1776 -
Quote:LOL! Why are you so eager to blame the union for this? Are you in love with the execs? Do you envy their lifestyle and don't care who you have to step on in order to get it? Did you vote for Romney and now you're sore because he's lost? Seriously, I don't know.Yes but $1.5 million divided by 18,000 is only around 0.25% of the average baker's salary. If you get the average rank and file salary by 5% you reduce labor costs by $30 million. Cuts had to be made across the board for it to amount to something. Sure, senior management needed to join in but the company was in debt and couldn't pay off the loans they got after the previous bankruptcy. Yes the loans came from private equity groups, since banks weren't going to provide them, and they aren't in the business to not make money on their investment, so they are rather insistent about being paid back.
Quote:As it stands it looks as if it the brand will be bought by a Mexican bakery giant and Twinkie the Kid will grow a big mustache like the Frito Bandito (sorry not racist, just old, it was something I remember fondly from my elementary school days). -
Still blaming the victim, I see. This particular ship would not have been in trouble in the first place if the ones in charge actually treated their workers fairly to begin with.
The union's side of the story:
If that link's giving you an error, try here:
http://ronniedobbs.tumblr.com/post/3...ul-information -
More food for thought, for all you union haters (I must assume you all sit on mountains of money while shining your monocles or something...):
Then again, as Hostess filed for bankruptcy while blaming the unions for it, they tripled CEO and executive pay as they were filing for it.
Maybe Hostess wouldn't have had gotten in this position in the first place if they had treated their workers better to begin with. When the time came, those bakers totally didn't trust their employers to treat them fairly and with good reason. -
Though I haven't touched a Twinkie or a Ding-Dong in quite a long time, I will still miss them!
But just like Hostess purchased the Zinger brand when Dolly Madison went kaput, so too I think Bimbo Bakeries will pick up these brands. Bimbo's gotten pretty danged big these days and they already own several other American brands. -
Art is subjective. It's a form of communication. One medium is not always better or worse than another. Indeed, quite often the medium is crucial to the message trying to be conveyed.
Was Andy Warhol an artist? Did he produce art? Did he suddenly stop being an artist when he filmed a performance piece of himself eating a hamburger, simply because he used film to make it? -
What's insulting is to so summarily dismiss so many artists out there simply because you don't like the medium they use to express themselves.
Quote:That animation would have been done by Richard Williams, the animation direction who also worked on Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Also responsible for a plethora of commercials both in the United States and Europe. Check them out!Holy cow - amazing animation there. That must have taken forever.
Nice try, but The Greedy never ended anything! Indeed, if he'd been able to end anything, he'd have stopped being "The Greedy".
Seriously, the way he's been sitting up in his ivory tower, passing down holy edicts that the game is doomed and others are fools to even think of trying to save it is really starting to push me into the Save CoH crowd. Hell, it's even making me think I might have been wrong about GG. Yeah, I think he's that bad. Eek.
Quote:Well if they succeed, you're welcome to not come back and continue playing. Thanks!There is no hope - I love this game, and it is done forever. Instead of letting people move on after the mourning period, there are a few that fight to drag on the pain and invent new ways to say something that can be perceived as a way to keep playing CoH. I wish people didn't have to be that acidic.
Quote:He's a board moderator somewhere else or something, don't you remember? So he's allowed to be a smarty mouth... for $REASON.Your little 'animal cuddles' tirade from a few pages back tells us that you take pleasure in the misery of others. That is one of the defining characteristics of a troll. And what better way to guarantee even more misery to feed off of than by snuffing out every candle of hope you can find?
Someone give me $80 million and a time machine. I need to go back to 2002...
Quote:I was never clear on how that arrangement came to be, as I knew the modern Cryptic Engine used in CO and STO is not what is used in CoH. Well... bummer!I don't think they can. They didn't own the game engine, and I'm sure some of the server-side stuff is from the Cryptic side as well.
Quote:Well, once NCSoft was done with CoH, they could have officially declared the server and client code as "open source" and allowed anyone to play with it or use it however they wanted. I seem to recall that happening in the past, though not with an MMO that I can recall.Well, that means that anyone can develop for the console without having to get licensed for it, so it is a slightly different case.
Also, the people are not allowed to use the Atari Logo, or say that they are authorised or approved by Hasbro.
So there are limitations on it.
And as far as I am aware, no-one is allowed to develop a *clone* of the Jaguar either.
So whilst I can see where you are coming from, it is a different case for it. -
From Wikipedia:
After the Atari Corporation properties were bought out by Hasbro Interactive in the late 1990s, Hasbro released the rights to the Jaguar, declaring the console an open platform and opening the doors for homebrew development.
The Jaguar was legally theirs and they would have been within their rights to just sit on it and let it rot while preventing its fans from (legally) enjoying it ever again. But they officially let it go, thus spreading more joy and happiness into the world (not that they're not already a source of fun and joy with all the games and toys they make). Why can't that sort of thing happen more often? -
And, oh yes: Anything that influences more than one person in a larger group of persons is most certainly "influencing society". If it's a source of inspiration in something that you make and then share, then it's most definitely an influence. To say otherwise is to either reveal your disingenuousness or ignorance.
Quote:We're all so spoiled by Wikipedia. How did we manage without it back then?Going Under, but they went bankrupt before they got that finished.
Quote:This sort of thing was said about movies back when it was a new thing. The people who said that about movies back then were just as right about it as people who say that about video games now.Videogames will be forgotten because they don't add to society(imo they actually remove a large portion of the people who could have affected change, but thats another discussion..).
If everyone took such critics seriously, civilization would have ended with the renaissance. -
Quote:I could go further than that. Does anyone remember the glut of games available for the Atari 2600 back in its heyday? Most of them were really terrible, like "Tax Evaders". The whole library from Games by Apollo was pretty shoddy. Does anyone remember U.S. Game's "Name this game" contest? Does anyone remember what that game was or what name eventually won? Does anyone remember that 20th Century Fox made games for the Atari 2600 and that one of them was M*A*S*H, based on the TV series?Even now, Nintendo, hundreds of games maybe even closer to thousand, but by the average gamer, only about maybe a dozen or so are remembered and even less for the casual player. And some people that wasnt around during that time, they may remember Super Mario Bros. and that was only about 2 decades and a half ago about?
Yeah, a lot of that cruft was rather forgettable. But... I still remember it, darnit!