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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    So, how does one rename a base?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you're talking about the "Your Base" that you see on the base portal zoning options, I don't think you can. At least, I don't believe anyone ever found a way.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Hmmm, so if somebody is going to quit then it's a good idea to buy a boatload of furniture and bring your group down to just a little prestige. Then, when the person quits, you sell back the furniture and aren't out your 20k?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They made it so you can actually go negative if you've spent the bonus Prestige precisely to prevent this particular trick.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    The base stuff sounds cool, but it is a real shame they did not implement something similar albeit smaller on the individual level.

    There is a reason why player housing is such a popular feature in MMOs, and it ain't so you can share one base with 50+ other folks.

    All the PvP aspects of the base are great, but people really like having their OWN personal slice of the world.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There have been repeated developer statements that personal bases are something they're considering/working on/whatever. I'd be VERY surprised if we didn't see something like this an Issue or three down the line, since it's such an obvious way to get a popular feature into the game while re-using code (the base editor) that's probably already pretty much been finished. It would seem to fit well with the need for "endgame content" that people always seem to harp on. Sure, it's no epic event, but I'm sure a lot of people could happily spend days tweaking an impressive lair for their 50s.

    Edited to add the specific quote from another thread:

    [/ QUOTE ] Positron: We have plans for personal bases (aka Hideouts or Player Apartments) to come in the near future. These won't be PvP playable maps, so there shouldn't be as many restrictions on what you can place where.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    What?! The nerfed influence and playing in SG? Holy cow! I now have to decide whether I want to wear SG colors or earn influence? This is insane!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The obvious solution if it's that big a deal is to have an SG costume in one of your 4 costume slots. In I6, SG Mode is more about game functionality; it's no longer really a matter of "wearing the colors".

    What you've just said was repeated by a lot of people on the beta boards; this is one horse that comes pre-killed for your convenience.
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    Another thing to note, if you have 12 members, and therefore 240,000 Prestige, and a member immediately drop to 220,000 Prestige.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They had to do this, otherwise the exploit for it is REALLY obvious.

    Other notes from beta - if you're at 0 Prestige (because of spending it all) and someone leaves, you can actually go into the negatives.

    You can always recruit more people (or fill the SG with alts) if it's that big a problem.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    How do you tell what salvage you have?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Once you get your first salvage drop, you'll see a new tab open up on your power bar, to the immediate right of Enhancements. Click that and a window will pop open showing your salvage inventory.

    This tab remains even if you give away or otherwise use all your salvage.

    There's also an oddness that was encountered in Beta, where there was "loot lag" - salvage drops and changes to your salvage inventory would sometimes not display immediately.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Great job on the FAQ!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Q11: Isn't that kind of annoying [to have to pay rent in person]?
    A11: Yes.

    [/ QUOTE ]We didn't want to deduct rent automatically, because if your SG went on vacation for a while, it'd slowly drain your coffers.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was wondering if it would be possible to make paying rent an option from the SG Mission Computer, or make the rent contact callable somehow. That would keep the functionality of not automatically debiting the SG's account without user intervention, while still not requiring a random run to Atlas Park/Port Oakes every month.

    It'd be a handy 'quality of life' buff at some point in the future if it could be worked in somehow. In the meantime, well, at least we can Telepad to Atlas so I guess it's not TOO annoying.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    So let me get this right, SG's that have been around forever get no added benefit and larger sg's get no benefit?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That is the long and short of it.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Mmm. My super group which has a whole TWO people in it didn't seem to get anything. D'oh.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There seem to be a lot of strange issues with Prestige. The lack of the kicker is an obvious bug, and obviously will be fixed soon, but I also encountered "Prestige lag". Beat down a Death Mage, saw the "Your SG has gained 125 prestige" award. Didn't actually see the number (0) change. Figured it was bugged and went off to test something else. A couple hours later someone goes "Hey, where'd that 125 Prestige come from?"
  10. [ QUOTE ]

    I already belong to an SG, so, we can creat a base for our heros simply by talking to the SG contact, correct?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Apparently to participate in base functionality at all, you need to have a copy of CoV. If you don't, you'll earn drops, but no base for you. So, the reason you can't create hero bases yet is because you don't have your "owns CoV" flag set. Once you do, you should be able to create bases.

