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  1. Ooh, thank you! I'll be using the mp3 versions on my Droid.

    Any chance you could add the "out of endurance, toggles dropping" sound? Or the "that power is still recharging" sound? Or the sound of activating any of the Leadership pool toggles?

    Also, a propos of nothing, and I know you can't help with this, but I really wish I had access to the original sound of Fulcrum Shift, from back before they changed it more than a couple of years ago. "shhhhhhPKK!" Alas.
  2. Here's a little detail that made me smile when I discovered it several years ago. Everybody knows Inertial Reduction (from Kinetics) as a jump buff, but it actually affects flight too, in a minor way. It removes your inertia, such that Fly (and similar jetpack powers) behave more like a really fast Hover, that is they start and stop on a dime, with no drift.

    I just love that somebody went to the trouble to code that in, for no real reason other than the fact that it would be a logical side effect of the power.
  3. Wait, seriously? 40% of the answers weren't spelled correctly? Wow.

    Shoulda had a longer beta.
  4. "All right, Mr. DJ, you win. Under certain warped conditions in hyperspatial sub-reality... Zero can be greater than Eight. Happy now?"

    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.
  5. Hello Paragon City! In celebration of Flag Day in the US today, the Minute Men will be hosting a patriotic hero costume contest over on Liberty tonight at 11pm Eastern, in the customary location under Atlas.

    Four chances to win one of these fabulous prizes (first place winner gets first pick of the following, second place chooses next, and so on):
    - One MILLION Influence! *pinky-lip*
    - Draconic Wings recipe
    - Piston Boots recipe
    - Tech Wings recipe

    Contestants will be judged primarily on visual appeal and adherence to the patriotic theme. An in-game bio is not strictly required, but does get you bonus points. (Please note that your character concept doesn't have to be patriotic, nor does the name; feek free to spangle up your dark wizard or robo catgirl or whatever you like.)

    The Minute Men are a fighting force with much in common: love of country, courage, and diminutive stature. Based on Liberty, we run together occasionally to thwart the enemies of freedom, and prove to all that in a nation such as ours, even the smallest among us can make a big difference.

    See you tonight!
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    The way mez and status protection works is that the protection just prevents the mez from working on you; it doesn't remove the mez completely. So if you have Wet Ice on and get hit by a stun, nothing will happen; however if you turn off Wet Ice a second later suddenly you'll be stunned.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah, yes, thank you, I was misunderstanding it. That makes sense.
  7. I had another question about detoggling. Does a successful drop get applied before or after the rest of the attack?

    For example, say I've got Wet Ice running on my ice tank, and somebody comes along and hits me with Bone Smasher, knocking off the toggle. Does Bone Smasher's (chance for) stun happen after the toggle drops, or before? If it's before, Wet Ice is still up and I have protection from the stun. If it's after, the chance to stun applies as normal. Anybody know which is right?