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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
    I made a thread about this when I noticed the change on Beta, you're not the only one disappointed:
    When I combine this issue (WAI or not) with others, like the resetting GUI bug, I'm starting to think there are dev-only badges, and they are going all out for...

    Disdainful: You have ignored the reports of 100 extremely annoying issues in beta. That'll teach the players to know their place!
  2. I think I have to agree that, while this bug is extremely annoying and (imo as someone who has spent an entire career in software companies) it was unprofessional for s/w devs to publish a release with a known bug of this frequency and annoyance, for me it's not "game-breaking" -- though I can understand and sympathise with those who just can't stand the annoyance and prefer to stay away till it's fixed.

    Do I want to reach through the screen and throttle someone every time I zone? Yes. But I'm still playing, so I guess my game isn't actually broken.

    What is getting very close to broken after more than 6 years is my trust in the direction of this game. Every release seems rushed lately, and so many bugs are reported in beta and yet still not fixed by release. I really used to trust the devs and their vision for the game. Even when they put in stuff that didn't interest me that much, I still thought the overall focus was on quality. But lately I get the impression it's more important to pump out new stuff for people to buy than it is to make sure the existing stuff works. Unfortunately, I've worked for companies where the strategy is to get the money in the door and hope the customers won't notice the bugs, or won't complain loudly enough to require fixes. I never felt good working in that environment. I don't feel very good playing in that environment either.

    I hope I'm wrong, but for the first time I'm starting to think a yearly subscription may be too much of a commitment to a product that could be heading towards a place that makes me sad instead of happy. :-(
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Eian View Post
    since most people weren't expecting anything today no one would of been let down if it was pushed back a week.

    Even at companies I have worked at with the blackest-hearted Marketing directors, had I gone ahead and published a release with a bug this size when it had already been reported, I would have been seriously disciplined at the least.
  4. To echo what others have said, I'm sorry you have to bear the brunt of the justified outrage on this, Zwill, given that this is none of your doing. But, while your answers all explain why this is not something that's quick to fix, none explains why NCSoft couldn't have simply refrained from publishing a fix that was known to break something this serious. How does NOT releasing code till it actually works take any time at all? It was already decided not to release the new iTrial; why not just hold the entire release till it wouldn't break our UIs every time we zoned?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Biidi View Post
    Only way to have it not happen was to stay completely stationary.
    Finally -- a chance to use Shadowy Presence!
  6. Same here since last patch. No add-ons and not using bats aura.

    It is intermittent; can't reproduce it reliably, though it seems to be worst in PI and I can usually get that zone to flicker. As someone mentioned above, I see it only in outdoor zones and outdoor instanced missions.

    The only fix I have been able to come up with is to shut the game down and restart it. So far that is a consistent fix for me, but it's annoying to have to do that every time I enter PI.

    I'm curious as to whether the people who said that updating their drivers fixed it have truly not seen the problem since. Wondering whether the restart of the game fixed it for a while and were they just getting lucky missing the problem in its intermittency when they posted?
  7. The Halloween event page says the new event is for "up to four characters".

    Does this mean we can solo it if we want?
  8. Yeah, it's as if someone misread the definition of "to stalk" as "walk a couple yards, stop till your friend catches up, repeat."

    They can see through hide, but only at very, very short distances. On Twinshot's arc, some NPCs seem to be able to see a hidden character at a greater distance than others -- I guess dependent upon their perception rating(?).
  9. The 2nd mission from Terrence Dobbs in the "Biff" arc ("Clear out Arachnoid tunnels") seems to be broken. It's a kill-all, and I've played it through from scratch twice, clearing the map each time, but it won't end.

    According to ParagonWiki, 3 waves of ambushes are supposed to come when you're fighting the boss, but every time I play it I get only 2 waves, so maybe that's where the problem lies.

    Not sure if this started with i21, but I've never had troubles with it before.