53 -
[QUOTE=Cimmadif;2062471]Hey Sunday people,
I was talking with Slacker this week and we were thinking about starting a little early this week and see if we can get a good Pick-up-group going. Should be lots of people on.
Maybe around 7pm ET ?
I just figured out that we were supposed to start at 7 on Sunday. :-P I wondered how you guys were already a level ahead of where you were last week! Oh well.
Since I was able to attend 2 weeks in a row, I'm not holding my breath about this weekend. But stranger things have happened.
At the rate you guys are gaining on me, I may have to switch toons again. I have a level 46 scrapper that I can use. The fire/rad controller almost makes things too easy anyway. -
Greetings from North Texas! My wedding is coming up so I'm not sure if I'm up for a meet and greet any time in the next few months, but look me up in the game. @Charged Atmosphere
Hey, sorry I missed. I had a birthday party to go to. I thought that I would be back in time for at least part of tonight's run, but no such luck.
OK, I had a brain fart. I can't make this. Sorry for the confustion.
I'd love to get in on Posi at least. I'm a task force-oholic, but I'm not sure if I can commit any further out yet. My level 33-ish earth/TA controller needs it the worst. Unfortunately he doesn't contribute much damage, so I'd hate to have the team carry me unless they had damage well covered. I also have lots of lower level characters that need it, so using a blaster or a defender is not a problem either. I can switch out depending on who shows up.
@Charged Atmosphere -
My favorites so far were
fire / rad controller
fire / cold blaster
sonic / fire blaster
fire / will power brute
Hmm. I'm detecting a pattern. -
Hey just wanted to drop a note and say that there is a good chance that I'm going to be late or absent on Sunday. Once again they go and put a holiday on game night.
Hey, I just wanted to wish Kas a safe trip. And wb (to the States).
OK, I admit that Ive never been able to attend Tanker Tuesday, so I really dont know how all tanker teams perform.
I did try to do a Numina a few weeks back, with a 6 man half tanker team (I was driving one of the tanks). It took over 4 hours, just because it took forever to kill stuff. This was consistent with my other experiences, so I thought it was typical. Tanks are great, but usually the damage is on the low side.
Our current team isnt a high damage team (mainly because we lost our blaster early and a scrapper recently) and, as the replacement blaster, Suicide Kitty is still several levels below the team average. We cant possibly foresee issues like dropout rate, but I would love to plan the powerset combinations to create some intentional synergy.
For example, for damage, a few fire powers would be effective (on blaster, controller, scrapper, or even tank). For debuffs, rad and sonic strip the baddies defenses. For buffs, kins and emp can really multiply our damage. What are the quickest travel powers? Do we want a ill for stealthing mishes? Etc, etc.
Personally, I would cast my vote to form either a team where we require at least one of each archtype, or an all blaster team (I think that both would be pretty uber). -
This is just something for everyone to think about.
(I posted this for my wednesday night static team as well.)
I know we have been plagued by RL issues and we have lost players this summer, but I'm hoping that by late summer or early fall we can have everyone to 50.
Once we hit 50, would you be interested in starting over at 5th level again? Now here is the idea i had. What if we set up the new team with a theme, instead of just random toons.
A few examples:
All the toons are winged Valkyries
All the toons have elemental based powers (fire, earth, ice etc...) no weapons, Martial arts etc...
All the toons are the same AT, but have different power sets
Just an idea that i had, what does everyone think?
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This is a great idea Cim! I would love to do something like this.
I'm sure this has been done before (I've only been playing about 18 months), but I would love to create a team designed from the beginning to for a purpose (different team purposes could be damage, speed, taking down AV's etc.). I've got my own ideas about what powersets would be most valuable to the team, but I haven't played all the powersets in the game yet, and coming to some kind of consensus would be part of the fun to me. Id even volunteer to play one of the duller powersets to be a part of a team like that (forcefield / rad defender was one member of an elite team I created as part of a mental exercise, but I wasnt sure how much fun the character would actually be to play). If we go for more of a theme on the powers, I think we could make a pretty great team from elementals (earth/air/fire/water), or even just fire (although I dont think there is any defender with a fire power available, you could put something together for the other 4 archtypes).
If we had the same archtypes, I would say to avoid tanks and controllers. While those are great archtypes, the team would move painfully slow pre level 32. An all blaster, scrapper, or defender team would rock, though.
