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I was skiing yesterday, or maybe earlier this morning, but either way it doesn't change the issue...
I hit the 35:00 second mark twice while skiing, and didn't get the badge for the silver medal. Is it supposed to be 35:00 seconds or less than 35:00 seconds?
Anyway, I put in a bug report, but it doesn't help that I don't think I will be able to beat that mark, or at least not beat it by much. I know I am not entitled to the badges or anything, but all the same, if I take all that time to try and get a hang of the course, and actually manage to execute a good run, it would be nice if I got them when I was supposed to. -
Name: Team Pinnacle
Website: None, other than these boards, of course.
Leader/ recruiting officers: Sunforce, LazerBlast, RyzingForce, Monolyth, Mythik, MeteorStryke, Reckage
Contact: Send a message to @Cosmick
Description: I just wanted a base. Right now, I am the only member, but nice people are welcome, no matter your skill or experience. I am open to suggestions from any goup members, and all that I ask is that if you are under level 35 you play in SG mode at all times, and if you are over 35, I ask that you do so when possible. Group colors and insignia are not required, and all origins and ATs are welcome. -
I understand why it's in development... How would you possibly impliment a difference? I mean from a blaster you can become a corruptor but you are also a slight hybrid with a dominator... Scrappers Tankers and brutes are worse... each can go any direction, and would you (if you did transfer) be "starting" at your current level (what ever it was you did the "transfer" at) or would you start back at one with the name and that's it?
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Unless I am misunderstanding you, I think you're misunderstanding what happens.
You wouldn't be a blaster who becomes a corruptor, you would be a blaster hero who becomes a blaster villain. Everything stays the same, you just switch sides. Same with converting villains to heroes (which is why I dislike the AT name "Corruptor"... Everything else sort of works both ways, but corruptor just isn't heroic. I suppose Peacebringers have a similar situation, only reversed... Not very villain-y.