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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    There's a benefit to getting 1st seed and that is that you would fight the 4th seed in the first round, and whether or not you see that as irrelevant or not, it's an advantage. You fight the weakest team in the playoffs, as the strongest team in the playoffs, which would give you the easiest possible win in the first round.

    Also Hemm, I don't remember what your idea for the 6 team bracket was, I'm pretty sure it was in a long confusing post on the GP but I don't remember what post that was, so if you want to link it here feel free.
    I disagree Honey Badgers will not be the weakest team in the playoffs. So you are afraid we will pick you?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    For me it has nothing to do with that, I meant to run it this way from the beginning but for some reason this format was outvoted by what we have now. I don't think anyone wants to do this just to "railroad" you. If you're so confident that you can beat anybody then this shouldn't really even bother you. I don't think any teams are going to throw games because most teams aren't so worried about winning that they would do something like that just to put them in a better position in the playoffs. I also don't know any teams barring maybe Shenanigans that are just intentionally not putting forth the effort to beat you. Even teams that are just getting stomped by you are trying to win, even if it is fairly unsuccesful.

    As I said before, I'm not confident that this will really impact the outcome of this league, and that's not the purpose behind this change. I just think it makes more sense and will make the final matches better matches.

    Also, I'm never going to give any team some kind of special privilege in this league such as handpicking opponents, the only exception I have made so far was to save Casual Champions from falling apart, even though they are still managing to fall apart due to non-existant leadership.

    They also never really took advantage of the exception I was giving them (offering them to switch people to their core to avoid being DQ'd in week 1 minutes before the matches, which was only allowed because FAP said it was fine.)

    I would like to do best of 5 also, but it's possible some teams may have time constraints regarding that, which if that's the case we could also push the start time of matches back a half hour or so to make sure everyone can make it, just for the playoffs.

    It should also be noted that this change hasn't actually been made yet, I'm waiting on feedback from more people, Captain's in particular.
    My point which is not easy to make via phone, (no hot I will not text with you) is that we should get something out of finishing first in the regular season thus picking our opponent first round. Seems only fair to me that since you are trying remove our auto win we should get something in return. And yes we will still win this league no matter what scoring format we use, in fact want to decide it by KDR? If so we have a demanding lead (17.47 Shen 2nd with 2.28). That was a joke btw except the numbers that's real talk. It would not benefit us to win the regular season with the proposed change give us a choice of opponents for the first round. Unless you are afraid we would pick you.

    Masque both the fpvpl and the FML were points through playoffs.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post
    You've known me a while and I meant what I said. In all honesty I had a tiny little fire of hope we might win.. yes, actually win the first match. The offensive pressure was supposed to come against those tp'd in to the mess. It just didn't happen and the MM's were too busy trying not to do something stupid and figure out what they hell they 'were' doing to do much of anything.

    I regret not running to Kali's spawn and healing him, then phasing if needs be and running back to the group. I should have. I was worried I'd die once I broke off and I'd be trading one death for another which makes little sense. In retrospect, I should have taken the chance and counted on Johnny to keep me upright on the way back.

    I would prefer if my team could chill out and stop participating in pointless back and forth ******** as it does no good and reflects poorly on the team. I'm not all carebear though.. I think it's pretty stupid and childish to dump the original write up and put up what's there now. If my saying we brought a legitimate team with the intention to win isn't good enough for Vinnie, he can go **** himself. I'm really kind of hoping that was changed before yesterday afternoon.
    Despite your intent, vinnie only spends as much time on write ups as our emps spend healing in the matches.
  4. So this is all about ware ruining the league by destroying everything?

    Since you are railroading us by figuring out you can't beat us we move to be allowed to choose our opponent in the playoffs since now a team can intentionally throw games to drop rank and some teams aren't willing to put up competitive matches with us. And some teams may be much weaker now.

    Also best of 5 ftw.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post
    The team was built with winning in mind, make no mistake. Just didn't work as well as I would have liked. The stalker was switched with blasters to hopefully bring enough damage to get the kills, but that didn't happen either and the map was crap for us. It wasn't played to draw or simply to lower the kills. That would be lame. It was made to reduce your ability to get easy rolling kills while allowing for stray pull spike targets for us.

