3139 -
Quote:The sapphire-scaled Sarkh smirked toothily at this, but remained silent until Mechano had ceased to transmit, instead listening carefully while he gently set the tram cab upon the sidewalk. As the conversation progressed, the ebbing light of the dying fires painted his hide's luster ever more dark, the falling night eventually draping the huge dragon in polished obsidian."If I may ask, what exactly are you both, and where are you from?" She chirped in her child-like voice, "You are both quite different from what I have learned to expect..."
"I am a storm dragon." he told the halfling quietly while he laid down and folded his wings, trying to minimize his presence at the edge of the scene, "From a world called Cerosia. Do tell, what do you mean by 'what you've learned to expect', hmm?"
Quote:"Oof! Where was I? Ah, right. That wouldn't happen to be the same Doctor Mechano that unleashed a living weapon upon a gathering some months ago, would it?"
"Either way, the facts of the matter stand." she didn't give the mechanoid time to interject, instead making it clear that said particular detail didn't much matter to her in regard to the good Doctor's reputation, "Your creator is a villain and a madman. We won't be accepting any of his offers..." -
"Allow me." the newly landed Sarkh wound his bulk through the scene and past Quicksliver with agility something of his size had no right having, slipping in lithely beneath the elevated rail to take the mechanoid-upheld car into his claws. With a nod to the Cybertronian, he confirmed a curt, "You may let go."
Back 'below', Oxana observed the rescue efforts with a mixture of satisfaction and suspicion. Some of these people were acting rather...odd. True, that might've been simply due to their origins and cultures, but she tended to find it was better to err on the side of caution on these things. The manner of two of them bothered her especially. She made a note to keep an eye on them... -
"Looks like our villain friend got a little over-eager." the Captain remarked, her Slav-accented, electronic tone sounding even colder than usual as she too turned her sight out the front, "I'm starting to think our Synchronaut has a point. Come. Let's see what we can do to help."
The two armored crewmen didn't need anything more than that, both the fingers of the tailless one as well as the silver claws of the other lodged in the seam of the right side door less than two seconds later and having pried the thing open just another thereafter. Oxana's armored feet hit the ground a mere few later.
"Spread out and search, standard pattern." she ordered as they made their way onto the scene, seeing with satisfaction that the recovery effort had already begun. A quick query of her datalink gave her unit the location and ETA of emergency vehicles on their way, specifically ambulances, prompting her to inform everyone around, "The local healers will be arriving here shortly! Focus on the most severely injured and prepare them for transport if possible! Be aware some may not be safe to move! If someone is trapped and not in immediate danger...!"
She continued to run down standard emergency assistance protocols as her hands reached into the rescue effort, using simple words and terms so even those from worlds where such things as doctors didn't exist would know what she was talking about and perform accordingly.
Sarkh for one finally gave himself a push and did just that, figuring that with the Captain having reconnected to their network and thus being aware of his presence, he was dead one way or another, so he might as well help. The sapphire-scaled dragon spread his wings and made for the scene in a gradual glide, carefully controlling his bulk in the (for him) relatively tight quarters. At the same time, the ambient moisture in the air increased drastically, damping flammable material and aiding to douse the leftover flames... -
Kings Row - On a Rail
"...and now you know what a train is." the armored alien who'd been handling the trio's conversation with Derek and the 'Outsider' finished the curt explanation of railway transportation, a four-fingered hand securely gripping one of the handhold poles as the car accelerated, "Though this is technically called a 'tram'. I think that's because it has only one car, but I'm not sure. Where we come from, we don't have these."
The other two nodded from their sears, the visors of their helmets sweeping over passengers and terrain alike, constantly on alert. Their weapons remained holstered, but they very clearly wouldn't be caught off-guard if something happened. Indeed, a canny observer could likely pin the same to the speaker. However, the same applied to all three in regard to the fact that the cause wasn't either of their newfound acquaintances.
When the first gave a nod toward the other two however, this seemed to change almost instantly. All three suddenly seemed much less on edge, greatly more relaxed.
"In regard to that, I am Oxana Kalkartova, Captain of the AFSSR GONAROV." she introduced herself to the human pair, then motioned to her associates, "These are members of my landing division Caller Ruuk an-"
A thunderous detonation cut her off then and there, not to mention rocked the cab like an earthquake. The automatic brakes immediately locked down, and had the civilian passengers not already been bounding about, they probably would've done so then, for the tram ground to a ferociously quick halt. Ahead, not too far away, smoke rose and flames licked, the previous car swallowed by the hole that had rather unexpectedly appeared along the track.
