808 -
They are now completely immune to Slow movement effects.
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If I remember correctly Hamdi is unaffected by the confuse power. Seems like we need to make a list of powers that won't work in the game. Any takers?
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Lol...Powers were never intended to work in this game. :P -
Im actually curious if anyone knows the reasoning behind removing lv 45 and 46 from getting a hami during the raid.
Seems like the risk is still there so should not the reward be as well?
And yes i know they cant use it, but they can still get it and use it when they reach 47.
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There are only level 50 Hami-O's. So, a level 46, for example, couldn't slot a Hami-O if they took it as a reward. Previously, people in those level ranges could select a Hami-O but the server wouldn't cough it up for them and well, they would be a very sad panda that they went through the raid and got nothing in the end. As the fix for that bug, we simply removed the option for getting a Hami-O. There are some other rewards in the table they can choose from.
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Yeah, the "mystery box". Time to play Consolation -
Does anyone find it weird that a newsie is yelling Extra Extra, Rikti have returned! While the city is being bombed and crumbling around him? Thanks, newsie! You're so helpful!
I post on these forums to ask questions and communicate with others. I did read, and was confused and that is why i asked the questions i did. I thought these forums gave peeps freedom of speech? God, you'd think that newb/noobs would have a better reception, but obviously I'm asking the wrong questions in the wrong place. I read all posts before I type, unless they are extreme in number (because I DO have a life and not time to read every little thing, especially when most of it is just peeps bashing others). This post is to CaptainMoodSwing and anyone else who wants to be an [censored] to someone who is curious and confused and just wanted some freaking answers.And it could be that my dyslexia has something to do with my confusion, anyway, my last two posts were only responses. I got the point the first time around.
And, as for your post, ShoNuff, I did finally understand that the events will be everywhere, my post above yours that says my complaint was valid was to the person that the post said it was replying to. It had nothing to do with you or anyone else, I already got the freaking point. Geesh. Can't a person be confused or have questions around here? I might sound stupid to you people, but I am only new and uninformed and seeking answers. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll try to figure things out on my own from here on out, thank you.
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My replies were aimed mostly at Robvious, who clearly did not read the announcement, and had no interest in reading my explanations to his questions, as they were asked and answered in plain english many times. He was being a troll, pure and simple. I apologize if I misunderstood you. -
The word "troll" is very overused. Why am I a troll? Because I don't agree with you? Where have you shown me anything that will benefit me from I10? The ambiguous description about the Rikti? Is that all?
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One last time:
Aliens. In every zone. Warships. New drops. New costume parts. Savvy?
Please tell me how that is ambiguous, I really really want to know. -
Yeah, internet tough guy, you put me in my place. I am figuring out that the way that people show their wittiness and intelligence on the internet is by throwing in subtle personal attacks in their posts, hence causing the other person to flame them, and therefore look stupid and appear to be a hot-headed troll. I am not going to play that game. My only point here is that unless you're level 35, it doesn't seem like this Issue is going to do much for you. Issues seem to be getting smaller and smaller, with less and less content with each issue. I'd rather pay for a quality upgrade than get garbage like this every couple of months that does nothing but cause lag, crashes, and elation for about 5% of gamers.
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ANOTHER arbitrary number! How do you do it. Everyone who isn't you = 5%. Nice.
You asked for one thing that anyone not lvl 35 can do. I answered you. MANY TIMES. Do you read a single word I type? Or do you just make up numbers and say we are bullies? THAT, Sir, is why you are a Troll. -
Are you going to sit here and try to tell us that the majority of toons aren't lvls 1-10? Go to Atlas and take a look around, and then stroll into Eden and look around there. Also, I'm sure there has to be a breakdown somewhere where we can settle this.
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*YES! Anyone with any amount of skill can get past level 10.
*There is no shortage of level 1 through 10 content.
*You are not even bothering to read anything anyway.
*I am convinced that you are just trolling at this point, so I give up. -
Actually, yes, they are in the minority. I guarantee that the breakdown would show my point. Level 1-10 would have the most, followed by 11-20, and so on. It's common sense. It's easy to see, like it or not. And yes, I read about the "costume pieces" aka the rare drops that will cost 50 million influence to buy the recipe for. Wow, that sure helps out the majority of players with low level toons. I am seriously starting to dislike this game. And yes, there is an option other than "Shut up or leave." I don't have to be a sheep and just love everything the devs say. I ask: Is there even 1 thing that a toon under lvl 35 can do? Because the way I see it, you can't even enter the new zones unless you're at lvl 35+.
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It's hard to argue with numbers that you pull straight out of...nowhere.
Issue 10 begins with a World Event that spans across numerous zones in both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, as the Rikti return in devastating waves. They are armed with new, brutal weapons and seek to establish a beachhead on Earth, presumably to save their lost brethren and to finish what they started the first time the destruction of Earth!
Did you get that part? Aliens. In every zone. Warships. New drops. New costume parts. Savvy? -
*big sigh* I figured, there are so many things I will not see or experience for so long because I have all lowies. Oh well, I just hope the game stays long enough for me to see it all, I keep hearing stuff ingame about the game dying and stuff - it frightens me because I finally found something I really like and want to stick with.
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Try reading. -
I want to know how issue 10 affects lower levels? I have characters ranging from level 2 to level 14, no higher. Am I going to see anything from i10? I'm sure I missed it somewhere....
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You mean besides the thousands of invading aliens with warships dropping bombs and troops all over the place? -
Thats it?
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...Dude. That is so wrong I don't even know where to begin.
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Yes. I'll be happy when most of the major bugs are fixed. Also when villains can catch up to heroes. (More SFs, EAT villain side) Looks like I'll look forward to I11.