    If it was a draw or 'just don't get destroyed too bad' team I would have veto'd it. I don't play that way. I'd rather get demolished and have tried my best. There should be no implied 'defeat' on your team from mine and I promise any comment made is not or should not be meant that way. Attitudes aside, your team is amazingly good and fun to both watch and play against. Any pride in the matches should be read as excitement that the initial idea, while it didn't work like we wanted, had merit.
    This is all I needed to hear.

    I was genuinely hoping that your team did not share the opinion that barrier and battlewraith have. I really do like the majority of your team and I shouldn't let two bad apples spoil the bunch. So GGs Fap. I hope the non handicapped members of your team can see what those line ups and the actions inside of the matches and the lol gloating looked like from our perspective.
  6. I can't say I blame you for playing a mastermind... If I were bad at pvp I would do the same.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BattleWraith View Post
    Just wanted to clear up some confusion. I received some concerned tells from people wondering why I wasn't in the matches. Later there were posts in arena chat:

    [Arena] Midnight Hands: O like battle battlewraith who got benched the first 2 matches?[Arena] Giraffe Neck Hot: [Tell] @BattleWraith: they benched me

    Hahaha I was just fooling you guys. I played all three. It was actually pretty anti-climactic. I popped 3 inspirations all night. GG!
    Why did you pop inspirations? You weren't targeted.
  8. Congratulations Chicken Nuggets on getting as many kills as FAP this week. Quite the feat considering you didn't even play this week.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silit View Post
    People just hatin' cuz we da best, mayne.
    #13 Haters gon hate
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
    Daknah, the flapping forum heads have convinced me to reflect on my past transgressions and I have come to the conclusion that I am a horrible, horrible person for trash talking in a pvp zone. I've been a naughty trull and I deserve to be flogged.

    Help me WAREyou're my only hope... d;D

    I think cyber bullying is a necessary part of any social outcast's life. Look at Hot Heals, he wouldn't be the person he is without being bullied.

    I just think that Battletard needs to sit the **** down.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BattleWraith View Post
    If you're sick and tired stop reading these threads. I've made three points relating to Ware on the forums:
    1. The logo is too plain
    2. The current lineup doesn't really include scrappers from protector.
    3. The cyber-bully allegation more accurately describes your group than the anti-social zone troll.

    The rest is responding to trolling and hissy fits. Sorry, get over it.
    1. That was not your original point. It was that the gp was plain but you realized you couldn't back that up.
    2. Our current line up consists of a random sonic blaster that you agree with yet don't agree that silit is a scrapper from protector. Silit has spent more time playing his scrapper than his blaster and Dom combined.
    3. The only person being bullied by us is maybe you. And you bring that on yourself. And are you a teenager? O no, you are some self righteous starving artist. So we can't be cyber bullying you since you aren't a teen. Most zoners are so CG yellow you cyber bully you.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BattleWraith View Post
    Mr. Liberty--

    Tokyo's a troll that provokes people that still show some investment in cox pvp. At his worst, he bounces around rv ksing people. Or maybe supports Dahjee in defense of bad pvp mechanics.

    Your wikipedia link is far more appropriate to your own sg. Denigrating write-ups of other people's performances in officials. Repeated harrassment of people for things as stupid as not practicing with you. Etc. It's pretty much summed up in your farm list and mission statement. Tokyo's not even close to being in the same league, and there's no group dynamic involved with him as far as I can tell.