    [ QUOTE ]

    But, I fully intend to play a villian when CoV goes live so I assume that means we would need to start a whole new SG for the villian toons and have their own separate base accordingly, correct?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heroes and Villains can't be members of the same SG, so if your SG's players are making both heroes and villains to play, that's obviously going to place constraints on your ability to make bases.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Any indication at what points the diminished influence start and what benchmarks are set? EG: lvl 25 = 10% loss, lvl 30 = 50% loss or anything like that? I can sense a lack of SG moded higher mid lvl characters.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't think anyone's run the numbers thoroughly yet. During beta, there was a "+10 level bump" at one point. I noticed the decrease in influence drops going from level 16 to level 26 was pretty noticable - as in, it went from exactly what I expected to "huh, that seems pretty low". I don't recall the specific numbers unfortunately.

    To note, though, the decrease seems to start around the time you begin getting DO/SO drops more regularly, so as long as you're willing to do the Store Row Run, you shouldn't notice too big a hit.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    The Manual says , "As you get higher in level , you earn more Prestige , but at the cost of Infamy gained."

    Do they mean you stop receiving infamy or you get less in SG mode, as you get higher in level ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It means you earn less Inf in SG mode. (And none after the cut-off point.) Also, it seems you do earn slightly more Prestige as the percentage of Inf earned decreases.

    This is only in SG mode though; out of it the rewards should be the same as you've always gotten.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I think there's a mistake here. During the Siren's Call beta event, the Arbiter was saying that after level 25 is when we no longer recieve influence/infamy while in SG mode.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actual experience in play indicated it was level 35. This may or may not be a bug; it was never specifically addressed by any developer comments that I saw.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    It was stated that rent doesn't start getting added to your base until you have over 1,000,000 prestige (at which point it's 1%). At something like 16,000,000, it goes up to 2%.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I may have misinterpreted it (the post I got the numbers from, of course, gone in beta board purge). I do not recall a floor to rent mentioned - ie, a level above 0 Prestige at which you are not charged rent. The only cap was to maximum rent level - 3.5%.

    [ QUOTE ]

    Also, I remember reading that "Instant Raids" would be disconneced for live. Not sure if that's the current plan, but I don't think they'll be up since it's a great way to scout someone you want to take an IoP from.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I do not recall having seen a statement to that effect anywhere on the beta boards, and I read the dev digest exhaustively. Unless it was in the closing hours of beta and I missed it. It's possible I missed it. I can't see why they would turn this off though; it's the only way for two SGs to intentionally PvP against each other specifically. Not every PvP'er is going to want to flag themselves to be attacked by any group on their server.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    New SGs are still granted the 36,000,000 prestige. I've tried on 2 seperate characters, with the last one just being a few minutes ago and both SGs started with 36,020,000 prestige.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  16. [ QUOTE ]

    It's also possible that the "kicker" hasn't been enabled yet and you're just seeing earned Prestige. In which case, dang, your SG got right to work!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Past the editing limit on the above post, but I wanted to add that since I don't see bases in the patch notes, they probably just haven't enabled the "kicker" yet.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    an update....15 members do not provide 20k prestige each. it's 20k prestige total for 15 members. unless there's a bug. I have 20 in my SG and I only have 26k prestige.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They did an exploit fix right before they went live with this, so it's possible that they broke something. /bug it; all the dev posts on the beta boards supported the 20k x 15 people numbers.

