143 -
I've never oneshotted anything with trip mine with just two SOs. PreED it took 4 to do itto even cons. I had 6 in mine (of course) and combined with full auto (also 6 slotted) I could level orange hazard spawns. Post ED trip mine (with three SOs) has never one shotted whites (I'm pretty sure, I could go check it out)
Not to mention when it goes off nothing well be dead, but they'll be mighty pissed.
You'd think they just crippled the best power in the set or something.
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I think it's the feeling of being kicked while you're down that's the problem. And fire manipulation, while hinky, ain't so bad if you're into spectacular victories and spectacular failures. -
But you're also not including the usefulness of other powers in the set. Knockback, although annoying to kinneticists, is a valuable tool for an energy blaster. There's a decent AoE, nova, two excellent KB powers, and a good snipe(if you like to pull.)
Katana has one knockup, and a -acc for melee range.
Now, am I saying EB is better? No, not at all. They just have different uses.
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I'm not saying the set isn't useful, it is. I LOVE knockback/down and tanks should stop whining about it. I'm talking about the regular use attacks, the stuff you'd throw together for a chain to take out...lets say a single lt that startled them. Also golden dragonfly is knockup...or down...one of them and they can juggle bosses with it (not that they'd need to what with their wonderful secondary of protectivity).
Last time I checked, there is no Gadgets secondary. There is, however, one called Devices. Freudian slips like this and folks wonder why some hold the belief that the devs don't seem to know the Blaster AT all that much.
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Gadgets is the internal name of Devices. It's a Legacy issue and it was my mistake when adding the patch note.
As for the change itself, there was an exploit involving TFoe and various stationary entities (like Auto Turret.) In fixing this, the player versions of these entities were locked down as well. I do realise this impacts one of the tactics Devices players used to bypass the limitations of the set. I'll be keeping an eye on this to see if the change hampers the gameplay too severely.
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Could you by any chance move the decimal on smoke grenade over (to the right) a couple spaces? I mean, you could make it look like an accident. I wouldn't mind. -
The point was to not include the melee attacks. I've never said blasters with melee attacks (/nrg and /elec) don't outdamage scrappers, they do and they should.
I said ranged blasters (if you count power burst as range >.>) should do at least equal single target damage. They don't. -
Simple excerise using standard use powers: caveats - all attacks using 3 SOs, not including buildup, not standardizing BIs, assuming Sherk is right about the numbers
Katana - Energy Blast
Golden Dragonfly - 12.35 Power bolt - 5.4
Soaring Dragon - 9.75 Power blast - 8.9
Sting of the Wasp - 6.28 Power Burst - 10.2
Katana scrapper has 28.38, Energy has 24.5. Now all BIs are standardizes relative to blasters so the real difference is bigger. Of coure this also assumes a resist neutral mob
edit - If I screwed up correct me, like I said, I'm not a numbers guy. -
The brute thing I won't discuss further, that is an issue of play style. I tend not to worry about meatshielding and just smash stuff.
But spines/dark scrapper shouldn't be able to outdo a fire blaster in AoE. But there are really only 2 AoE choices for blasters (well, archery after 32 too), the others are largely single target, a single target nonblapping blasters won't do the same damage as a scrapper. I wish I was a nuumber-y person so I could show you, all my experience with it is unfortunately anecdotal.
When you talk about AoE blaster builds versus AoE scrapper builds you said the scrapper comes out ahead. In single target non blapper builds vs. single target scrapper builds the scrapper comes out ahead. I think that's wrong.
edit - Where's Arcanaville when you need math? -
I agree that blasters completely suck for soloing, but there are ATs(scrappers, stalkers, brutes) that are pretty outclassed on teams.
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With all due respect, are you serious?
Scrappers can do more, safer in teams than most blasters. I'm not talking aoe builds because most blasters sets don't do it particularly well. And brutes! Brutes are quite awesome on teams. Hell that's where they REALLY shine. Teammates can get them to their damage cap which puts their damage ahead of scrappers and can be buffed to tank caps. -
I understand that, I have a ton of blasters I play and enjoy. But when a much better protected class does better damage, something is off. When devices was heralded as the pinnacle of a support secondary for blasters (by devs and players alike) and then repeatedly gets (to use Ohm's expression) yambagged, something is off. When you take one of the flakiest powers in the set and then nerf it, something is off. And then when they forget what they named the set you have to wonder if they even care that something is off.
Indeed, I am ignoring your point, for it's obvious intentions.
Ohms, you're knowledgable and undoubtedly a good player, but you like to complain a lot.
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It's easy when there's a lot to complain about. -
You know how silly that is, right?
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Well, considering all the indirect fire the set has taken, combined with them forgetting the name of it...
The last thing I recall them doing to the set (that was clearly intentional) was fixing the smoke grenade thing. -
Cough cough traps cough?
I think the point was just to have both(all tree, really) under one name...
Do you guys seriously think they don't know what the devices set is?
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Yes. -
Cryptic fumbled the ball on AVs.
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Yar, the encounters that are supposed to be exciting and dramatic...aren't. They are tedious at best, frustrating at worst. Problem is that they just piled a bunch of damage and resistance on your average mobs AI and left it at that.
edit - while buffing/debuffing isn't exactly exciting, a debuffed AV or a buffed team helps...well the whole team. So even with it's primary gutted IMO the controller does help the team more than the dom in PToD fights. -
I don't have anything to add to this....I only use my /gadgets to blow up trolls now anyway....
Remember when the only way to get the dark servant around was recall friend? Same with the singularity (called the wormhole then I think)...now they're nice and mobile....*le sigh* -
Castle! Get them to stick a barkeep in the Tiki room. I know you can do. I believe in the strength of your will.
Leveling in the Hollows? Bah, kids these days. I had to hunt hydras in Perez Park.