On a nearby rooftop, a nervous-looking Sarkh cringed. The Captain was going to kill him... -
Kings Row - Crabbage Crater
Quote:The armored soldiers looked at one another for a few seconds on that one, the first finally turning back to Derek and the Outsider, "I'm sorry, our familiarity with English doesn't cover that term. If it'd make you more comfortable though, there is a public rail station right over there we could use.""Fine, fine." Derek grumbled, sheathing the sword that was still in hand and being used to rest upon the whole time he was standing there. "City Hall it is as long as we don't get transmogrificated there or whatever."
Assuming there were no objections, the three wouldn't hesitate to show them the way to the Yellow Line station and board a tram there. This being Paragon City of course, and especially with a 'mayhem mission' underway nearby, that might've not been the safest course of action, however...
((If anyone would like to assist us in getting drawn into the battle by taking affront with the monorail - or just crashing something into it - I'd certainly appreciate it.))
Kings Row - Crabbage Crater
Quote:"A perceived lack of the size of his genitalia, yes." the armored figure stated flatly, "I've heard of the erratic behavior this can cause among humans. But regardless - as I said, should you wish to engage this man, feel free. I just don't think that there'll be anything left of him to actually fight by the time you get there...""Sorry about my friend here." She apologised. "He's kind of eager to compensate for... something right now. I'll leave that something up to your imagination, shall I?"
Kings Row - Gunman Standoff
Quote:"Putting it bluntly, dude. Stop shooting people or I'm going to stab you. Repeatedly as necessary."
The huge dragon couldn't help but snicker at the mental images some of the words he heard down on the street conveyed. Yes, he could linger a moment. He wasn't going to pass up this kind of entertainment... -
Kings Row - Crabbage Crater
"Well." the armored individual who'd been doing the talking continued as the bulk of the gathered departed in quite a hurry, visor looking over those remaining; specifically Ethan, Derek, and the 'Outsider'.
"Since you're still here, I think I'll take the time to answer your questions then." was the judgment, as the others had left without giving that chance, "These buildings are mostly row houses and apartment blocks, so I'd not suggest intruding on those who live there. If you need a place to stay, you're welcome to join us. I'm undecided on whether we'll be booking a hotel or just setting up camp somewhere, so we may be doing both."
"As to law, yes." came the confirmation to Ethan, "Unfortunately, its enforcing is a little...ineffective. Still, the judicial authority here is technically the Paragon Police Department, as well as its attached bureaucracy. The decision makers care called mayor and city council. They tend to reside in City Hall. That will be our next destination, should you care to join us."
"Though if you'd prefer to jump into this other situation first, there isn't very much of a hurry." an armored arm indicated the direction from which Awesometastic Girl had come, "It's likely one of the people here calling themselves 'supervillains' on what they have termed a 'mayhem mission'. Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like. As I said, the enforcement of the law here is not very effective. However, it is only one, and with the number of people on their way to engage him, I severely doubt he will last more than a minute..." -
Kings Row - Hero Gathering
"That's because these things are not very out of the ordinary on this world." the electronic modulation familiar to Ildela and Mirel sounded from an alleyway - or more accurately, from the first of the three armored individuals making their way out of said alley and into the open.
They were the same as the demon had encountered earlier, including the one with the tail and silver claws. However, none of them held a rifle this time, the weapons instead stowed and secured.
"In fact, if you were to wait for some time," the new arrival continued, "you will likely see another, though it'll be set together from rusty metal and scavenged construction materials..." -
This right here. The "defense softcap" is nothing more than the point at which your defense reduces an enemy's chance to hit you to 5%. If said enemy has no tohit buffs, that's 45%. If said enemy does have tohit buffs, it's higher. That's all there is to it.
I was thinking the same thing, haha.
Kings Row - 2 Blocks from Crabbage
A pair of armored soles clacked against the reinforced grating of the helipad, followed quickly by several more. Rifles in hand, their owners swept a perimeter before Sarkh's claws even touched the platform. The sapphire-scaled dragon smirked while he brought his wings against his back. He had to admit, the Esertosians had one heck of an organization.
