damres(47) damres(48) damres(48) recred(50) recred(50) recred(50)
    49 : Super Speed runspd(49)


    01 : Brawl Empty(01)
    01 : Sprint jmp(01)
    02 : Rest recred(02)

    Slots do not reflect when I actually took the slots, I just threw them into the planner .

    He does really well in both PvP and PvE.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    I play with my partner all the time.

    It holds the mouse

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dude that's just wrong on so many levels.....
  3. My wife and I play CoH.

    We've actually got a interesting story about how we got started in MMOs. I've been an avid gamer all my life, and she was looking for a game she could play, not neccesarily with me, but just to play. She found and got into Asheron's Call. After watching her play it, I was interested and got into it a few days later. So my wife got me, the avid gamer, into MMOs.

    She bought me CoH for Christmas '04, and she got into it about a few months ago. We're almost always in game together. Our SG has two other couples in it besides us, and we know two more couples outside our group.

    As for story backgrounds. It depends really. Our mains have seperate origin backgrounds, but they've since meet and developed a relationship. We have alts that have stories that tie deeply into each other. Then we've got alts that have nothing at all to do with each others.
  4. SG Name: Shadow-Knights
    SG Leaders: Ego (@Shadow_Song), New Barbarian (@New Barbarian), Epiyon (@Epiyon)
    SG Website: None yet.
    Global Chat Channel: TrueNaturals (public channel)
    SG Peak Hours: Most everyone is off and on during the week. We do a SG night every Sunday at 6pm PDT / 9pm EDT.
    Other Info:

    The Shadow-Knights are a group of average people who decided they wanted to take back the streets of Paragon City. There's nothing overly special about these "heroes", the can't fly, they don't ran at superspeeds, they only have their indomitable will driving them to defend their city.

    We're naturals, a-la Batman, Greenarrow, Hawkeye, Punisher. We only have abilites that a moderatly funded person with intense drive and proper training could achieve. This does limit options, but at the same time makes for a very enjoyable playing experience. So if you're interested please contact one of the above leaders or join our global channel.