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  1. Dlloyd


    Ok first off thank you all , seems a few of you got what i was getting at, it was a generic question was never meant as i only want a max dps char for myself.

    I have read through all of those replys and got alot of helpful and useful information so thank you all for that ( yes i am new to the game )

    MY main point in this was even though im new im sick of seeing ss/fa everywhere would be nice if there was more choice for the same results.

    Anyway thanks again for all the replys, cyborg themed scrapper here i come !
  2. Dlloyd


    Originally Posted by joebartender View Post
    Welcome to the game!

    If your just looking to max out dps then your going to limit your options.

    The good news is that DPS is really not all that important to your teams success in City of Heroes.

    Outside of outlier situations like soloing AV, GM, Pylons and dealing with Reichsman if you don't have the proper temp powers at the end of a Barracuda SF not having enough DPS will never be the reason for failure.

    A level 54 AV has 30627.20 hp and regens 100.23 hp a second. Aside from a purpose built group of characters designed to do the least amount of damage possible overcoming this amount of regen on a team is almost laughably easy due to how large the buffs and debuffs brought to the table by support classes are.

    This means that you can play just about any combinations of powersets and builds that you like and still be bringing enough to the table for the team to meet it's goals. Never once seen someone kicked from a team for not having enough dps in 5+ years.
    Thank you that was pretty close to the kind of answer i was looking for , confirming that maxing dps is a limited option.
  3. Dlloyd


    I think your missing my point , it was meant to be a simple question , let me try it this way then .

    If i say make a scrapper and i take broad sword - will i do more damage over all by taking fiery rather than say dark ? or any other for that matter.

    All theoretical ofc, im not looking for some smart long answer about how something has defense , the question is very simple do you have to take fire to maximise dps or can you take another and still keep up?

    I was toying with making a cyborg themed scrapper and thought hey elec def set would fit that , but i then started thinking that if i took fire i would then do more dmg.

    My point is that you have all these different powers that fit one roll , but when it gets to maximising dmg you only really have one choice?
  4. Dlloyd


    Why is it that if you want to make the best of your dps class be it scrapper brute etc have to take fiery aura to maximise your dps?

    Would be nice to have a few more damage type armors with equivilent dmg outputs , and not feel you have to take fire to have the most dps possible.

    Again assuming im correct it seems a big let down in the otherwise very good customization of powers that your limited to one for full dmg potential.

    If im wrong here then by all means explain to me im still fairly new to the game so i may of missed some mechanic some where , but from what i can see no matter which primary you take you need fiery to maximise it ( strictly from a dps vantage ) .
  5. Wow thanks for all the reply's , nice to see a helpful community on a mmo.

    Lots of information for me to sift through and try out , again thanks everyone.
  6. Im assuming a super group is like a guild from gwars etc? Add my global if you like its just my posting name here.
  7. Torn between union and freedom atm , freedom seems to have a nice population all the time where as union dies out at set times - but i have friends on union that actually got me into the game trying to get them to move
  8. Thanks for the info , im thinking of taking willpower with dark mellee for the extra heal in the mellee set?

    And to answer your question yes ima complete newbie , bought the game 3 days ago not leveled past 15 yet on any characters.
  9. Ok im a newbie , started playing a few days ago , but im dead set on being a tank im looking for some help on what to choose.

    I like the sound of the willpower but was told that is aoe taunt is inferior to other sets?

    And im sure i dont wanna be stone that slowing debuff is just way too much , pretty damn annoying actually.

    So any help / advice from some tanking vets would be nice.

    Thx .