"Looks a little unstable." Kri remarked, climbing from the long blue neck, the Rulusian lizardman's voice once more the electronic tone of his armor, making the alien tongue he spoke sound perpetually annoyed, "Sure we want to mess with that? It reminds me of a...what was it called again? Destruction charge?"
"Demolition." Sarkh corrected, stepping from the helipad and lying down beside the raised structure to present a lower profile, amber eyes fixing the robo-crab below, "And I am, yes. But you're right. I hope the Tech Sergeant can do something about that, yes?"
"Already on it, Sir." replied one of the armored figures who'd crouched down at the edge of the roof, PGMP rifle directed at the robo-crab, "Searching for a node."
"Then you'd better hope he finds one before I manage to get over to you." another voice crackled in from the stairs of the fire escape, where several more armored individuals had just appeared, "What do you people think you're doing?!"
A beat of silence passed. They all knew to whom that had been addressed, the two said parties just a little better than the others.
"Captain!" Kri exclaimed nervously, tail curled around his staff as if he could use it form some sort of cover, "How did you get here so quickly?"
The addressed individual didn't reply, instead setting feet into step toward the shaman, who in turn glanced to an awkward-looking Sarkh trying (and mostly failing) to squeeze his bulk in under the support structure of the helipad.
"Why are you hiding?!" the Rulusian queried hastily, the Captain still advancing toward him, "You're the dragon here!"
"I know, but she's still scary when she's mad like that."
"Am I now?" the Captain's gaze whipped to Sarkh's amber eyes, "Good. I certainly have reason to be, especially to you. Disobeying orders. Revealing your presence to a potential enemy. Compromising the mission objective. Shall I go on?"
"But Sir," the dragon replied good-naturedly, though his voice held a sneaky undertone, "you're seeing this all wrong. I merely adapted our orders to the changing situation. Honestly, if your emperor saw things that way, he'd never have begun this initiative in the first place. You know our purpose here. What better means than open contact are there?"
The Captain raised a finger, but couldn't seem to find anything to toss at Sarkh's head in reply. Another beat of silence passed. Then several more. Eventually the finger came back down.
"Fine." her armor practically growled out, "But we're having a talk after this. A very long talk."
She gave a nod to the Technical Sergeant, "Proceed."
"Yes, Sir." the armored soldier responded with a like gesture and set back to work scanning the local airwaves. With any luck, he'd be able to find some means of connecting to the rampaging machine down there. If so, perhaps it could be shut down by the right signal.
Of course, no one was betting on that. Thus he also sought out the communications channels used by Dr. Mechano and his drones.
What was there to be found...? -
Aiight, not gonna quote all the replies since there are a lot, so just in general:
Thank you. Sorry about the upsetting word choice, but you saw where I was coming from, heh. It really did feel like a small group of people getting together behind my back and sticking a "we don't want your stuff here" note on the Unionverse door.
So thanks for the apologies. I can see your reasoning. I even agree with it. Just the method of delivery was a little...yeeeah, let's just try and avoid that in the future, aye? While arguments over one thing or another will always crop up, I think it's better to just be up-front about it.
Which reminds me...
*kicks Techbot*
Susan, Aurora, yes? -
Quote:What do you want us to do? Because pretty much every time theres been interaction with you specifically, someones toes have ended up being trodden on. And yes, frankly, I'm getting sick and tired of you exploding like this every freaking time rather than voicing concerns like everyone else has. Rebels managed it just fine with polite dicussion and raising valid point. I for one have never had a serverlist merge and the chance of totally different types of RP merging into one. Have you? And no, thats an honest question.
Sorry, but when people try to help and organise and welcome and all that, and then it gets thrown back with a rant, what do you honestly expect?Quote:And the ***** fit is for the same reason I gave above. Rebel came in and voiced his concerns politely and reasonably. Others have raised points and asked questions. And then it all goes to hell in a handbasket with a ***** fit post (the one to which I responded)
How is that exploding?
As to what I want you to do? Communicate with those outside your insular group when creating things that will affect them. What's wrong with kicking a quick PM or such my way that says, 'Hey, mind if we make the Onionverse?' before going ahead with it?
