The Endurance Reduction sounds nice at first but that won't really solve the problem with the Stamina nerf.
It's the DOWNTIME that Stamina reduces. The End Redux may let us punch, blast, heal, buff, etc a few times more but once our endurance bar is drained, we'll sit there gasping for breath while we wait for that blue bar to build back up. And I know there will be times that endurance will run out in the middle of a fight, which is probably why the debt cap got halved.
Is this another attempt to try to get people to invite defenders into teams? I can see the "r u hpnend healer?" requests already. Or is it another way to slow leveling speed? Frequent resting = slower XP gain = longer subscribers.
You're in danger of nerfing the fast-paced gameplay itself. Please increase base endurance regeneration instead AND decrease recharge time across the board. Better yet, don't implement Enhancement Diversification or somehow leave Stamina and Hasten out of the ED.