Reese Dingo doesn't have any friends. Reese Dingo is fat, really really fat, like one thousand pounds fat. Reese Dingo wants to lose weight, Reese Dingo can't get out of his house. Once day, subway decided to build their subway next to Reese Dingo's house. Reese was like, "Hey, I'm gonna lose weight on their veggie subs." So Reese had 3 veggie subs sent to his house every day, it seemed like an incredibly small amount, but he couldn't snack if he wanted too because he couldn't move. After about a year and a half, Reese had lost 879 pounds, so he weighed 121, wow he is skinny. Subway dumped that 300 pound loser Jared for Reese 879 pound man. Jared is mad, Jared likes to be Subway's mascot. Jared isn't Subway's mascot, Reese is Subway's mascot. Jared calls Reese Ringo, Ringo thinks he is being friendly. Jared sais Ringo in a snotty tone. Ringo thinks he is still friendly. Jared is really mad, Ringo isn't really mad. Jared is really mad that Ringo isn't really mad. Jared puts super toxin radiation chemical in Ringo's veggie burger. Ringo doesn't know. Ringo eats the veggie burger and goes to the hospitol, Jared is happy. Jared is really happy. Ringo survives and now has super duper powers, Jared is really really really really really really really really mad. Jared is really jelous and eats super toxin radiation chemical, Jared doesn't have super powers, Ringo does. Jared tells Ringo that the evil super villains are trying to make Ringo fat again. Ringo is mad, Jared thinks Ringo will die trying to kill super villains. Super villains can't beat Ringo! Jared is mad!
Thank you! I hope you enjoy, I had to put a lot of thought into this! I incorperated as few ajectives