As to a serverlist merge? No, I've not been involved in one. However, despite there being no precedent for it, or rather because of that lack, I believe that open communication and being considerate to your fellow players is very important, and that it's not right to cut people out of that process. -
Quote:Y'know, it would've been very nice of said 'peeps' to maybe include everyone involved in this plot in that 'discussion', and not just foist this up solely from within their little clique. I always hear terms like 'concensus', 'community', and 'shared RP experience' touted on in regard to Union RP - and then I see this happening. I'm really getting a sense of 'you keep using that word; I don't think it means what you think it means' here.
After some discussion, peeps decided that we'd set that one in what we came to call 'Onionverse'. No, I'm not kidding.
Quote:And the reason being was that there'd be too much wide-spread and noticeable stuff for it to not be common new, therefore forceing peeps who didn't join the the Forum RP to have to acknowledge it...which is a big no-no, really. RP can be exclusive or inclusive, but never forced. Quote:It's a fair point. Thing is, a lot of us on Union RP channel facepalmed when we heard about the Crossing thread, simply because it left such huge scope to be godmodded into the floor. Now, as a nice surprise, that hasn't actually happened, making it an actual fun thing to jump onto.
Quote:While, yes, you can't keep everyone happy all the time, it's considerate to try and make it work for as many people as possible. Having it set in the 'Onionverse' (Unionverse characters and such, without impacting the Unionverse and timeline) seems to just work best, and certainly was met with nods on URP. Quote:They CAN work, if stuff is worked out beforehand, but there are always going to be SOME people who will have kittens over effectively being forced in to events which they don't want any part of, but their characters wouldn't be able to ignore.
Again, please correct me if I'm wrong, but at this point I'm getting the picture that this 'shared RP universe' is all talk, no substance, and just like any other 'RP instance', as you like to call it - not to mention with the additional caveat that efforts are made to actively exclude the creations of anyone not a part of the core clique and to make the Unionverse as insular and shut-off as possible from the greater CoX RP community.
Honestly, I don't quite know what to think about that. I don't generally play on Virtue, so I don't know all their RP crowd does and doesn't, but I can tell you one thing: over there, they don't say one thing, and then do another.
Now somebody please show me that I'm wrong. Because I'd really like to be. -
Quote:Well, that may be true for those sticking only to in-game RP, but for the forumites, I'd suggest you go check out this thread. It's set in the Unionverse.Until you actually get access to Union there's little reason to do any IC meeting at this stage I'd say, especially since the universe our characters are in is very different to the universe your characters are in currently :P
Talos Island
Quote:Kri's emerald eyes looked after the departing streak in the sky with a thoughtful gaze. This was quite assuredly not what he'd expected of here - and while he knew more than well just how new he still was to this compared to the others, a glance to Sarkh quickly told him that the Cerosian officer found this no less odd than he."Hold on hefty McLargehuge..."
With that the Thrusts flared fully into life...blasting towards Kings Row.
"I see what you expected didn't happen either." he remarked in an alien tongue that a human might've said resembled a toothy sort of Italian, speaking to the sapphire-scaled dragon as Sarkh vigorously shook the water from his body and snapped tight the skins of his wings like one might a wet towel. The rest of their unit gradually emerged from cover and decloaked, assuming like the already visible duo that their presence had become public knowledge when the dragon had made himself known.
"Maybe." Sarkh replied in the same language, not skipping a single beat from English, "Maybe. The satellite is inferior to that to which we're accustomed. It might just take a while. Either that or we really are paranoid and reading vastly too much into this."
"Better too much than too little, Sir." the electronic modulation of an armorsuit chimed in, its wearer of the same tailless body type Ildela had first seen, "You never know how a little more information can change the situation. Which reminds me, Sir..."
"I know." the dragon interrupted with a casual bob of his head, laxly raising a hind leg to scratch at his flank, "It was a risk. But from what I heard at the briefing, it was about due. And I think your emperor would agree with me."
"Yes, Sir." was the respectful reply given as Sarkh turned his amber eyes once more to the lavender lizardman.
"In fact, I think I agree with the human." he told the Rulusian shaman as he lowered his wings to the ground, "We should try and make a good impression. Everyone get on..."
Kings Row
Quote:"And, you are...?", she asked, forgetting for the moment that she and her alien companions were all still invisible and thus the sudden voice from nowhere might give him the wrong idea. Or perhaps she did it on purpose to freak him out, it'd hardly be the first time.