    "Physician, heal thyself"
    Envy or anger you be the judge.
  13. And no team would play against Ware.wolves so we would just be bored.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by slickadelaphante View Post
    I am emo.
    Do I need to buy you a Blu-Ray to cheer you up little sad panda?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hemmingway3 View Post
    In that doms don't get boost range? Or in that if you don't cycle targets faster than a psy/em team, the psy/em team is better?
    In that if the spike is not clean your chances of getting the kill are about 1 in 20. And yes no boost range sucks. But there is alot more to it but I cant give away all our secrets like how stone prison is broken. oops mt.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post
    Internals are a perfectly fine way to focus on fundamentals like spike and evade. They're only worthless if that's all you ever do. Nothing wrong with running internals for an hour or two once a week.
    Even fundamentals practice is better vs another team. For evasion practice are you telling me 1/2 of Shenanigans can out spike Ware.wolves? The only thing I have found useful is testing attack chain damage numbers, and that wasn't an internal it was just Payroll by heemsealf
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dexington View Post
    I am quit. Kick out of practice. **** you Silite. I have no runes and I can't find Flash.
    I told you to kick through blue wall instead of flash, noob reee singah.

    And stop being HP, you emo ******
  18. Yes you can create a team no matter who you are as long as you have enough.

    The all Dom spike is an extremely tricky team to play I don't recommend it for anyone besides ware.gov

    No d6 just one team
  19. Leagues depend on the player base. If people want to pvp after this league there will be another. If not expect a wait of a few months.

    Tk is banned because it was making for lame matches where no one could evade.

    2 emps does matter what type. 1 debuffer usually rad or poison. 4 or 5 dmg so usually psi ems. Then possibly another debuffer or disruption. But this is just the fotm, you can make other things work kind of like how we changed to doms from blasters.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Emo_Bitter View Post
    Who is Monday and what do they look like?

    I am sure you wouldn't be interested.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    It can be demoralising to get absolutely destroyed by WARE. But they give us advice on what to improve on so it's helping us slowly get better. That improvement is more than enough of a morale boost.
    I wouldn't say slowly. You guys are actually progressing very fast. From the 44-0s to 22-6 19-9 is very impressive. You guys just need to stay focused and active. We should start doing Mondays.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    Looking forward to mischief night fun with WARE >.>

    Don't forget to dress up. Our trick will be quite a treat. (sinister laugh)
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Not sure how much this is worth. I want to buy one. How much should I be looking to pay?

    I usually charge 3, I'll sell it to you xan for 2. Let me know.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    /this and if you happen to be lucky enough to get a drop your then invalidated from any more pvp IO drops for 10 minutes, so if you get a cruddy drop might as well bow out for a few matches since you wont even have a chance to get another drop for 10 minutes (it would depend on how long the match is for how many you have to sit out)
    Originally Posted by hemmingway3 View Post
    The chance for a drop is not dependent on how recently you got a drop.... While the probability of getting 2 or more drops within a small amount of kills, each chance is calculated separately.
    I can confirm this, I have received 2 pvp ios in a 5 minute span. A kill for rep Io a kill without rep then a kill for rep Io
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hemmingway3 View Post
    Fewer kills and a kill must be rep valid to yield a drop, which restricts it by 5 minutes. For example, if team WARE scores 85 kills in an 8v8, only 16 of those kills may possibly be rep valid within a 10 minute match. This means only ~19% of an extremely high scoring offense's kills had a chance to drop a PvP IO (this low percentage is then multiplied by the actual drop rate to yield the effective rate). Considering it is common practice to cycle the same select enemies more often than evenly killing all 8 enemies on a team, this percentage is very likely to be even lower. However, if a team of 8 PvErs were to defeat 85 enemies (a trivial task), 100% of those kills would have a chance to drop a purple. Now, it does not appear that the PvP IO drop rate is similar to the purple drop rate. It appears that it has been adjusted to reflect the noted restrictions on IO drops; however, it has not been adjusted enough to make the rate comparable to the purple drop rate. The PvP IO drop rate was adjusted downward to decrease the yield of a PvP farm, but this had the consequence of ruining the drop rate for normal (read: actual) PvP. Since the actual rates have not been released, I can't really say much more than that.

    This is totally on topic.
    I think that every kill on a Dev/Mod/Community Events Leader should count as a valid rep kill. That would then increase our chances if we hypothetically got 85 kills in a 10 minute match from 16 to 30 (assuming hypothetically we killed Zwillinger 16 times and removed his 2 from the original 16). That would then increase our % of possible pvp ios from the ~19% of kills up to ~35% of kills making it substantially more profitable to hypothetically fight Chicken Nuggets.