    It's also possible that the "kicker" hasn't been enabled yet and you're just seeing earned Prestige. In which case, dang, your SG got right to work!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    With scheduled raiding, is there anything to stop a player from blocking out the raid window by scheduling an attack from another character of his own, thus preventing other SGs from attacking during the raid window?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    When raiding, you don't see the names of your target SG. You only see wether they're hero or villain. It's thus impossible to have two SGs lock each other's raid slots. (Well, it's not really IMPOSSIBLE, but it's prohibitively difficult.)

    Also, the amount of Prestige outlay for a functional raiding base is VERY HIGH. Certainly outside the realm of possibility to just set up whenever you want it.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Does the Rez Ring work only in Base Raids, or is it designed to give you your own personal hospital during your PvE adventures?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Rez Ring (actual name is Resurrection Circle/Resuscitation Device) works all the time as long as it's got power and control. When you die, in addition to "go to hospital" you see "go to base", and the latter option takes you to your base hospital.

    Yes, it works in PvE too. If you die in a mission or zone, you can rez in your base and when you zone out often you'll be right next to where you died, or the mission door. Of course, sometimes it drops you half-way across the zone, but what can you do?

    The obvious HUGE benefit of the above is when you're in one of the hazard zones that still doesn't have a hospital.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Last I saw, the rent was weekly, and it was automatically deducted. No need to go find the SG guy and pay up. Was a change in this mentioned somewhere?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Last I saw it was biweekly and you had to pay in person. Of course, last I saw the tax rate was still severely bugged - I'm not sure wether they got that fixed before the beta boards went down, and of course they've been wiped now so I can't check the patch notes there. I know the only explicit Dev comment on the matter was on the rate of rent (that's where I get the % numbers from). The manner of payment/timing was never explicitly commented on.

    I've tried, whenever possible, to put a "as of this writing" on things which I'm not 100% certain of and/or things that are likely to change based on what happens when the players get their grubby little hands on everything.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    One question though, concerning the Raid window. Is it every single night? Is the window for how long? Or can it be made once a week, or some other period?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It looks to me like this is still being tweaked. It's changed several times in Beta, and will almost certainly change again once people start actually using it.

    Last time I checked, it's every day, but raids have to be scheduled two days in advance. Ie, your raiding window is open, let's say, 10pm-12pm eastern. Someone comes along and says "it's on!" and schedules a raid. That locks the slot two days from then; they've got dibs, and you know you're going to be raided.
  22. Whew.

    Maybe not such a quick FAQ after all!
  23. Q40: How do I set up my base to raid other bases?
    A40: You will need at least a raid teleporter and a mission computer to do this. If you want to keep an item of power after raiding another base, you will need additional rooms.

    Q41: What is an item of power?
    A41: An item of power is a magic item stolen from Rularuu the Ravager. It gives all members of the SG that holds it a +1% buff in one attribute (damage, XP gain, debt gain, psychic damage resistance). You can have up to 5. Having an item of power essentially "flags your base for PvP". You can be raided at any point after you get one.

    Q42: What do I need to do to get an Item of Power?
    A42: You will need the following: An SG Mission Computer, a Raid Teleporter, a Vault Room with the placed item "Item of Power Base" (this is where the IoP will go when obtained), and 6 Anchors. The Anchors are what hold the IoP in this reality. Each room in your base can have only one; the Vault Room and Entry Room cannot have Anchors in them. This means the minimum base size to hold an IoP is 8 rooms. Once you have your base set up to hold an IoP, you can get one by embarking on the SG raid on Rularuu's Cathedral of Pain, or by raiding another SG that has more Items of Power than you.

    Q43: What happens when an SG raids another SG's base?
    A43: The attackers appear at random in the defending base's "Doorway" rooms. Attackers on the same team are supposed to appear in the same place. Sometimes this even works. If killed, the attackers respawn in the same place they came in the first time. Defenders respawn in their base hospital (if there is an intact, powered rez ring) or in the relevant zone hospital. In the latter case, they must then run to the base portal to get back into the fight. The defenders must hold off the attackers for an hour. The attackers merely have to destroy 5 of 6 anchors, or place and defend Disruptor Pylons (only one Pylon can be set per room). If the attackers succeed, they win, and leave with one of the defender's Items of Power.