Then came the message.
She almost cursed out loud. Sarkh was going off mission again. Why?! The local (and now foreign as well) metahumans and their like were already taking care of the situation, so why did...?
Damn that over-eager thunder monster!
She gave the signal. They moved out. Quickly, quietly, stealthily. Sarkh had a decent plan, but if something went wrong, the others would need backup - and she was going to make sure it was there, ready, and armed to the teeth... -
Kri couldn't help but snort out a giggle at this, but managed to stifle his laughter. The dragon however did not, a deep, guttural chuckle floating through the air as it smiled.
"What's the matter?" it spoke clearly, if a bit gravelly, but more than eloquently enough for the deep, male tone to be understood very well, "You were so eager to know what abomination is Kri's master just a moment ago. Am I not abominable enough for your tastes...?" -
Kings Row
Quote:The hidden aliens didn't respond, staying quiet and in cover where they were. The traffic of their personal area network increased however, silent, encrypted messages hopping back and forth as questions were answered and orders given. Broadcast power remained at bare minimum, given just enough signal to bridge the gaps between individuals to further lessen the chance of detection..."man, I've been knocking those things around all over this place, keep popping down on top of people jabbering on about that big F&$*@$^ crab thing over there. Blahblahblahblahblah"[/COLOR]
Talos Island
Quote:"Oh and Scales can damn well walk, I am not going to be carrying that mass of reptillian muscle..."
On the other hand...
The shaman chuckled electronically.
"Thank you." he gave a nod to the machine, then reached for the appropriate contacts at the base of his helmet's jawline and removed the headgear, revealing an indeed scaly, saurian cranium covered in bright-lavender hide, the curved spikes that ran from atop his hairless scalp down his neck silver-blue as the crescent moon. Ruby-red irises rimmed the slim pupils of his slitted eyes.
"And very good." he said in the hollow, slightly raspy, and yet comfortably light-hearted tone that was his own, rather than the impersonal modulation of the armor, "You must have a very thinking spirit in there. No, I know. Those aren't the right words. But they help me."
"Which brings me to a few things you should know." the lizardman told Mirel, "There is no king here, and the machine you're sitting on is servant to a human who calls himself Mechano. He is a sought lawbreaker in this nation. I'd think it unwise to..."
The loud echo of a watery splash interrupted him, and the Rulusian's eyes snapped in surprise to shore's edge, where the long, sapphire-scaled head of an easily house-sized dragon parted the surf, the huge creature quickly rising above the waves ashimmer in deep, vibrant blue from the water that cascaded off its flanks. What stayed on might've been more important though; a harness of sorts, segmented and black as darkest night, consisting of a collar at the base of the long neck, a sort of belt where the ribcage ended, and two pairs of crossed straps connecting the two, one across the chest, the other over the back.
A large fish still struggled between its teeth for the few moments before being snapped up completely and gulped down, and then the beast turned its amber eyes to Mirel... -
Talos Island
Quote:"Always the same with you humans, isn't it?" the armored individual peeled itself off the grass, where the impact of Mirel upon it had left a decent impression, using the aid of the long stick to stand up, "You, you, you. Everything is..."“You should think about telling me who you are, where you got that armour is, where we are and which abomination is your master” Mirel stated in a firm level voice with just a hint of righteous anger, the irises boring into the armoured figure looking almost like miniature storm wracked oceans, “Answering quickly would be best, I would hate to have to damage such valuable armour, it would b-“
A breath and a sigh came through the electronic modulation, "Please forgive me. I'm letting old thoughts get the better of me. I've never seen you, I don't know you, and I somehow doubt you're from the..."
"Nevermind." the figure shook his head momentarily, then performed a respectful bob of its head toward the armored woman, "I am called Kri. Of Rulus. I am a shaman. This armor was crafted for me by the technician elders of the VFSSR. We are currently on a world the natives call Earth."
As these words were spoken, Mirel's Essence boosted senses very well might've made out several more beings in armor of the same general type as the shaman wore gradually approaching this location. Unlike Kri however, their thermo-optic camouflage was very much still active, and their weapons were raised, heavy-duty PGMP rifles aimed in the direction of the armored woman.