Having design elements in common would be icing on the cake so long as there was room for some individual creativity along with the guidelines. For example, if the design theme was winged Valkyries, it would be fun to have a team that included a natural winged Valkyry on the same team as one with a steam punk design or techno design. My rationale for this would be that these goddesses were recently recalled from being stationed on various fronts scattered throughout time to deal with some threat. Anybody giving the team a second glance could see the consistent design element, but it wouldnt necessarily be obvious on first glance.
Ironically, just when everyone else is drifting out, my schedule has changed and I *may* be able to be more consistent. Perhaps I should wait a few weeks before making any definitive claims. -
Working my way down the list now starting with Sister Psych. May 30 @ 2pm CST (3pm est)
I will be running the last 3 with my shield tank, from the shopping list SG. Working on getting Transporters and other goodies for the hard workers.
1) Rad Blackfist - 12 roll 2 ply - Shield/Mace
2) @dk242 gamgbuster
3) @Jak O'Lantern - Mr. Scarecrow - Archery/Fire Blaster
4)@War Admiral - Fire Retarded - Fire/EM blaster
5)@Phenderblade - ??
6)@Charged Atmosphere - Rivoting Paradox - Storm/Psy Fender
sign up now.. to hold your spot
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Looks like you can use a few debuffs -
I've got another tf scheduled at 2 on Saturday, but if we can complete it before that or do it after, I'd be interested.
@Charged Atmosphere -
Hi, I'm relatively new to Freedom, and I've got a few villains red-side. I've been struggling to form strike force teams with all the MA chatter. Is there a channel specifically for task forces/ strike forces?
Thanks! -
I'm already on the list, but I wanted to officially confirm that I shouldn't have any conflicts with that date and time.
I ran a two and a half hour Posi the other day with my peacebringer. It really surprised me because we didn't have a stealther on the team and I didn't realize we were going so fast (and I was taking frequent dirtnaps). That was pretty painless as Posi goes. It seems to go faster the fewer people you have on the team (that was a 3 person team).
I've got a few times that I could definitely commit to. The next free evening I have is tomorrow, Tuesday May 12th, although I know that is late notice (I'm USA Central Time Zone if that matters). If you schedule something during the day over the weekend, Saturday or Sunday, I can definitely make that too, but I'm booked up both evenings. Tuesday or Wednesday evening of next week also works for me.
Obscure has already run her Posi, but I still have other characters that need it, so if I'm available I'll be there for that. Post the scheduled times of each task force, and I may be able to flex my schedule around it even if it isn't during the times I listed above. -
Who is your mother?!! Is it the Cat guy? (S)he's been pretty consistent the last few times I've been there. From the way the two of you were insulting each other, you obviously knew each other outside the game, but I wouldn't have guessed Mother-Son (or Daughter). :-P It is oh-so-difficult to actually learn about people through the game.
It seems like someone else has been fairly consistent, too, but I'm drawing a blank on the character. -
Hey, just thought I'd drop a line to say that things aren't looking promising for Sunday. (Who decided that all the holidays were going to be on my free Sunday this year?) With my erratic schedule you probably shouldn't plan things around me, but if you do hold off, I should be there on the 24th.
I've managed to run the Citadel that I missed and a Posi with Obscured, so Numina is the only one that I lack for Task Force Commander. Usually it isn't any problem to get high level task forces together. So. . . I would miss you if you ran it without me, but I would be able to find a substitute team. -
This happened to me today.
I walked out the front door and heard a siren in the distance. My first thought was that it was the tarot sound effect playing while I zoned. -
Sounds good. I'm going to have to miss the next two Sundays. I'm hosting a Super Bowl party on Sunday (who's playing again?) and the every-other-week thing is getting untangled after the holidays, so I'm going to miss the next Sunday too. You may want to recruit TechGOD or someone else to play on the weeks when I can't be there (sigh). Actually, since we're down to 8 players again, the odds of someone missing every week is reasonably high, especially when one person (me) can only be there half the time max. It may be reasonable to designate someone as a first alternate since they'll probably be able to play 75+% of the time.
I got on late Saturday night and PKTheater was leading the Heros Hero arc. I got in from the very beginning and we ran my Defender from level 47 up to 50. Riviting Paradox is my second 50 and will probably be my first with the Portal Jockey accolade.
Thanks PK for sharing the arc with us!
My first two were created about a year ago and got quite a bit of play time before alt-itis set in. Charged Atmosphere hit 50 last July and it took another 6 months to get Rivits to 50. Im up to 13 characters now, so it may be a long time before I get another 50! -
Hey team. Another family obligation popped up and I won't be able to be there tonight. It looks like I will next see you on the 25th. Sorry for the late notice.
I should be back on schedule next week, too. I played Obscure a bit over the past week and she is up to level 27, I think.