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  1. "I come from the land of Az-" "Yes, yes, we get that all the time"
    Made me laugh, you get my vote =)
  2. Wow, great work everyone, sheesh!

    [edit again] Okay, it stopped being dumb, here we are:

    Identity Crey-sis

    * i had some issues with the uploading, it kept messing up my text formatting....
  3. I'm editing the heck out of my screenshots (adding characters, effects, and all that stuff), if it disqualifies me, then mweh, but I'm gonna make mine look as good as possible!

    Bleeding: Did you install the PDF writing option from the setup program?
  4. Nice, Dark1, veddy nice =) Though your text was kinda scrambled and compressed badly. Did you make it that way or did that happen post-production when you uploaded it?

    Oh, and I don't think this was answered: Do we HAVE to use the comic software? I'd reaaallly rather just use Photoshop =/
  5. Hey, I have another question, even though no one answered my previous query...

    One of the prizes is a year of free play. Would this affect our Vet Reward time at all? Because we get our vet rewards based on time PAYED for (iirc), and, well, I'd kinda hate to not get wings for another year and a half (gonna reach one year next month, booyah)
  6. ...You named your Hero Civic?

    And aren't all our characters copyrighted by NCSoft the moment we make them anyway?

    [edit] late, was in response to something on the 2nd page, sorry =O_o=
  7. Okay, question:

    Do we HAVE to use Comic Creator?

    I'd rather just edit and make panels in Photoshop. Plus, people seem to be having trouble with getting the program to DL/work anyway.