273 -
fabulous, I cant wait to see whats next...
I love how you expand and mold the characters you draw... you dont seem confined to "only what your told", and you seem to have a good eye/mind for keeping the soul of a character while evolving the rest. -
I cant wait to see who shows up next :-D
You wanted me to show up?
[/ QUOTE ]
hehe.. I think that was in refrence to my post, T-ski ;P
but of COURSE we wall want you to show up, dont we gang?
*shuffles away* -
good thing you didnt need batwings to complete your look :-P
...sight :-/ Poor Grist.... I may never play him again, just knowing there are little bat wings out there, and that he'll likely never get them -
The Riving is always up for a good time...
unless you throw t-ski in there... then you have to put Skull Candy in there with her... it will become apparent why, as time passes. :-D -
damn... I wish I could get there..... stupid work/school/life getting in the way...
It's coming... and I believe you were one of the two I chose.
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...but if you read the other thread, you'd know that already -
See I could never use Poser like you Dj, I'd just spend all my time making boobs.
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Truer words.
And yeah, I just went and got a "real gravity" pose tool from Renderosity... apparently breasts are affected by this force we call gravity...
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Ive read comic books... ive seen "gentlemens magazines".... breasts are effected by sheer force of will (on the part of the "beholder", not the "wearer" ;P) -
hes almost that sexy in real life ;P
he didnt really need ALL those clothes though -
Oh wow! I didn't really expect it to be so popular. I'll do my best to draw when I can!
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dont ever feel "obligated" da'ling. Your doing it out of the goodness(evilness?) of your heart... thats enough for everyone here.
likewise its utterly up to your own disgression which characters you draw, and which you skip... you dont even have to give a reason ;P
we're all pretty thick skinned round here, so do what you like, and do it for fun, for as long as your doing it for fun... -
I've done other mock covers of various female heroes for this version, and actually tomorrow, I'll be doing the first of 2 male versions, which will read: entertainment for heroines.
Basically it's a Playboy tribute.
[/ QUOTE ]
so... where is this male version? -
I do photo manip stuff and ive made hundreds of sigs and avatars in my day... so I at least know the basics.
I guess that why I asked, cause it didnt seem like anything I was doing was working. -
hes not THAT popular, Juggs ;P
Ive been trying to use a screen cap.... is that a mistake? It looks fine on my computer, and fine on HC.... but when I try to put it on the verse, it looks awful (all jagged and grainy, like it got auto resized, or something) -
This is sort of a minor question, I guess...
Im setting up one of my new virture characters up on the verse, sort of feeling my way around...
now.. my problem is... I cant seem to get the "right" sized image for the villan table thingy... it always looks skewed and weird.
....so I was wondering if those out there who use the verse.... what size image do you use? -
Just came by to say Hello, welcome, and "WOW".
I think you have more than enough on your plate, but if you ever make it through the list, I would of course love a drawing of any of my characters (the link in my signature)
glad to have another awsome artist on the forums. -
...and then cameo all your supporters in your awsome new IP :-D
I commented on the picture....
but I *snuggle* that picture with bone grinding intensity -
Enough with the awsome!
its damned skippy, Suchi :-D -
*turns the orbital deathray on Melanie*
hmph, laah laah....
*hits big red button, skips away* -
hehe, thats darling :-D
the art style kinda reminds me of Titan A.E. for some reason (well, your picture of Rogue, on DA, does ;P) -
Could I put my name "on the list"... but at the bottom of it, so that I could have a chance to get commished in like.. a month or two? :-D
if so, that would be super spiffy -
aww... why never play the dom again.... shes the perfect level to play with my rad/ice corr :-D
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because I absolutely can't stand the */icy set for doms.
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well, you simply MUST have a virtue villain :-D -
aww... why never play the dom again.... shes the perfect level to play with my rad/ice corr :-D
well, I already said Happy birthday.... but