135 -
Alien. I know i'm prob not your favorite person, but can you try something for me? Do me a favor?
Try the RWZ challenge again with ONLY breakfrees. Take 20 if you want. Just wondering. -
Quote:you mean because i did not pop insps the whole time?Doesn't sound like your build is worth looking at if you can't even handle a single spawn of +4 Rikti.
yea, yea, I know, now we're just being mean. It's the way life works. Walk into a thread spewing garbage and you're going to get it thrown back at you.
No biggee, live and learn, right?
2 purps is a LOT of def
i used ONLY bf
and i failed.
no big deal.
I still say boosting your def to outrageously high levels cheapens the whole concept of a "stress test"
your not testing anything but your ability to pop insps
sorry alien
grats on your accomplishment again -
Quote:As I said before demons are NO stress test.I remember when he posted that in the Scrapper Forum - good stuff, and it's in my favorites, too.
Two things I want to point out:
1. Check the date - this was done BEFORE the damage buffs and dwarf-as-breakfree changes. Notable that he could double-mire, but operating with a lower damage scalar, longer recharg on dwarf mire, and no way to break mez without an inspiration more than make up for that.
2. Debtlover, you might notice if you watch that video that not once does the player use a break free or inspiration of any kind. Stress test enough?
I'm going to say this once more and then I"m done: Debtlover quit giving yourself props by dragging other people down. If you can't complete challenges others can, it doesn't give you any legitimacy to dismiss their accomplishments based on a technicality and make up your own stress test that's obviously perfectly suited for your build to win, like going up against the Council and Demons (couldn't have chosen two easier enemy groups, and that's why I asked originally)
If you have nothing to prove and like your toon the way it is then you have every reason to shut up, go away and let other people enjoy theirs. Just like you don't have to prove anything to them, they don't have to prove anything to you.
The troll show ends here.
I am not trying to bring anyone down.
As for "shutting up and going away" howzabout no?
See crap like this is why I have yet to write a guide or post my build. I'd love to help the communit -trolling jerks. -
Quote:look alien. what you did was crazy. well done. gj and allSure you can!
If he can do +4x8 Arachnos (using inspirations) with bosses in the mix, I'll be REALLY impressed, because I'm not sure if Vestige could handle that...
Video's still processing.... Might have to give it about 20 min or so to view in HD...
sorry if i came off as disregarding what you did. -
Quote:The point of a stress test is to test a build. IOs are your build.(Bill, eclipse offers psi resist last I checked)
Amusing as I find all this, there are some things that I feel I should note.
B: Saying no insps is as arbitrary as saying no IOs, in fact I could easily argue IOs are "cheating" more than using insps. Insps have been here since the launch of the game, dropping consistently, and were always meant to be used. Just because someone decided that they were not allowed in what you refer to as "classic" stress test does not make it law. This is especially the case now that we have been given the ability to control our insp use more with combination. Actively managing your insp tray can now consistently improve your character's overall performance and choosing not to do so makes you no more l33t than someone who chooses not to use hasten or their powerset's pets.
Quote:C: +4/8 Demons with bosses is a joke for an IO'd shade.
wait... no dont care -
Anyway attempted it pre-show.
Cant be done by myself.
but again.
nothing to prove -
Quote:Again I just said I was going to undertake a RWZ challenge.So you're uselessly trolling. Back! BACK UNDER YOUR BRIDGE! I HAVE FIRE!
Take a toon that isn't mez resistant and duplicate his feat. Then go him one better.
Until then, your talk about stress testing, etc is worth less than the effort it takes to scroll past your post without reading.
Who knows maybe I'll even go insp free.
now stop trolling -
Quote:Troll much?Precisely the response I expected. You'll come into a thread calling out someone that had the balls to post proof of what they did manage but you run away with your tail between your legs as soon as you're called out.
How sadly predictable.
I just said I was going to undertake your stupid RWZ challenge.
Wow. Double Phail. -
Quote:9pm is 12 eastern?If your online tonight from 9:00pm pacific time tonight that would be a great time for me to come and watch you, but if you can't that's understandable and we can arrange some other time if your up for it.(if not that's cool too)
I'll prob be on if i'm awake.
as for what i said i can do
+4/8 demons no insps no accolades
not amazing
but it is something -
I need to prove nothing to you.
I shall try, but dont expect me to youtube it.
Infact I doubt I'll even screenie.
I have nothing to prove.
I made my warshade into something I love, and thats all that really matters.
For that matter my WHOLE point is that NO insps should be usable in stress tests. Phail. -
Quote:with a isp tray full of 20 bfs i dont see that as much of a "challenge"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh3d0wjbu4c
Human/Dwarf warshade does RWZ challenge.
Mez in this game is stupidly put together. Far as I'm concerned, if any AT can pull off the RWZ challenge and use nothing but breakfrees to do it so that they, too, can ignore the idiocy that is the way mez functions here, I call it a win.