"As to my commanding abomination," a slightly malicious chuckle came through the modulator, and the individual's head turned to the nearby water, "that would be the great flying stomach swimming around down there right now. But maybe I'm being unfair. He didn't get a chance to feed after we landed, and he did make a gate large enough for all of us, which I do know takes a not insignificant amount of energy..."
Kings Row
Quote:"Wha... Oh, right. Yeah, I guess", she answered, sounding mildly exasperated. "Would you mind not pointing that at me? Really, if I had any inclination to attack, steal your soul or whatever it is you think I'm going to do, I would've done it when there was only one of you. Since I didn't..."
"Let me make this clear." was added almost immediately, "You are part of my crew, and as such under the authority of myself and SSR common law. Not Cerosian. You will not attempt to bind her, coerce her, or infringe upon her person in any way without provocation. Is that understood?"
The silver-clawed individual responded with something in another language. From its curt nature and the satisfied reaction of the tailless one, it stood fairly obvious that it had been a yes.
"Now that this is settled," the first figure addressed Ildela again, but didn't get any further before suddenly whipping its head about skyward with the exclamation, "Incoming from above! Scatter!"
The others didn't need to be asked twice, and the armorsuits winked out of a large band of the EM spectrum one after another in rapid succession as those within them spread out and took cover, not content to rely fully on the thermo-optic camouflage. Not a few seconds later, the 'incoming from above' indeed came in from above.
Dr. Edward Mechano's drone... -
Kings Row
Quote:"Earth yes. Still no." came the curt and colloquial response of the armored figure over Ildela, and despite the electronic modulation of its voice, a gentle smirk was easily imagined onto whatever face might've been behind that visor."Pssh. If I was hurt I'd feel worse than I do... wait. Alien in armor suit. Am I still on Earth?"
Two more suits of armor faded in from the air just then, their owners dropping the thermo-optic camouflage. The first didn't look any different from the one kneeling over Ildela, but the second had both a tail and sharp claws that looked forged of pure silver. In addition, that one didn't stop, or even slow, instead yanking the individual that had been examining Ildela away and to its feet by the shoulder.
"Careful, Sir!" it warbled loudly, rifle pointed straight at Ildela's chest, "That's an unbound demon...!" -
Kings Row
Unnoticed one moment became duly conspicuous the next as she called in the others, Ildeala's ears having no trouble telling she to whom they belonged that someone was talking not a few meters from her, the warbled, electronic tone reminiscent of an Imperial Stormtrooper coming loud and clear from apparently thin air. Just what was being said wasn't so easy to determine however, chiefly due to being spoken in a language that sounded like a mixture of Balkan, Czechoslovakian, and Klingon.
It didn't remain that way for long though, a flicker of humanoid-shaped static soon producing the source of the voice: a suit of armor that while fitting the general proportions definitely didn't belong to any sort of human. Powered, integrated, and hermetically sealed, it looked like something that someone would've used to play the role of catcher to a pitcher in orbit. Of course, that alone wasn't so uncommon in Paragon. The plasma rifle was a different story, though.
Thankfully, the owner didn't seem to have any hostile intent, for said rifle quickly found its way to the armor's back, attaching there with a confirming click while the armored figure approached Ildela.
"Please do not move." the electronic warble became English as it bent down to get a better look at her, albeit with a heavy Slavic accent, "You have been in a collision and may have sustained internal injuries. A medical technician is on the way..."
Talos Island
Quote:No such luck. In a chain of events like this, the universe tended to take such thoughts as a challenge.I didnt even say it couldnt get much worse why do you have to pre-empt me Universe? She said quietly to herself as she attempted to get her bearings, hoping that shed at least be able to do that much before something or someone interrupted her.
"Quargh..." sounded a groan from behind her - or more accurately just below her initial point of impact - where there lay a figure clad in nearly the very same armor Ildela had encountered over in Kings Row. There were marked differences, though. First, this type had a tail, snaking and saurian in nature, and leg casings built to fit digitigrade feet. Second, the forward half of its helmet was a bit broader and longer. Finally, a four-fingered hand clutched a stick roughly as long as a human was tall, a rifle nowhere to be found.
"And what should I think?" the armor's electronic tone queried rhetorically, "I didn't even say anything at all..." -
Kings Row
She paused, rifle in hand, but not yet aimed at this new arrival, instead mustering her closely. What did she look like...?