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  1. Dotar Soljat's plan


    Great idea.
  2. I'm sorry, Noble, you seem to be responding to the wrong post. Here's the one you meant to respond to:


    Now, if you want to actually pay attention to what I was SAYING, I was simply agreeing that I don't think US is an absolute must have. There was no call for you to try and taunt me regarding that. I freely admit to not having a lot of experience in the top-end game, and maybe I will regret making that decision later- but maybe not. There's no way to say for sure, until I get there. In the meantime, I'll just have my fun playing my tank my way and reminding people that there is no 'one way'. I'm not saying my way is better for anyone other than myself- but it works better for me, and it might work better for people who play like I do. It might not. But you'll never find out if you don't try.

    And, thanks Kruunch, but Frozen Touch is Minor(DoT) and I think it was Frozen Aura that they were bumping up? Not sure.

    Statesman- glad to hear that work's being done.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Despite the obvious dislike many of you have for rooting powers, it seems that everyone would rather have powers changed so they mesh better with the rooted concept rather than pushing for a change in powers like Unyielding Stance which cause you to be stuck in one spot in the first place.

    I don’t have Unyielding Stance (every time I see a Tanker mention this, it’s followed by fifty-zillion “I don’t know how you possibly survive then” comments, yet somehow we do). What does this mean?

    -It means I carry around a few discipline inspirations for emergencies and stock up on them when I’m going on a mission against the Rikti or the Devouring Earth.

    -It means I target certain villains first and put them down as quickly as possible, because I know not having Unyielding Stance leaves me vulnerable to certain types of attacks.

    -It means I may have to rely on some of the abilities my teammates have to help protect me.

    -It means I don’t have to worry about sticking in one spot, and when villains are moving around for one reason or another, I’m right there with them. Thus, I’m not spending time cursing 90% of my powers.

    Now, if you go by what the average level 40-50 player says, I’m doomed in that level range because you can’t turn around without running into someone that forces you to use Unyielding Stance to survive. If that’s true, I would call it a design flaw in the game. If the content beyond a certain level requires you to have a certain build to be able to continue playing and advancing, then it’s a flawed design, and that’s what you should be targeting your pleas for change against.

    Honestly, I’ll have to see how it goes. Not having Unyielding Stance in the 40-50 game may require me to change my tactics, or rely on the abilities of my group members more. If the only way I can do it is by picking up Unyielding Stance, then this is a broken game in my opinion.

    Anyway, when I read a post detailing why the powers in SS/Inv don't mix due to the dilemma of rooting, my answer to that has always been “stop rooting yourself then”. You don’t need Unyielding Stance to win each and every fight. Even if I had the power, I’d only end up relying on it a handful of times each mission, and I know this because I get by without it. Like all powers beyond a certain level, U.S. is meant to be situational, not staple. It blows my mind when a Tanker goes the U.S./Teleport route simply to become the positionable punching bag. Sure, they’re going to be way tougher than I am, but, geeze.. I guarantee you my fights are more entertaining to watch.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Same boat here. No US, no TI, and I only just got Invince a little while ago. Though, my alternative to disciplines is to have Dull Pain waiting with a Healing SO. Even with just one healing SO in that, it effectively refills my HP by 1/3 while increasing the max- so the moment a Stun or whatever wears off, I hit the DP and start using my Ice Sword to slow down and incidentally KO whatever stunned me. I prefer to rely on my passives, so Stun doesn't worry me too much- I'm generally not fighting anything I can't handle with just the passives anyways.
  4. Likewise here- people keep saying I have to be solely aggro-grab and it really, really cheeses me off.

    Fortunately, the number of people saying that is fairly low, even if they do say it a lot.

    I would like to mention though, that Kruunch said that all tanker secondaries other than SS have two 'superior' damage attacks. I don't think Ice Melee has that. I actually have no complaints about the damage I do, but I don't recall seeing anything above 'Moderate' as a damage label on any of the Ice attacks. Did I miss something, or is that right?
  5. At which point a large stone mallet comes flying out of nowhere, knocking Shadowmantle's head clean off. As the massive weapon boomerangs back into the shadows, Destroya steps forth, looks around, spots the dead people and gets on the radio.

    Within moments the Zombie Clowns have arrived, despite the attempts of the Vengeful Killer Mimes from Saturn to stop the incessant noze-squeezing (the honking... the HONKING!!!). Incidentally, this resulted in the mimes being reduced to a fine paste that now orbits the Earth like a ring of... red paste.

    The Zombie Clowns proceed to ressurect all the dead people, and then eat their heads off, killing them again.

    Destroya looks around, shrugs, and unzips her skin, and Freakazette steps out.

  6. Chaos_Orderly

    RP White Pages

    Nya-HA! Triumph RPer here. And always willing to create additional characters to get in on a good RP group.

    Who are I?

    I are:
    Uldi Skadisdotr
  7. **WHAMMO**

    The entire apartment building shuddered for a moment, and a hall on the first floor gained a brand-new impression almost, but not quite, in the shape of a person.

    "Ow." She stated, pulling herself out of the wall, bits of mortar and shards of brick sifting down out of the hole. "That's a nice check there. Here, lemme cash it." With a grating sound, the dust, pieces of brick, and a few rocks nearby gravitated towards her hand, still encased in its heavy metallic glove, and formed what had to be the mother of all sledgehammers.

    The Troll blinked up at the very large woman, abruptly realizing that there might have been a reason the leader had told him to follow her, not to try and beat her up. Moments (and another resounding *WHAM*) later, he was driven up to his waist in the concrete by an overhead blow.

    "That'll learn ya." The huge, yellow-skinned woman stated. Not that the [Censored] could hear it, but....

    As she dissipated the hammer back into more or less a cloud of dust, she mused that the Trolls were really learning to hate her. I mean, really, following me all the way from Skyway City? She'd have to watch out for tails next time around. Extra ones, that is. She noted, her rather reptilian appendage swaying slightly behind her as she strode to the steps of the apartment.

    "Oyo, Mr. Green." She greeted the man, pulling out her registry card from one side of her black bustier to show to him.

    "Evening, Destroya. Having a bit of trouble?" It hadn't taken the guard long to get used to the large woman's direct manner. The black skull-mask had bothered him a little longer, but really, it seemed to fit her.

    "Aaaah, nothin' th' cops can't handle as they come 'round when ya call."

    Mr. Green nodded, stepping out of the way of the yellow behemoth, as she ducked to fit in the door. As usual, her stiff, spikey blue hair brushed the doorframe, almost taking a splinter or two with it.

    While tromping up the stairs, she noted that the second floor music junkie had finally turned it down for once, and chuckled as she removed one of her heavy, mechanical-looking gauntlets. "I swear, 'sabout time. Can't never get any sleep 'round here withhat goin' on."

    She paused at the second floor for a moment, noticing the gathering.

    "Oy, what is this, a hall party er somethin'?"