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  1. They should never have given so much experience for the AE's. Even with the new experience reductions, I still think it is too high.
  2. Had an oppurtunity to run with a good group in an AE mission last night. Thank you to all those involved. Special thanks to Dman for taking the brunt of the damage all night.

    Only bad thing that happened was when some guy joined us and started crying foul when he saw there were two stalkers in the group. He left after lecturing the one corrupter in our group who was not a Kin, I presume that meant Kinetics. We all resolved ourselves that there is more than one way to play the game and went back to playing, but I found his comments amusing and disturbing at the same time. Hopefully he is not the norm in the game (and I doubt he is).

    Otherwise, enjoyed myself on my first full night back. Friends joining with me, so look for Baptized By Bullets supergroup, some of us are completely new to the game, so be patient with them.
  3. I will give it a run, if it is empty... I can always change servers LOL!
  4. Old player, saying hello to Pinnacle!

    Just wanted to post a hello thread as I just finished playing my last of CO last night. For those who enjoyed the HERO game system's Champions, do not expect it to be a good example of what HERO games created. It has poor graphics (and I collect comics after 30+ years, so I usually like that type of graphical content), some customization (if you consider color changing skills customization, oh... well that and you can pair powers together that make little to no sense), and really a poor questing/mission system (story lines are poor, I did not bother reading them after the first few).

    The good news is the poor experience with CO led me back to CoX to reup my account. Therefore I am hoping to play with you all, both in pve and pvp. I hope players who never made it to 50 are still welcome here.

    I noticed a slight learning curve just running around beating up on street thugs last night, not like I died, but I was still trying to remember what all my abilities were.

    I will be playing a Stalker on the villian side, moved him over to this server as it looked populated and friendly from my first messages. Doctor Genocide is alive!

    See you on the inside.