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Have you ever heard that "The biggest lie in the world is: 'When I get what I want, I'll be happy.'"?
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Funny, are you calling me a liar?
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Not at all. Just wondering if you'd heard it.
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Nope. It is a good saying. Excuse my above post, internet kills any humor. I know I wont be happy nor will anyone else. We'll all find something else to [censored] about.
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No problem. It happens. Sorry if I was misinterpreted, I'm just a half full glass kind of guy. -
Looks awsome, it doesn't specify but does this mean the Crash site is a villian zone as well now?
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No - what happens is the hero who starts the TF picks how many of the empty spaces he wants to be villains, and they are forced into the TF team, and auto-ported to missions.
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Wow. And I get accused of starting a flame war. However, It DOES say. Second paragraph.
"This zone is open to both Heroes and Villains, in their combined, desperate struggle to hold the front lines against the second Rikti Invasion. " -
You two have a difference of opinion. I sense a pointless flame war going. If this is going to be a discussion of "Yes, you are." "No, I'm not.", please take it to PMs.
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I'd rather drop it completely. -
Thats it?
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...Dude. That is so wrong I don't even know where to begin.
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Yes. I'll be happy when most of the major bugs are fixed. Also when villains can catch up to heroes. (More SFs, EAT villain side) Looks like I'll look forward to I11.
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Have you ever heard that "The biggest lie in the world is: 'When I get what I want, I'll be happy.'"?
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Funny, are you calling me a liar?
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Not at all. Just wondering if you'd heard it. -
Thats it?
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...Dude. That is so wrong I don't even know where to begin.
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Yes. I'll be happy when most of the major bugs are fixed. Also when villains can catch up to heroes. (More SFs, EAT villain side) Looks like I'll look forward to I11.
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Have you ever heard that "The biggest lie in the world is: 'When I get what I want, I'll be happy.'"? -
You want the Villain ATs to turn out like the Kheldians? I sure don't.
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I absolutely do. Given Khelds are some of my favourites to play, and that they're *planned for release villainside next.*
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...but the regular villain ATs are already gimped hero ATs. -
Thats it?
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...Dude. That is so wrong I don't even know where to begin. -
i dunno if i'll be able to cooperate with the villains. we'll see. and why does it have to be rikti? how about the attack of the fuzzy easy to kill teddy bears?
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Any port in a storm, dude! -
I wanted to read everything before I replied, but I just can't do it!
I am excited beyond belief about this! I wondered if they could outdo issue 9, which was the best thing they've ever done for the game! Yes, they can! this rules! woo hoo!
My imagination is running wild with the possibilities here:
Will the level contacts now be fortified and battle hardened? Will they say things like, "I'd like to be on the front lines, but the best way to contribute is to get as many heroes leveled as I can!"
Will we still be able to do the more "mundane" task forces? Or will positron say "Forget the Damn! There's a WAR on, SON! Get out there and save some lives!"
Giant monster support! If the villains have truly teamed up, we will need some support from say, the Chronos Titan, Babbage, the Ghost of Scrapyard, and whole SQUADRONS of Arachnos fliers, to take out those enemy destroyers! (enough to kill even the toughest graphics card! :P )
Wouldn't it be so Cool if the Arachnos flier veteran reward let you call in your own flier for 5 minutes or whatever? Or it was a medium telepad?
Oh, imagine if the top of the atlas statue rotated the globe open to reveal batteries of anti-aircraft guns! That's right, all those giant statues are FUNCTIONAL! You can't tell me that the higher ups in charge didn't see another war coming...
I could go on and on, I'm so excited. -
Please tell me villains are going to get more Strike forces in the level ranges they are missing in issue 10? If not this is more towards giving heroes more content than filling in any gaps villains have. I just hope this is just the first part of the issue 10 goodies.
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I'm sorry, the "Dead-Horse Whine" Forum is thataway...
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This is not a whine, this is a legit complaint, for villains we will have gaps in alot of level ranges where IOs simply wont be available, how fair is that if they keep things as they are?
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CRIPES, man! Talk about a glass half empty kind of guy. In this case tho, I'd say its only 1/4 empty. The devs are giving us a chest full of gold here, and you are complaining about the handles not being polished.
I love my villains too. Sure, we are missing a lot of things, but come on! show a little excitement here. This is a very cool expansion. -
"Mandatory Halloween cheer". gotta love that.
I believe it stems from fantasy MMORPGs (or MUDs even) when a player's weapon would be reduced in effectiveness in an effort to balance the game.
It comes from the phrase "You turned my sword into a nerf bat".
Thus "nerfing" something became synonymous with making something weaker.
"Hit with the nerf bat" is a derivitive, but still sees its origin in the original 'sword' phrase, and can be applied to systems outside of the normal weapon and loot ones.
Personally, I hate the word, and try never to use it when talking about the game to players. It carries a very negative stigma that I like to avoid whenever possible.
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If it feels like a hit from a Nerf bow and arrow, then it probably is. -
5. Rednames in game - It's already happening. Seems like every weekend I get an email from some redname saying they are playing as a sig character in game somewhere. Keep an eye out!
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Ghost Widow was even in Pocket D last night!!!
So um i cant help but wonder....
Ghost Widow was in Pocket D i think last night.....and well I and some other players where wondering...
Did she need a Rez??
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I wonder what would happen if you walk up to Ghost Widow and start saying "Ha ha! I betrayed you! I betrayed you! nyeah nyeah nyeah!!!"
...probably not a good idea, but darn hilarious imagining it.
NOTE: You can only earn the The Lord Recluse Strike Force reward once every *24 hours* This is by design to help prevent farming.
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Per account or per character?
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But of course, you can still ATTEMPT it more than once before succeeding...right? -
Feeling out-of-the-loopy...what is a Lyso please?