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  1. If Ryu Planeswalker knew what he was doing, it wouldn't have turned out that way. It's an odd reverse grief, where the griefer is the one accusing others of griefing, thus ruining it for everyone else by ruining it for himself.

    And if you don't like the concept of a naked butterfly man, you might need to check your prejudices at the door. Insect otherkin get trashed even worse than the usual ones, and its sad to see a community that cannot accept others for who they truly are
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    Both seem to penalize good play. A blaster that protects himself well cannot get much of a boost from defiance. A defender that protects her team well cannot get much of a boost from vigilence.

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    They can also reward aggressive and risky play, where a team is trying to push just slightly beyond their normal boundries.

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    Unfortunately, there are a wide range of defender primary and secondary combinations that Vigilance does virtually nothing to improve. If a Force Field or Dark Miasma Defender is a member of a team taking signficant damage, giving them an endurance discount has extremely little affect on their performance. Because of this, I consider Vigilance to actually not even meet the "bumper" goal for these example powersets.

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    I have to provide a contrasting point to this one, just for arguments sake.

    On my Sonic/Sonic defender, there's a gigantically noticible increase in the ammount of damage my team takes once their shields wear off. Since I'm usually sonic-ing to debuff with both my primary and secondary, I usually run semi-low on endurance, esp with the 2 sonic toggles I keep running.

    When my team starts to take damage from the shield being down, vigilance kicks in, and all of a sudden I don't need alot of endurance to reshield the team, while still being able to keep blasting away and keep my toggles up.

    Not sure if this is the way its intended to be used, but thus far its worked pretty well for me.
  3. mm, to be fair, on Infinity, Guardian, Champion, and Pinnacle, I tend to see a heckofalot more heroes in Siren's than I ever do villains, and more than a couple of those guys are definetly the "villain farming for free SOs" types. Maybe I'm just playing at the wrong hours of the day?

    For all the grief heroes will kick up about 1337 stalkers taunting (verbally, not the powers) in pvp, many of the heroes get just as bad. It reached the point where I simply turned off the global broadcast so I wouldn't have to listen to them.

    Nice guide, summoned up my feelings about pvp sometimes exactly.
  4. I tried this build out tonight, on a lark. Works great! Got through the first 10 levels in less than 3 hours...

    Great guide!
  5. DocSachiel

    Thugs MM Guide

    Uhm... none of my thugs are doing Area of Effect damage (as differentiated from cone damage), save for the molotov cocktails on my Arsonist... did I do something wrong? Also, you can't get the empty clips style cone attack until you get the 2nd upgrade power, which isn't until the late 20s.

    Also, I have to agree on the pistols thing others have stated... they are most certainly worth taking. One of the few sets where the damage output of the attacks matches or exceeds that of the minions. Also, defenders can't use them

    I definetly like the posting of pictures for each upgrade, though. Its nice for new guys to see what your boys will look like before you get the proper powers.