    Q44: Can I have an item of power and not PvP?
    A44: No. The only control you have over PvP when your group owns an IoP is to set the scheduled raid time.

    Q45: What is the scheduled raid time?
    A45: You can set up a time when your SG is likely to be on; that is the only time that your base can be attacked. This is to prevent attackers from showing up at 2 am and wandering off with all your stuff.

    Q46: Can the attackers destroy functional items in raids?
    A46: Yes. Anything that has hit points can be attacked. Some of these items will be rebuilt after the raid.

    Q47: What are defensive items?
    A47: You can buy or craft defensive items to help defend your base during a raid. These are things like freeze ray turrets, defensive mines, and shield generators. Only some rooms in your base can have defensive items. Generally, a room that can hold defensive items is much more expensive than a room of the same type that can't. For example, a Secure Control Room (which can house a few defensive items) is millions more Prestige than a normal Control Room, which can't.

    Q48: Do defensive items require power and control too?
    A48: Yes. In fact, they require a LOT of it, necessitating crafter power and control items. This also means that if an attacker makes it to your control or power room and blows up the core item there, everything in your base turns off.

    Q49: Can I PvP in bases without Items of Power?
    A49: You can challenge another SG to an "instant raid", or be challenged by another SG, even if neither of you have Items of Power. Instant raiding functions much the same as a normal raid, except it can occur at any time, the defending SG must allow it to happen, and nothing actually changes hands or is permanently destroyed as a result of the raid.
  24. Q31: How do I get salvage?
    A31: You get Salvage by playing in Supergroup Mode. Playing in SG mode enables Salvage as an additional drop type, like Enhancements and Inspirations. Various groups drop different types of salvage. Alternately, you can trade for salvage with other players.

    Q32: How do I set up crafting in my base?
    A32: You must have power and control set up, first. You will require at least one table (the Basic Worktable/Forge) and probably all three to make some items. Worktables refine Tech Salvage, Forges refine Arcane Salvage. A complete "tree" of tables is Basic, Expert and Advanced. The Advanced table does NOT replace the Basic table, it supplements it. The complete tree is fairly expensive in terms of power and control, so you may need to add more control auxiliary items after setting the three tables up. It is unlikely that you will be able to keep BOTH the tech and arcane trees powered if you have anything else running in your base.

    Q33: How do I craft?
    A33: If your crafting tables are set up and have sufficient power and control to work, just click one and get to work. You'll see a massive number of tabs under each one, showing what can be refined or created. Generally you'll want to trim this list down. In the lower right of each table, you'll see a select list. You can select options on this list to restrict it to only the things which can be crafted on that table (recommended). Note that this will generally lag you for a moment as the system trims down the list. You can also restrict the list to just the things you have the materials to make. And recipe which shows up in white is something you can make; click the double-right-arrow to expand the description, and then 'Create', and it's done.

    Q34: What happens when I refine Salvage?
    A34: Salvage you get from drops doesn't magically become functional items with one click. You must refine it first. For example, the salvage drops Black Market Super-Stuff and Body Armor can be refined to create "Tech Power". If you find a recipe for tech power that takes those two types of salvage, you can refine them and create it. Tech Power will show up in your salvage list like the drops. While Tech Power is also a kind of salvage, some refer to it as "Material" for clarity's sake.

    Q35: How do I create a functional item?
    A35: Functional items require refined materials. So, for example, the steps for creating a Basic Telepad go something like this: 2 Body Armor + 1 Black Market Superstuff = 1 Tech Power. 6 Tech Power = 1 Basic Telepad. Once you have enough material for the functional item, you can create it just like you created its materials.

    Q36: How many ways are there to create a given material?
    A36: There are dozens of combinations of salvage that yeild any given material. All materials of a given type (Tech Power, for example) are the same, however, regardless of what you used to make them.

