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    I'm very confused about what conditions give you what level of a "Hero".

    As I posted above, my lvl 37 dominator on Relentless got a boss, and my lvl 18 MM on Villainous got a lieut.

    However, Cosmic Mango got a Vindicator as an Elite Boss when he was level 25 set on Villainous.

    Either the hero spawns at random levels, which makes very little sense, or the difficulty of the hero increases as you spend more time in the mission.

    If so, everyone should just go straight to the bank and clear that, fighting a normal boss (or lieut on Villainous), and then spend time clearing the side missions.

    I'm going to get my dominator to a full contact bar on Live, then copy her over 8 times and try different combinations of Mission slider level and varying how late in the mission I run the bank heist to try to figure this out.

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    Villainous - There are no Bosses. Ever. They all become LTs.
    Malicious and up - Bosses.
    Level 20 and up - Elite Bosses.

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    Not quite true. I've done 2 mayhem missions with my lvl 30 MM on the lowest difficulty. The first one I blew up everything I could find and eventually made it to the bank, EB. The second one I barely blew up enough to accumulate a total 2 minute time bonus, Lt. I think its tied to several things, just has a weird combination factor.
  2. Just a few of my own thoughts on Mayhem...
    I did this with a lvl 30 MM, talk about a whole new level of "Ninjas gone wild!" I'd really like to have the civilians either be untargetable or destructable.
    I got the mission in Nerva and had a zone crash trying to get to St. Martial. When I did finally get to the mission I only had 14 minutes left. I summoned up all the ninjas and when I clicked on the last one for enhancement, I promptly walked right back out the door... Back in, resummon and enhancement I had about 11 minutes left.
    I had issues with the pets taking their sweet time following me through doors, but was happy that they did and I didn't have to resummon each time. And the glue... how many poor horses were sacrificed for the oceans of glue always around me? lol
    I finished my bank heist and noticed my timer still going so I destroyed more stuff. It seemed like my time bonuses were awarded maybe 25% less than before my mission complete. The I saw the new yellow waypoint and went to that. I never did get a key, and I didn't get a temporary power so I can't comment on that. I was having too much fun to look at xp or whatever so I don't even know if I got any lol.
    All in all, I LOVED the mayhem. I may never do another regular mission again. (just fix my pets please)
  3. Not sure if this is where to put this or not. My woman in black and beautiful badges are now labeled as 'Hero_gender'.