638 -
Ah well. Least we converted a nascent anti-marketer to our side.
Quote:Because theres a new box on store shelves which leads to a lot of new players?Then how come I keep running into players who don't know how to slot or what a decent build should look like?
Oddly enough you cant really expect someone to know what theyre doing right off the bat. I sure as hell didnt till I had played for months. -
This is why I'm throwing tons of salvage bids up to continue supplying em.
Quote:[ QUOTE ]
The question is NOT whether they should solo like gods, but whether they should solo BETTER than they currently can ?
My answer is absolutely YES.
If your answer is the opposite then you and will just have to disagree. No hard feelings for me.
But dont think I am gonna post my ideas AGAIN just to be made fun of and called a newb.
[/ QUOTE ]
The real question that most people that disagree with changes as a whole to the AT/game structure ask in response (and are never actually addressed simply because the question renders your point largely moot) is whether the changes that would make some of the defender primaries (strangely enough, those that excel at teaming) more effective at soloing would imbalance everything else within the complex workings of the game.
[/ QUOTE ]
I understand your point Umbral regarding whether a change could unbalance a powerset. This is a real concern. One that I am sure game Developers consider at great length before they make changes.
I am not sure why you think it makes my point moot though.
Unless you are assuming (Like many objectors DO) that ANY change WOULD make the set overpowered.
That notion to me is fatalistic at best. I personally am confident in both the DEVS abilities and my own judgement that it is not only possible, but would not unbalance anything.
As an example: If it were unbalanced for say, a FF defender to be able to buff himself for solo play with Deflection, Insulation AND Dispersion. WHY then is it somehow balanced that he can do JUST THAT to 7 other people in a team.
You might say, well he could then also add pools to make this somehow CRAZY unfair. But what about that INV tank that just got these buffs ON TOP of his AT defenses AND perhaps Pools that he took.
Its very hard to convince me that 7 other people can enjoy HUGE rewards that I provide, but cannot also provide to myself. And Further that changing that will somehow totally unbalance the set.
You obviously werent around when it was City of Defenders, then.
See. Our buffs are fine. but if our damage starts becoming even slightly comparable to scrappers or blasters..then Scrappers and Blasters are largely useless in comparison to a defender. -
If the melee AT thats playing aggro monkey cant keep aggro off the squishies, what use are they?
So far, I've gotten a new FF/archery to about 25-ish, made at least a 100 mil so far, and completed a 42 hour run on the Dr Q taskforce :3
Quote:You caught me. I singlehandedly told the devs to make crushing impacts stop dropping all 2xp weekend so i could ration them out 1 by one to an unsuspecting populace begging for the scraps I throw them.Crushing Impact: Acc/Dam recipes selling for 8-10 million as the buy it now price. 0 recipes available 300+ bidding for them.
Crushing Impact: Acc/Dam enhancments selling for 5 million as the buy it now price. 69 available.
Who's evil plan was that?
alternatively someone bought up the recipe supply trying to make a aquick buck and accidentally flooded the market. -
*hits Hot Blood and Sure hit, primes all mecha for atta..Oh wait..this isnt super robot wars is it..>_>*
Quote:You do realize when i16 comes out it'll be level 50 scrappers soloing 8 man mishes, right? >_>I agree with OP mostly. I have played now while for AE missions with my level 50 character.
Even with 20 boss enemy groups, it isn't much a challenge for good lvl 50 team. So, it's only way to find even some challenge. I do agree that it's booring because most the time it's just same mission over and over. How ever, I think reasons for that is more exp and reward related. I'm building my own personal single player base and I get nice amount of prestige by been in those farm teams. I only do AE missions with my level 50's, because it doesn't matter what missions my lvl 50 does, it's all about challenge and rewards.
So, what wrong?
MA's are destroying this game really fast because:
MA allows extreme fast leveling. People are powerleveling characters to 50 in few hours, so powerlevelers can do even multible 50's in same day. This lowers value of having lvl 50 character for everyone. Because it use to be mark that someone actually knows how to play they character. Today, with this fast powerleveling, we have lvl 50 characters who doesn't even know how to play they characters. Also it spoils the new players, if they think AE missions is the way to play this game.
I looked player base in union server (CoH side). This was result.
Amount of players:
Level _ Workday _ Weekend
01-10 __ 16% ____ 13%
11-20 ___ 9% ____ 9%
21-30 __ 10% ____ 16%
31-40 __ 13% ____ 19%
41-50 __ 52% ____ 43%
Usually there is less high level players in mmorpgs than lower ones, but not in this game. Because with AE missions, no-one stays lower level long.
If the developers even care little bit about CoH they could solve most the problem easy.
1. Try to remove exploit possibilities (Like ability do mission without risks)
2. Remove the auto SK feature by droping the MA system from Task force to normal missions.
3. Allow normal mission (not MA ones) have bigger spawns for challenge.
Example level 50 scrapper doing solo missions with spawn 2-5 enemies is insult. -
Quote:Because killing off the only reason hardcores play to satisfy the small minority of players who are convinced they are casual players and not people too lazy to be hardcore, despite wanting purpled out warshades, is a great strategy. Y'now, other than the fact it isnt.I've already stated my proposed "formula" for purples: you do it like the defense mechanic streakbreaker. The longer you go without successfully rolling a purple, the higher the chance that you will roll one becomes. Based on kills, of course. I don't see the problem with this, at the very least they could then maybe call their game "casual"
Quote:True..but how many patient buyers out there arent marketeers? After all, the average response to "post a reasonable, low bid and wait a week or so like we do" tends to get replied to with "WAAAH WAAAH NO! FIX IT DEVS"Just to be contrary:
Marketeers DO raise prices.
What? Didn't people who know what they are talking about, including Smurphy, make a very good case that they do not, and back it up well?
Yes, it's true that marketeers do not, overall, raise the equilibrium price. They may even make it more reasonable by reducing inflation through market fees.
However, marketeers make drops in prices less extreme by buying low priced supply. A patient buyer has to compete with marketeers for chances to take advantage. -
Omg I bet u manipulated teh markets to drive teh prices up u evil farmer. y u no want my warshade to has nice thingz?
Grats, btw.