    Q37: Can I trade functional items?
    A37: No.

    Q38: What's this Disruptor Pylon thing in the list of things I can craft?
    A38: Don't touch that button! Disruptor Pylons are used only in offensive raids. It's a temporary power. If you create it, you will not see it in the list of personal items you can place, and you will not see it in your powers list unless you embark on an offensive raid.

    Q39: Do I need base edit priveledges to place a personal item?
    A39: No. Anyone in the SG who crafts an item can place it in any valid location in the base. There is no priveledge at present to prevent this.

  25. Q23: What are functional items?
    A23: These are items in your base that actually do something, as opposed to just look neat. These are items such as a Resurrection Ring - think private hospital - or a private zone teleporter, or crafting tables. These items all function differently, but they all require two things: 1, they must be placed in the appropriate room (Rez Ring in a Medical Room, for example); 2, they must have sufficient power and control.

    Q24: What are Power and Control?
    A24: A measure of the amount of power generation your base has, and how much computer power/whatever you have to run everything. Your base starts with ZERO! Before any items will function, you have to set up some power and control. Create a power room and place a Basic Generator (it will be in the tab at the far left), then create a control room and place a Mainframe and some Databases. This will give you enough power and control to run most basic items.

    Q25: What are Core and Auxiliary items?
    A25: To use the example above, the Mainframe is a Core Item. You can only have a certain number of these in your base. Each core item can have a number of Auxiliary items connected to it, such as Databases to the Mainframe. Each core item can only use certain kinds of Auxiliary items. There is also a limit on Auxiliary items - first, your base "plot" may have a limit. Second, the room you're using may have a limit, and thirdly, the Core item may have a limit. The maximum number of auxiliary items you can use on that core item is the LOWEST of these three numbers.

    Q26: How do I know wether I have enough power and control?
    A26: In the lower right of your screen are two bars showing your power and control usage/generation. The top part of each bar is usage, the lower part, generation. If usage exceeds generation in either bar, no item in your base will work!

    Q27: How do I get more/better Power and Control items?
    A27: You can either craft better items, or change to a Secure base plot, which allows double the number of core items. Note that both of these options are extremely expensive, running into the millions of Prestige.

    Q28: How do I change base plots/What's the difference between Hidden and Secure?
    A28: If you have base edit priveledges, entering the Entry Chamber will give you the option to edit the base plot. This can buy a bigger plot of the same type, or change types between Hidden and Secure. As of this writing, the only obvious difference between Hidden and Secure is that Secure is crazy expensive and allows twice the number of Core items.

    Q29: What are some of the functional items?
    * Rez Ring (equivalent to an Awaken, gives you the option to rez in your base instead of a Hospital, can be purchased)
    * Auto-Doc (Auxiliary item for the Rez Ring, increases its rez ability, must be crafted)
    * Inspiration Dispenser (Sells level 1 green/blue insps, buys some insps, must be crafted)
    * Combat Logs (Aux item for Dispenser, lets it sell Break Frees, must be crafted)
    * Basic Telepad (Allows teleport to two different zones, must be crafted)
    * Crafting Tables (Allows item crafting, can be purchased)
    * Supergroup Mission Computer (Allows PvP raids, Item of power Raid, special PvE task forces, must be crafted)
    * Raid Teleporter (In combination with Mission Computer, allows you to attack other SG bases that are raid enabled, can be purchased)

    Q30: Is there a difference between the Technology and Arcane functional items?
    A30: Not really. The descriptions I've used here refer to the Tech items for simplicity's sake. Every tech item has a corresponding arcane item that does the exact same thing. Any differences are unintentional design errors (for example, the technology Raid Teleporter is larger than the Arcane Raid Teleporter, allowing the Arcane to fit more conveniently in small teleport rooms). Note that you cannot mix types between Tech and Arcane when it comes to Core and Auxiliary items! A Tech Mainframe cannot be enhanced by an Arcane Auxiliary Control item!
