Dark Ky

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  1. Hey! I'm still trying to get into the game for the first time and I'm wondering about a few things.

    Right now I'm torn between several power sets. I can't choose between Claws and Dark Melee for my primary and I can't choose between Willpower and Super Reflexes for my secondary.

    It seems like the general public opinion is that Willpower might be equal to Super Reflexes but it takes a lot more influence to get there. What are the ups and downs to both power sets keeping in mind that I want to be useful in groups as well as being able to solo.

    And then for the primary power pools...I'm just not sure. Dark Melee has a heal and it debuffs accuracy on almost every attack while Claws has a really cool knock back and seems to do more damage?

    I'm not looking for anyone to make the decision for me really. I just don't have enough experience with the game to decide which would be best suited for what I want to do. Any information is helpful!

    Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Wow. Thanks for all the quick and friendly responses. Its kind of shocking!

    I'll stop worrying a bit now!
  3. Pardon me if this is a silly question, but I'm new to the game and after looking over the forums for a while it seems like nearly every scrapper takes Combat Jumping and Super Jumping as their travel powers.

    Is it even viable to have a scrapper who can fly or would I be seriously impacting my ability to solo by choosing flight?

    Thanks in advance!