So there's my challenge for any kheldian out there.
Even if you must use breakfrees, and ONLY breakfrees to do it, if you head into the RWZ, find a level 54 spawn with 3 bosses and take them out, including all associated LTs and minions, I'll give you a cookie and say challenge well done.
No pulling the spawn apart. No running away. No temp powers. Vet attacks are acceptable but generally frowned upon.
Once you pull that off, go for the gold.
+4/x8 Arachnos spawn WITH bosses, again no insp use except breakfrees allowed.
I know I can't do either with my warshade but he's running on basic IOs. I know I can do both with my scrapper. Hell, unless I get cocky and stupid, I can make it through a whole mission without insps but I WILL be playing it damn safe because psi hurts like hell against SR.
just saying
arachnos is NOT that evil if you have a breakfree -
Quote:No. he used a free dropped item to make his weakness disappear.Well then I don't see why people are asking more of him. If you ask me, he has beat the game lol
How is that beating the game?
As for the RWZ scrapper stress test. They have mez prot.
The test for them is can they out dps before they die.
Are you suggesting that our test be how many purples and light purples can you hold/pop before and durring combat? -
classic stress test rules are no insps and no accolades
end of story -
council acually you have to go for luts first
they are the stunners
council mins and bosses are jokes
i just recently got demons
been testin out that whole deal.
lemmie tell yah 2 spawns of +3/8 is no joke
as for what would be a good stress test i got no idea.
i've yet to try +4/8 demons but will later today and will update
edited to say tried +4/8 demons solo no bosses
ludicrously easy. not a stress test. -
Quote:no grav emSure it's a big deal, even with no mezzers. I'm not sure my WS could do it.
Recharge. I knew I missed something when I asked about set bonuses!
So I'm guessing you stealth in to the edge of the mob, orbiting death and the stun aura running, Grav Em, make for the boss, Gravity well, Eclipse, AoE blast, raise fluffies and unchain essence? Next mob, rinse/repeat and before long three fluffies out, right?
That was a most constructive post. Welcome to the Kheld Forums, DebtloverConsider my earlier Troll remarks retracted.
no stealthing to edge
tp directly into center, fire off eclipse, fire off mire, hit a minion with grav well, hit 'em with the ole corpse explosion, summon a fluffie, stygian circle. start killin off the boss with grav well and blasts, and making sure not to kill off ALL the mins luts until bosses are down.
orbiting death takes care of corpse generation while i kill bosses -
Quote:no insps no accoladesOkay, you didn't say that; that wasn't my point. And gratz on managing +3/8. Not everyone can do that. Was it with or without inspiratons? If it was without, then triple-gratz.
My point is that if you're really interested in promoting human-form, then you might try a more constructive approach.
Don't have mids? No problem - just give the general hilights of what helped make it possible.
For example, was it all your build, or did your playstyle and skill have more to do with it?
If it's the latter, how can others do it? Do you have a specific strategy?
What sets do you use, if any? Do you pursue soft-capped defense, or max out the damage?
Any of that helps others who might be curious about trying to do the same. Builds help greatly, but they certainly aren't a requirement.
but also no mezzers so not that big a deal.
playstyle is a strong part of it but build is important
highlights of build
perma eclipse
5 second downtime on mire
172.5% recharge with a downtime of 1.5 seconds at 102.5%
built for recharge mostly
its about killing the right mob at the right time
saving bodies
and making sure your not going up against 2 bosses with no corpses on the ground. -
Quote:Then what do you call this:
and this:
your tone is disrespectful and aggressive. And nasty in that last quote. Ew.
So let me ask you again - if a true stress test of a human form warshade in your opinion is soloing +4x8 mobs without inspirations, then how can that be done?
Be specific please. A build would help.
And no, I don't have any toons on Champion to come see you in action with, nor would I have the time right now even if I did.
I'm a crude person. My apologies if I've offended.
He basically claimed since I had not youtubed my every move I shouldent talk. That is bs.
I never said a humanform COULD do +4/8 w/o insps. dont put words in my mouth.
Best i've managed is +3/8
as for my build i dont have mids.
cant export
sorry -
Who says i'm trying to tear down anyone?
All I said was popping mad purples to add def to a non def based toon is NOT a stress test. -
I'm trying to get some discussion on the ws board about what a humanform can do.
popping insps cheapens it
i'm not trying to troll
or make a rep
or do anything
just find out where the bar is
as for "increasing my rep on the boards"
i could care less what anyone on the boards thinks of me -
I feel no need to prove myself yet.
Wheres the bar at?
What do I need to do to "prove myself?" -
I've offered a great deal to the WS community on Champion.
I'm trying to decide if I should share my build and write a guide.
Trying to see what the current "elite" is. -
Yet anyone can pop 4-6 purps and 4 or 5 greens and survive.
show me what your build can REALLY do.
No accolades
no insps
nothing but humanform
i'm callin you out
i dont think you got the balls :P