.. if a person keeps saying "sk plz" even after repeatedly being told no one is capable of doing it, throughout the entire mission. Said person then charges multiple times into the middle of a pack, each time almost, and sometimes, dying (the person in question was a blaster).
[Tell] Cont : r u healr?
[Tell] Me : I can heal to a certain extent, but if you pay attention to what I say, we wont even need much healing.
[Tell] Cont : wwwwwwwwssssssssssssdd
[Tell] Cont : lol, ok
[Team] Me : Hey, wait up. You guys know about anchors?
[Team] Me : Ok, its the enemy I hook my power on to. Since it takes a while for the power to recycle, its best save that enemy till last. With that power up, they'll barely hit us, and if they do, for less. You got me?
[Team] Cont : k, I know, just didnt know the name for it

[Team] Scrap : ok
[Team] Blast : sure
The first fight begins.
[Team] Me : Stop hitting the Anchor!
Minion is killed. We barely survive.
[Team] Scrap/Blast : sorry, didnt know which it was
[Team] Cont : lolz
[Team] Me : Its the one with the large cloud at its feet.
[Team] All : Ok
We head up to the next group and the exact same thing occurs, plus some deaths.
Me has quit the team.
You can't really defend those who don't want to be defended.
Ok, that was my pickup team gripe. (Yes I know I am a long winded arrogant person

[/ QUOTE ]
Ok, since I soloed almost 100% to 20, I would probably end up being many of these idiots. In an attempt to avoid that beginning now: What is an anchor? I think I may know, but I don't wanna sound like a fool.