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  1. yo grav, long time no talk capo don here, as im getting my password back iv lost lol n forgot questions i think about joinin UG if i havnt been kicked from E.V.I.L all this time iv been inactive :P so ill give u a shout when i get on
  2. DaVillianz

    Dual Swords Team

    count me in , the new pwoerset sounds gd - DS/WP same cossies sounds cool
  3. ill come for sure

    Frozen Brigader 50 ice/nrg tanker

    Global = @Capo Don
  4. omg! my cable came out and every time i tryed to plug it back in woudnt connect back up dam!!
  5. hey max thanks - we now have a full team

    Frozen Brigader ice/nrg tank
    Cidri claws/sr scrapper
    Regenatron emph/nrg def
    Debt collector illu/kin troller
    Bedlum fire/kin trolelr
    Render dark/dark def
    GoOdWeed gun/fire blaster
    Max Fire invul/fire
  6. i need anti-matter n hydra badge for this accolade - maria jenkins does not give anti-matter u need tina macintyre
  7. hi its 45-50 team so far

    Frozen Brigader ice/nrg tank
    Cidri claws/sr scrapper
    Regenatron emph/nrg def
    Debt collector illu/kin troller
    Bedlum fire/kin trolelr
    Render dark/dark def
    GoOdWeed gun/fire blaster

    1 tanker or scrapper needed for wednes 22/08 19:00 GMT
  8. ok i found a troller [debtcollector] who is work sick and has offered to comee but he might be tired during 3 - 5 hours
  9. i was thinking of changing time to wednesday as not much of a reply to the peopel on CoH so make a later time if u wish to join place name and AT/powers
  10. hey thxs so far i got

    1. Frozen Brigader ice/nrg/artic
    2. Cidri claws/sr/weaponary
    3. Regenatron empahth/energy/psi

    need 1 or 2 trollers if poss
  11. as i said if monday night does not work out for you i can always change to a later date. id rather have a team thats all prepared on later date than one that looses people
  12. Hey all postiung to say that i will be starting STF on monday 20 august at 7:00pm GMT - if the date is a problem we could change to a later that which will help veryone out so they can get here

    7 slots free as i just started but if you are interested just reply with your name and global and i will contact u

    1.Frozen Brigader - @Capo Don

    ty and bye
  13. i could start a new hero up and id like to join super team heard so much about them
  14. Global Name : @Capo Don or @Capo Don.

    Server: Union
    City Of Heroes/City Of Villains: Both
    PvP Toons:
    CapoDon - Brute
    Frozen Brigader - Tanker
    .Thug - MM
    CapoAtom - Corr
    Type Of PvP: WB , RV , mosly every pvp zone , areana and teams
    Can Be Contacted: Over msn if u like
    Times On: Most days
    Timezone: British Standard Time
  15. ill be there for killin yellows

    Stone/Stone Brute
  16. DaVillianz

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    hey all evil lovers would hese guys - Jackal Ripper , TWILTON , Zidney, Doring Draad, Lightning Empress. send pm to me ingame sometime 2nite or thursday around 4:30pm/ if any of u cant come to the proposition im giving u which wil run friday - tuesday just say XD. msg me

    capo don
  17. hey all to kick start the new month of april i am putting together a RSF taht will start 2nite at around 19:30 GMT time post ur name / AT if u wish to join